The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 169 The giant throws the sun and the sword energy reaches the sky

There was silence.

After a while, a voice came out, Gu Xuan stood up from the crowd: "Master Luo, what a coincidence, he is on a mission and is not at the door."

On the other side, in the ancient temple.

A handsome, handsome man with peerless charm came over, and the two of them couldn't help but change their expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The monk surnamed Lin stood tightly in front of the girl, looking wary.

"Sir, this is dangerous. Please retreat quickly and don't get close to our territory. Otherwise, don't blame me for being blind."

"The sword has no eyes, haha. Are you talking to me? If I hadn't let you go before, you would have been dead by now."

Hearing this, the two couldn't help but turn pale in shock and looked at each other: "You are actually the manipulator behind the scenes, but is the Demonic Spear here?"

"Devil Spear? Haha, that person is just a dog we raised."

He slowly opened the folding fan, and there were hundreds of pretty female ghosts painted on the pink fan.

The female ghosts are dressed in red gauze, their shoulders are slightly exposed, their figures are graceful, and their pink color is charming, especially alluring.

"Who are you, how dare you be so trusting? To tell you the truth, we still have a senior here. If you retreat now, it's still too late. If not, today will be the day you die."

The monk surnamed Lin and the girl looked at each other, and the two of them got the idea and spoke.

"Haha, I would like to see what you seniors are like?"

He turned the fan horizontally, exposing half of his face. One side of his handsome face was handsome, while the other side was filled with flesh and blood, crawling with flies the size of maggots, buzzing and vibrating, making it extremely ugly and terrifying.

And his eyes were even more emitting scarlet blood, just like those of legendary monsters, extremely ferocious.

Lightning is like a thunderbolt, light is like a swift flash

After all, the monk surnamed Lin is well-informed. When he saw this scene, he immediately said: "Miss, close your eyes quickly. This is the evil method of the evil temple in the Western Regions. If you don't pay attention, you will be converted by the other party and become their slave." ”

The monk surnamed Lin took a deep breath, and his whole body was full of energy, as if he was like a beacon.

Then, he heard bursts of thunder. He looked at everyone and said: "Convert to my religion and transcend the sea of ​​suffering. This is an opportunity for you, but you don't cherish it. You really deserve to die!"

He waved one hand, and the huge inverted Buddha statue behind him suddenly stretched out a hand, like the anger of the sky, and swatted at the two of them like ants.

This palm covers the sky, making it unstoppable and unavoidable.

Chapter 1 hits, with bursts of cold current and strong wind.

The two of them stretched out their hands, exuding countless pure energy around their bodies, trying their best to resist, but they were swept away like ants.

And because the ground could not bear this huge force, it cracked directly.

Such a huge force seemed like the sky was about to collapse.

"It is indeed the method of the Western Region Demon Temple! Damn it, they are behind the legendary Blood and Bone Cult."

The monk surnamed Lin spit out a mouthful of blood and was furious, but the young man burst into laughter.

"A person like an ant dares to fight to the death."

This young man is invincible and majestic. He stepped forward and threw out the folding fan in his hand, transforming into a hundred graceful beauties with half-revealed shoulders and veils.

Hundreds of female ghosts swarmed towards the crowd crazily. Their shadows were everywhere, the sky was filled with smoke and clouds, and their ferocious aura penetrated the sky, as if they were evil spirits soaring into the sky.

"That's all, even if I risk my life, nothing will happen to the lady."

The monk surnamed Lin thought secretly in his heart and was about to fight back with death.

On the other side, since Ye Yang was shrouded in the ancient temple, the surrounding world has become dark. He can't see his fingers when he raises his hand. He can't see anything around him and can't hear any sound around him.

This place seemed to be a dark area, isolated from the outside world. He snapped his fingers, activated a firelight, and explored carefully, only to find that he was actually inside a huge Buddha's belly.

Although the Buddha's belly is made of wood, it has the internal organs of a real person. He even saw a heart beating continuously on the ventricle of the Buddha statue.

The energy of the demonic elephant surged, and the evil spirit filled the air. His body swelled again, and his whole body seemed to be filled with lightning.

He moved slightly, and the Four-faced Demon Buddha Vajra in his hand suddenly grew in size, swelling to several feet in length. Ye Yang used all his strength to attack the heart of the Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue is huge, and its heart is like a whale or an elephant. It keeps making a thumping sound that can be heard ten miles away.

The huge Buddha and Demon Vajra swung forward, and in the next moment, the surroundings of the Vajra were densely covered with golden light. In an instant, it was enveloped by the Vajra Sun, and a bright light rose between heaven and earth.

Just like when the spring breeze comes, the ice and snow melt, and like when the sun rises across the sky, when the sun reaches its peak, the entire ground is burned.

The heart of this huge statue was struck with a vajra and a blood hole was created, and purple-red blood was constantly surging outward.

Rolling blood flowed out from the belly button of a statue. Ye Yang saw a gap in front of him, threw the Buddha and Demon Vajra and flew away in the air.

"It's over."

The moment the two of them gave up their resistance and had this idea, they suddenly felt the world darken, and then a profound and vast aura came from the Buddha statue.

