Ye Yang took out the spirit stone and handed it to Yu Qingshan.

At this moment, he thought of his experience of going to the Yu family alone to borrow the spirit stone. How prosperous it was with tall buildings, big houses, and majestic buildings.

Now, only a few years have passed, but things have changed and people have gone. The buildings are empty, and I can't help but sigh.

He thought about the two percent interest rate Ye Li had told him before, but he was thinking about what Yu Qingshan would do if he wanted to pay two percent interest rate.

Should he swallow his anger and remain silent, or should he be stressed on the spot and react violently?

But in the end, he still didn't say these words. The person in front of him was one of the few people in the world who was related to him by blood.

He is not the kind of villain who adds insult to injury and waits for revenge.

Yu Qingshan took the spirit stones and said: "Thank you very much... cousin, I will double these spirit stones to you in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the person in front of him disappeared.

Only one sentence rang in the air for a long time.

"You must practice well from now on and don't let outsiders look down upon you."

At this moment, a huge feeling of regret came.

Yu Qingshan secretly thought that if he could get closer to his cousin when he borrowed the spirit stone, he would probably have a smooth journey in Feitian Sect's cultivation.

After experiencing the beatings in this world, he suddenly let out a long sigh: "My parents have doted on me and loved me for many years, and responded to my requests, but this caused me to have a bad habit of looking higher than my head."

"And this cousin's father died early. Along the way, he has been like a plum blossom blooming in the cold winter. He is indomitable. As he said, the only way to compete on the immortal road is to cross it by yourself. No one else can rely on it."

Ye Yang did not know about Yu Qingshan's many psychological activities, and had no interest in knowing.

After returning to the courtyard, he took advantage of the moonlight to start practicing the Thirteen Swordsmanship of Time.

The silver brilliance burst out, and the sword light was like lightning, chopping down from the sky like a thunderbolt, making people unable to take their eyes away.

The general outline of the Thirteen Swords of Time was obtained by Ye Yang in the Immortality Barrier. With one sword, it can carry the power of the thirteen swords and kill a person with green silk hair. It is really powerful and extraordinary.

Ye Yang knows that cultivation is a slow effort and requires ten years of persistence.

It is also a way of relaxation, and you must not get into trouble.

He had nothing to do during this time, so he relaxed and drank tea every day, read books, studied Taoism, and occasionally went to the sect's training hall to teach sword skills and sword techniques.

These insights into swords and every lecture made him gain a deeper understanding of practice.

At the same time, I also had time to teach Xiu Ya.

Xiu Ya's qualifications were not actually very good, so after entering the second floor of ventilation, Ye Yang asked her to practice the Grass and Tree Art.

This technique does not have much fighting power, but it can support vegetation, extract elixirs, and accelerate the growth time of spiritual objects.

The Sun Flying Turtle's magical power of moistening vegetation, combined with Xiu Ya's vegetation technique, complement each other even more.

Occasionally, he would invite famous teachers from his sect to give him guidance, thinking of cultivating a virtuous wife for himself.

Time flies by.

The years pass by like a white horse, and in a blink of an eye, another year is full of horses and carriages.

During this year, Ye Yang practiced in the sect and did not go out, so he felt comfortable and natural.

A few months ago, he transformed into a demonic giant, and as agreed, went to the Huang family in Shanhai City to look for spiritual materials such as time, but the results were mediocre.

We can only ask the Huang family to continue searching. No new news has been received yet.

During this year, I heard that Tao'anfang City had begun official operations, and Feitianmen's investment began to pay off.

Some time ago, Bai Zizhen sent a message that his shop had been built, and many families had the idea of ​​leasing it. However, Ye Yang could not find a suitable partner for the time being, so it was vacant for the time being.

According to his speculation, as the number of casual cultivators in the city increases, the rent of the shops will also become higher and higher.

During this period, I heard that the Five Poison Sect also wanted to join, and I approached the Feitian Sect several times for discussions.

However, the Feitian Sect did not agree immediately, but forced the Wudu Sect to give up a shady slope next to Taohuawu. Only then did they soften their tone.

On this day, Ye Yang was practicing in the house.

Unknowingly, the spring breeze came again one year, and the old persimmon trees were covered with yellow buds. When the wind blew, the branches swayed wildly, but it had a unique flavor, like a tower bell talking alone.

Ye Yang opened his eyes, and there was an awe-inspiring sword light in his eyes.

Now, the spiritual energy in the courtyard, supplied by the old trees and spiritual wells, has become strong to a certain extent.

Therefore, Ye Yang increased the collection of spirit stones from the tenants upstairs in the backyard and raised the rent to 20 yuan per month.

But still no one was willing to move out. On the contrary, many people asked him if he still had any vacant rooms to rent.

Nowadays, the rent of this backyard alone is more than 2,000 yuan per year, which is really a lot of wealth.

