The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 161 Sword Trial Heroes on the Hidden Dragon List

However, he knew that the sect was anxious for the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray to break through to the third-level monster, so Ye Yang did not say anything more and directed the two of them to apply the bucket of spiritual liquid evenly to the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray's body.

As soon as the spiritual liquid filled his body, the mango ray immediately let out a happy roar.

Not long after, another disciple brought a large bucket of spiritual water.

The flying silver-spotted ray inhaled the spiritual water from the nose at the top of its head. The spiritual energy on its body became stronger and stronger, but its vitality became weaker and weaker.

Back in the courtyard, Ye Yang saw the blood-red persimmon fruits hanging on the old persimmon tree. He picked one of them and tasted it carefully.

The persimmon fruit is sweet and delicious, and extremely moist. One mouthful of persimmon contains an elixir, which tastes good, just like jelly beans. He quietly refined it.

Finally, Ye Yang picked some green persimmons from the persimmon tree that had not yet turned red. These green persimmons had a sour taste. He asked Xiu Ya to soak them in warm water and wait to eat.

After sunset that day, Ye Yang continued to go to the pack ray, moved his hands, and used the life essence to sort out the messy life energy in the body of the flying silver-spotted pack ray.

He felt that the Flying Silver-spotted Piggyback Ray's character was becoming more and more irritable.

According to this calculation, I am afraid that the silver-spotted piggyback ray will die soon.

The sky is clear and the sun is shining.

Today, in the blue sky, a huge spiritual ship slowly flew over from far to near.

The spirit boat has three floors, and the eaves are decorated with wind chimes. The sound of the wind blowing and the jingling of the bells is really nice.

The three-story spiritual boat is filled with beautiful golden light in the sun, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, and it is extremely bright.

The entire huge spiritual ship was hundreds of feet long. On the deck of the treasure ship, a huge stegosaurus flag stood tall and tall.

A group of bare-chested vajra warriors brought jars of fine wine and poured wine for the guests on the spirit boat. In the middle of the boat, a beautiful girl from the Western Regions played with her fingers and danced to add to the fun. Her beautiful legs were white and slender, and her belly was smooth and flat.

There are also oriental beauties playing the pipa, making soft sounds like weeping and complaining.

In the middle of the dance, Miao dancers, wearing silver jewelry, rushed into the dance floor and danced with the beauties from the Western Regions. The scene was gorgeous.

Sitting on the viewing platform is a mighty-looking middle-aged man. He is holding a pagoda and his long beard hangs down to his chest. Next to him is a young man reclining, smiling but not smiling, holding a handle in his hand. The long sword knocked lightly on the ground.

Immediately, Mei Ji came over, poured spiritual wine on the gold and jade table in front of him, and served him with a pair of snow-white glasses on her chest.

The young man took a gentle sip, causing the beautiful maid who served her to drink shuddered.

The young man seemed not to notice and still drank the spirit wine, making Meiji blush for a while.

"Uncle Ta, along the way, we have never lost a single sword test among the monks in the world. Although there are many sects and families in Yalongling, there are only a few young masters worth looking at."

As soon as he spoke, the purple-faced middle-aged man with a beard next to him immediately spoke.

"What the young master said is true. The Qinglian Mo family dominates with their swordsmanship. It is said that their Qinglian sword has reached the highest level of swordsmanship and has a good reputation on the Yalongling Hidden Dragon List. However, in front of the young master, he is still I didn’t survive even a few moves.”

The young man shook his head: "Mo Twelve's sword is good, but his ambition is too high. He always underestimates the heroes of the world. Staying in the Mo family's three-acre land, sitting in the well and looking at the sky, he has not seen more sword moves, and he has been defeated." No injustice.”

The purple-faced middle-aged man known as Uncle Ta gently stroked his beard and then spoke.

"The Universiade Dynasty has the appearance of becoming a fairy dynasty, but the territory is vast. Something happened recently that seems to have closed the country and made it difficult to enter. It seems that we are destined to return without success this time."

"It's better to go to the Buddhist Sect of the Western Regions. It is said that there is a Buddhist sword from Dharma King Temple. He is like a brother to Vajrapani Buddha. He is good at using heavy swords and has made a sword that kills people and kills people. The sword is extremely strong and fierce, and it is also the number one. figure."

The young man seemed to have thought of something, then nodded and said: "Then let's turn the boat around and head to the Western Region."

At this moment, the maid who was blushing from being sucked by him suddenly thought of something and spoke.

"Young Master, didn't you ask us sisters to collect the whereabouts of swordsmen masters? We, sisters, found out that there is a master who is good at using swords nearby, and his name is Swordsman Shuangjue."


Upon hearing this, the young man stood up from the bed where he was lying and frowned slightly.

