The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 172: Cutting Time with a Sword, We Are the Prodigy

But it's not just swords that he's good at.

The right hand holding the Thirteen Knife of Time has turned faintly blue.

The scaled demon elephant sensed his anger in its sleeves and kept moving its limbs, trying to get out of the sleeves and fight Luo Changsheng.

Luo Changsheng threw away the ordinary long sword in his hand, and before Ye Yang could react, he gestured with his sword finger, and a ray of breeze turned into sword light and pierced Ye Yang.

Soon after, a pine wood also transformed into a wooden sword, following the breeze, and then the sand in the sky turned into countless sword lights.

When the opponent stabbed out with one finger, there was no sword, but after understanding the heart of the sword, it became clear. All things in the world were no longer his limitations, but became his assistance, and they could all be swords in his hands.

A huge sword light rushed towards him, filling the sky like mercury pouring down on the ground. The moonlight was pouring down, and the sky was filled with white snow.

He performed this move with all his strength, and Ye Yang suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of life and death.

You have to deal with it carefully, otherwise you will definitely not be able to do well today.

"You forced me to do this."

Ye Yang silently muttered in his heart, waved the ghost-headed seven-ring sword in his hand, and the scaly demon elephant came out of his sleeve, raised his head to the sky and roared, blocking all the sword light.

The next moment, with the wind howling, Ye Yang leaned the ghost-headed seven-ring sword on the ground, pointed the blade outward, and swung it forward suddenly.

With one slash, all thirteen sword rays were slashed towards Luo Changsheng.

This sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and more than a hundred sword lights appeared from the cracks in the space, and then shot straight into the sky, killing Luo Changsheng directly.

Realizing the power of the sword light, Luo Changsheng was overjoyed: "Your sword looks much stronger than the sword, so good, so good."

The next moment, he jumped up, waved his sleeves, and a sword light came out of his sleeves, blocking the sword light.

However, a few of them accidentally landed on him. His dark color changed drastically, and his robes quickly withered and deteriorated.

It seemed that in an instant, it had endured the invasion of who knows how much time, and the color was mottled. Luo Changsheng felt it carefully.

After these few cuts, he didn't feel any pain, but he felt as if there was something extra on his body for a moment, his body was heavy and he had aged several years.

I feel like the essence of my life is constantly passing away.

"What kind of sword move is this?"

He was extremely shocked. As one of the geniuses in swordsmanship, he naturally attached great importance to his own qualifications. At this moment, he felt that his cultivation potential was declining and his life essence was disappearing.

Shocked, Luo Changsheng quickly hid on a giant tree.

The Liufengyanyun sword energy he swung was also blocked by the scaled demon elephant, and did not cause any harm to Ye Yang.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly felt a hint of pain, and then a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He covered his heart and felt a sword light burst out from inside.

"Heart Sword!"

He spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground and thought of the mysterious and miraculous Heart Sword in the legend.

But Ye Yang still didn't dare to relax at all. He held the Ghost Head Seven-ring Sword in his right hand, and he was about to slash out another Thirteen Time Swords at any time.

It's a pity that this ghost-headed seven-ring sword is still a thousand-forged weapon and has not become a magical weapon.

Therefore, the power of the thirteen swords used was not enough, and the sword energy was not fully activated. Otherwise, the opponent could be forced back another thirty feet with just one sword.

"Master Luo, do you want to continue fighting?"

It was hard to tell who would win in this battle. Ye Yang was seriously injured, but Luo Changsheng was wary. He was afraid that Ye Yang would strike again and damage his cultivation potential, so he did not dare to attack.

"Come again."

There was a ruthless look in his eyes: "I don't believe that I can't defeat you, and I don't believe that a sword is inferior to a sword."

What he practices is the way of swordsmanship. With one sword in hand, he can defeat ten thousand people and dominate the world. I own the world.

He cut off his own penis, just to have no distractions, and dedicated himself to the sword for the rest of his life. At this moment, he was shocked by the light of Ye Yang's sword.

There was a slight fluctuation in Dao's heart. This was not only the comparison between the two, but also the difference between the sword and the sword.

Since ancient times, the sword is the courage of the king of hundreds of soldiers, and the sword is the king of the king of hundreds of soldiers.

In fact, swords are better than swords. Shadows of sword immortals are often found in the world, but shadows of sword immortals are hard to find.

Sword practitioners are like crucian carp crossing a river, there is an endless stream, which is far beyond what sword practitioners can compare with.

"Okay, let's see which one is better, my sword or your sword."

Ye Yang roared angrily and abandoned the sword. He held the knife with both hands and the copper rings on the ghost-headed seven-ring knife struck each other. It was like a ghost crying and a wolf howling. The sound was shocking all around.

Ye Yang raised his swords simultaneously and slashed out with one strike. As if time flew by, thirteen rays of sword light came straight towards him and enveloped him in all directions, making it impossible for anyone to avoid them.

It is the Emperor of Heaven who has traveled through time, and the vicissitudes of the human world have come.

Luo Changsheng couldn't avoid it, so he quickly retreated and pinched his sword finger.

There were also swords of flowing wind, smoke, dust, and strange trees rushing out.

He roared "Breaking Knife Style."

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, extremely dazzling, and this sword is designed to defeat all kinds of sword moves.

Gold and iron clashed, piercing gold and cracking stone, and sword energy burst out, but it only blocked a few sword rays.