Ye Yang stood up and shook off the dust from a day of practice.

As soon as he stood up, Xiu Ya had already prepared clean clothes for him, put them on for him, and then said: "Master, I have recently mastered the art of growing hair with vegetation, you see."

After she finished speaking, she waved one palm, and a green brilliance bloomed from her tender white palm, and she directed it at a small grass in the corner.

The grass was enveloped in this green brilliance and suddenly grew a lot taller, looking like it was growing taller.


Ye Yang nodded and praised Xiu Ya.

Ye Yang pointed to the ancient sword and sword tea tree next to him and said, "If nothing happens in the future, you will practice in front of this tea tree."

Xiu Ya nodded excitedly.

She often drinks the tea made from the Sword Ancient Tea Tree.

This tea can not only enlighten wisdom, but also neutralize impurities in the body. The effect is not ordinary, and it is even somewhat magical for her practice.

"Sir, have you forgotten something?"

Xiu Ya walked behind Ye Yang, stretched out her hand, and hugged him gently.

The warm fragrant nephrite was in his arms, and a slight but pleasant breath spread to his nose. Ye Yang's nose couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Xiu Ya said: "I learned the art of growing hair from vegetation, and you haven't rewarded me yet."

Ye Yang raised and lowered his hands: "Watch how I feed you."

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel upset.

"What kind of blind thief is so blind?"

Xiuya's face was slightly red, her hands on her hips, and she was not only a little annoyed.

She had always wanted to leave a queen for Ye Yang to consolidate her position.

But for a long time, there was no feeling that the bead was knotted.

Ye Yang adjusted his clothes and then said: "Go and open the door."

Xiu Ya cursed secretly, swayed her fat hips and swayed her body, and walked to the door.

She opened the door and a teenage boy came out.

When the boy saw something was wrong, he quickly shrank his neck and said, "Guardian Ye, someone asked to see you, so I came here to report it to you."

"Do you know who it is?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly. Although he had many friends outside, he would have informed those people in advance if they came. At the moment, there was no news at all, and he was confused.

After some calculation, he said, "In that case, just lead me there."

The boy nodded with a very respectful expression, and then said: "Ye Hufa, please come with me. The guest is drinking tea in the welcoming hall. I will take you there right now."

After finishing speaking, he gave in slightly and let Ye Yang go ahead with a wink, while he followed behind.

Ye Yang walked straight towards the sect's main hall.

The main hall of the Feitian Sect is majestic, with red walls and black tiles, and is extremely majestic.

The Yingbin Pavilion stands right on top of a mountain, and below the mountain is the rolling Luo River, which is endless.

An old man in purple robe had a haggard face and snow-white hair. He was holding a cane in his hand, but his face was as golden as paper and he was quite uncomfortable.

Every time he took a sip of tea, he coughed, but instead of phlegm, he coughed up blood. He coughed up all the tea in the cup, staining his cuffs blood red.

Below him is a beautiful woman in yellow clothes with fair skin, an oval face, about thirty or forty years old, and showing mature plumpness.

Seeing that the old man was in such pain, the beautiful woman with an oval face and beautiful face immediately took the tea cup, took out a pill, and drank it for the old man.

"Father, you took this blood-transforming elixir to temporarily suppress your injury. The mountain peaks here are steep and the cold is amazing. It will be harmful to your injury."

"I don't know what the level of that person is. We traveled thousands of miles and they left us alone. It's really disgusting. I don't know if that person is just famous or has real skills."

After the old man took the elixir, his condition improved a lot. What he coughed out was finally no longer blood. He took out a sleeve to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Rong'er, don't be rude. I was seriously injured and my internal organs were displaced. I didn't have much time to live. This time, thanks to you, you met a noble person who pointed out a clear path... No matter what, we all have to thank you. People.”

"Even though you are concerned about me, you still have to be careful when going out and don't speak disrespectfully."


The beautiful woman's eyes widened and she looked extremely angry, "We have been waiting here for a full hour, and we haven't seen that man coming. No matter how skilled he is, he shouldn't be so arrogant, not to mention you are still seriously injured. ”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We've traveled thousands of miles to wait, and it won't be short of this period of time."

The old man closed his eyes, but he kept coughing violently.

In fact, he didn't really have much hope of treatment, he just treated a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The two waited again, and after about a quarter of an hour, a boy led a resolute and masculine young man slowly into the hall.

Seeing Ye Yang come in, the two of them stood up quickly.

The old man was inconvenient, so the beautiful woman quickly helped him up, with worry written on her face: "Father, be careful, don't hurt your body."

The old man waved his hands with a respectful look on his face: "I dare to ask, but Ye Yang is the best swordsman in front?"

"Who are you two?"

Seeing the two of them looking like this, Ye Yang couldn't help but frown.

He had never met these two people before, so why would they ask to see him by name?

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