A huge figure jumped out from the navel of the Buddha statue, and then struck with a stick, as if the heaven and earth were falling.

Ye Yang reached out and raised the Buddha and Demon Vajra high, and then threw it hard.

The huge Buddha and Demon Vajra rotated for a while, turning into eighteen huge Vajra pestles, which struck forward, and turned into a huge golden light at the moment when they intertwined and converged in the void.

Suddenly light suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead, and a bright sun shone in all directions.

In the majestic rainy night, the dark wind howled. But the two of them felt that the coldness on their bodies was driven away by the bright sun, and they suddenly felt warm.

The two of them opened their eyes wide, and suddenly saw the huge demon-conquering pestle thrown in front of them. The black aura between heaven and earth gradually disappeared, and it was like the proud sun shining on the world.

Countless Buddha and Demon Vajra pestles entangled themselves into a big sun and enveloped the young man holding a folding fan. The young man roared, and more than a hundred witches came to form a human wall. However, the moment they were rushed by this huge demon-subduing pestle, All gone up in smoke

The infinite force seems to be able to separate the heaven and the earth, and the bluestone slabs on the ground are broken layer by layer.

"Damn it!"

The young man roared, but it was of no use. He was directly crushed by the Buddha and Demon Vajra and turned into a pulp.

The moment the young man died, the sky and the earth suddenly shone brightly, and the huge palace of bones gradually disappeared.

The young man died suddenly, and the two people present couldn't help but look shocked. Their eyes were wide open, as if they were bull's-eyes.

This senior is too powerful, this power is really like a god in the world.

The two of them were in a state of excitement as they survived the disaster. Legend has it that the giant Long Bo was thirty feet tall, or 18,000 years old, and could catch six fish in one day. It is possible that this man was a descendant of the legendary giant Long Bo.

"Thank you, senior, for saving our lives. It's a great kindness. The two of us will never forget it."

Seeing Ye Yang turn around, the monk surnamed Lin pulled the girl to her knees and quickly knelt down, thanking her with a look full of awe and gratitude.

Ye Yang shook his head, and then said: "Have you ever heard of this person's origin?"

Just now he was afraid that the opponent had a trump card, so he used all his strength and struck out with one blow, but he didn't expect that he would crush the opponent on the spot.

When the monk surnamed Lin heard this, he quickly said flatteringly: "I can't tell the specific origin of this person, but he once said that the Heavenly Demon Spear seemed to be instructed by them, and there is a faint shadow of the Western Region Demon Temple behind this person."

Taoist cultivators dominate Yalong Ridge, and Buddhist cultivators are not prominent. However, after hearing that the Western Regions were attacked by aliens, it seems that they have always had the idea of ​​​​entering the hinterland of the Central Plains.

"There was the Red Lantern Group before, and there was the Blood and Bone Cult later. Both organizations seem to have a lot to do with the Demon Temple in the Western Regions."

Ye Yang sighed secretly and stepped forward to pick up the folding fan left by this strange young man. This folding fan was a special magical weapon and had a bit of a happy Buddhist feel.

It was just that he was defeated by the power of the Buddha and Demon Vajra just now, and suffered a lot of damage.

Above it is a dagger-like diamond lock tip, and the fan bone is made of Xiangfei bamboo, dotted with spots and decorated with rubies.

The fan surface is woven with a strange silk thread and is hand-lubricated.

There are hundreds of coquettish or charming witches in scantily clad clothes drawn on it.

Putting the folding fan away, Ye Yang searched in front of the man and found a fist-sized storage bag.

At a glance, he found that the storage bag was three feet in diameter.

It should be noted that storage bags are generally about one foot long. If one foot or more is a hard-to-find item on the market, if it is three feet long, it is a rarity. This person’s storage bag actually has three feet. He must have an unusual identity.

But inside the storage bag were pictures of human hearts, livers, intestines and lungs, as well as some Dzi beads. I don’t know what the old medicine was used for.

Things are going on here, the sky is pale and it is almost dawn, this place is inexplicably sinister, and I don’t know what ghosts are lurking yet to come out.

So everyone took a short rest and prepared to leave as soon as possible.

These two people came from Shanhai City and were well-informed. Before leaving, Ye Yang pondered for a while and then said: "

There is something I would like to trouble you both about. "

The two were thinking about how to leave a good impression in front of Ye Yang and make friends with such a strong person.

Ye Yang, who suddenly heard these words, was like giving him a pillow when he fell asleep. He quickly said respectfully: "Senior, there is no need to be polite. If you have any instructions, just ask."

Ye Yang said: "I want to refine a magic weapon, and I need special equipment with the power of time, but this thing is hard to find. Shanhai City is vast and rich in resources, and there are many treasures, so I wanted to ask you to help me pay attention to whether there are any. Spiritual materials with attributes such as time.”

"Senior, treasures containing the power of time are extremely rare. Either the essence of the nine stars comes to earth by chance, or it takes thousands of years of accumulation to form one or two points."

The two looked at each other, and the girl said: "Senior, don't worry, the Huang family specializes in spiritual materials in Shanhai City. I will go back and report to my father right now, and mobilize the power of the family to help senior find it, but I don't know how to find him after I find it." ?”

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