There were six or seven sword lights that seemed to travel through time, hitting him all along the traces of time that cannot be traced.

On the other side, Ye Yang was wounded by the Heart Sword again, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Luo Changsheng was shocked by the light of the sword. Some white hair appeared on his temples, and he suddenly looked several years older.

The two almost suffered losses.

The surrounding vegetation was all dead and broken, and sawdust was flying.

At this moment, a roar came.

"Who is fighting here?"

Ye Yang looked up and saw a person flying in the sky. His face was purple, he had a long beard, and he was covered in golden armor.

He walked slowly under the moon, one step at a time. The space around him became unstable, and all the trees that met him were broken.

Although no magic was activated, the power of the real person's realm was so terrifying that all the grass and trees were bowed down, unable to lift their heads due to the huge pressure.

"It turned out to be the protector Luo Changsheng."

Ye Yang couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he saw this real-person strongman appear.

Luo Changsheng was extremely talented and his time was precious, and these masters of cultivation paid the most attention to the word potential.

He had just cut off several years of the opponent's time with two thirteen swords of time, and the situation might not last seconds.

The purple-faced master saw Luo Changsheng, sensed something, his eyes flashed, and then he slowly walked in front of him.

"Master, you, you finally understood the heart of the sword."

He looked happy, but the next moment he seemed to have discovered something, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

The air around him was shaken by such anger.

"What kind of vicious move is this? You actually lost several years of your life."

He snorted coldly, a look of murderous intent appeared on his face, his face became stern, and his eyes became as scarlet as blood.

"Who did it!"

A deep voice came out of his mouth and spread to the entire world. A dark wind blew and the world was turbulent.

Then he looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang spoke hurriedly.

"Senior, this is not what I imagined. I was seriously injured and my meridians were severely severed. Your master insisted on fighting with me. Although he was injured, he tried his best to fight. The injury worsened, and now he is at the end of his strength."

Ye Yang didn't wait for the purple-faced master to attack, and quickly explained, while pointing at the blood next to him.

Blood was dripping, Ye Yang covered his chest and his face turned pale.

He was the first to explain that it was not his fault that he was named.

According to his guess, although these two people were a bit domineering, they were not unreasonable people.

When the purple-faced master heard what Ye Yang said, his face looked much better, but he was still aggressive.

"Oh? So, you were seriously injured and still defeated my young master. It's really impressive! I'm afraid even the geniuses on the Hidden Dragon List can't compare with you. I would like to ask you for some advice."

He rushed towards Ye Yang with all his magic power, and the pressure was astonishing. Ye Yang suddenly felt that he was under tremendous pressure, and he couldn't even speak.

At this moment, a voice came out.

"Senior, these are normal discussions among young people. Are you going too far?"

A figure came over. He had a withered face, a thin figure, and was wearing a black robe. He was Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan resisted the pressure of the purple-faced master with a wave of his hand. Ye Yang suddenly felt his whole body relax. He quickly took back the scaled demon elephant and quickly hid behind Gu Xuan.

Although Gu Xuan was thin, he was not timid and still faced the purple-faced master face to face.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

A look of anger appeared on the face of the purple-faced master, and he snorted coldly. The surroundings were like thousands of years of ice and snow, and the temperature suddenly dropped by a lot.

"I don't dare, but I, the Feitian Sect, are not easy to bully."

Gu Xuan took out an inner elixir with three phantoms of the sky-swallowing python trapped in his left hand, and in his right hand he held a crimson-colored flying crow gourd with red flames. His aura was so strong that he could resist the opponent's pressure for a while.

"Okay, in that case, let me show you how my sword looks like..."

The purple-faced master spoke: "Do you know how noble my young master's status is? At this time, he has been cut off for several years of his life potential, your Feitian Sect is completely destroyed, and everyone is dead, it is not enough to resist one ten thousandth."

Gu Xuan secretly sighed, but still did not back down.

Luo Changsheng pulled the clothes of the purple-faced master, and then said: "Uncle Ta, forget it, this battle is a fair battle. I also sharpened the heart of the sword with the help of fellow Daoist Ye. We should not be enemies of life and death. They should be friends who care about each other.”

The purple-faced master said: "But your can I explain it to my old master?"

He smiled: "Victory and defeat are unpredictable. Isn't this a natural principle? Even if my father sees my current situation, he will definitely be very happy, just like he was when he was eighteen years old."

After hearing this, the purple-faced master finally stopped talking, but he still had a grudge in his heart and snorted coldly without saying a word.

Luo Changsheng cupped his fists at Ye Yang and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, although your sword skills are good, your cultivation is too weak. I just forced myself to suppress myself at the second level of martial arts. Although I can't beat you, I can use my full strength to unlock my magic power. You are not me." Defeat the enemy with one move.”

Ye Yang knew what the other party said was right. Talents like this have been trained by famous teachers since they were young. They have had elixirs trained on their bodies since they were born, so their cultivation progress will naturally be very fast.

The other party threw out three treasures equivalent to the Golden Pill of Martial Arts in one day, and he had been planning for several years to get one in order to get it.

This shows the gap between the two sides.

However, the fact that the two sides can play together at this time has proven his own potential.

"If we meet again in the future, I hope you can let me not suppress my strength and fight with you to my heart's content."

"Although your sword skills are powerful, I still firmly believe that my sword skills will be invincible in the world."

After finishing speaking, the two people rose into the sky and gradually disappeared into a ray of silver light.

Thanks to mana Jiang for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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