"That's such a big tone. I think he's just a martial artist. There are so many people in the world who use swords and swords. How can we call him a master of both swords and swords?"

The purple-faced middle-aged man next to him had a glint in his eyes.

"He is a monk who dares to claim to be a master of both swords and swords. He must have some real skills in his hands, but I don't know if his reputation is in vain."

Na Meiji straightened her purple clothes and covered the snow-white ravine on her chest.

"This man was just a young monk in the ventilation realm a few years ago, and he only reached the warrior realm a few years ago. But first he killed the secret disciple of Beihai Shenni, and then drove away the monk with the Eye of Blood and Tears Taoist body with a single blow. "

"Oh? Eyes of Blood and Tears, why didn't you tell me earlier that there is such a powerful opponent and you should report it quickly."

The maid knelt down and said, "Young master, please calm down. It's not that I'm hiding the news. It's because this area is remote and the territory is vast. The sects are far apart. Ye Yang, the sword-wielding swordsman, was attacked and killed a few days ago. It seems that he was His muscles and veins are broken, and his cultivation level cannot be improved. He stays in the sect and lives in seclusion every day, never going out, so it is difficult to measure his strength. "

There was a hint of interest in the young man's eyes.

"In that case, let's go and take a look. But I'm more interested in the Blood-Tear Eye. People with this body are neither yin nor yang, neither male nor female, and are enchanting and strange. They can often practice spiritual arts to the highest level."

"So, we will split into two groups. I will drive the boat to find the Blood-Tear Eye, and you sisters will go to test the strength of the sword and knife to see if it is worth my effort."

The beautiful girl had already heard the meaning, and looked at the sisters wearing gauze around her, and immediately took out a flying kite-like object.

The object swelled in the wind, and several people stood on the flying kite, with the gauze flying, and headed towards the territory of Feitianmen.


Time flies, and winter is here again in a blink of an eye.

On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, a light snow fell like a clear mist.

The old tree withered vines sprouted new branches, and the old persimmon tree became more and more sturdy after it was upgraded to a spiritual plant.

Although the persimmon leaves turned from green to red, they did not fall. Behind the stone pavilion of Shouzhu Pavilion, the red leaves on the tree were burning like flames.

The warm wine at the bedside smelled of snowflakes, and in the dream I knew that the persimmons were yellow.

In the Shouzhu Pavilion.

A cup of warm tea, a man and a woman, a small red clay stove, looking at the snowy mountains and the Luo River in the distance, and a beautiful woman nearby, brewing tea.

"Sir, it is said that the persimmons are happy and the persimmons are happy. I believe we will have a good year next year."

Xiu Ya brewed a cup of tea for Ye Yang and brought it to him.

Under the old tree, Ye Yang took a sip and then lay comfortably on the recliner.

Ye Yang said: "Of course it is."

This persimmon tree is unusually strong. After it was upgraded to a spiritual plant, it absorbs and exhales spiritual energy every day. The courtyard is full of spiritual energy. The row of green bamboos planted in the corner this spring are also green and attractive, and the branches are still full of vitality under the snow.

After a long time of quiet, he thought of moving, cultivating his spirit and soul. With a cup of fragrant tea, Ye Yang lay down until noon, then slowly stood up, sat cross-legged, and practiced the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad.

The Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad is the precondition of the Feitian Sect's Zhuchan Swallowing the Moon Spirit Art, which can compress and condense the mana in the body eight times.

He worked hard, and the Heavenly Toad Qi in his body surged like a river and sea. He absorbed the spiritual energy and gradually entered into a state of concentration.

After a while, a huge bright moon wheel appeared behind his head. This is a special phenomenon that can only occur when the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad Qi is practiced to a certain level.

Ye Yang closed his eyes, like a bright moon that does not move.

The courtyard around was empty and bright, and only the rustling sound of the wind blowing the persimmon leaves came, and the lotus fragrance floated, fresh and attractive.

The wind and the moon flowed, the breeze blew slowly, the snowflakes drifted, and a young man sat on the top of the mountain.

The cold wind was rolling, and a huge toad was absorbing countless clouds, wind and moon energy above the young man's head, and the spiritual energy was rolling towards the gate of his body.

Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes, and the surrounding rocks were broken.

The moment he stood up, the energy was rolling, the trees were split, and there were traces of fragments everywhere where the energy was swept.

This young man was Ye Yang.

For more than a month, he has been diligently practicing the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad, and his magic power has been condensed again. According to his guess, it won't be long before he can practice the Red Toad Swallowing the Moon Spirit Art.

Ye Yang stood up and walked in front of the flying silver-spotted ray, but the ray in front of him was very strange, half of it was full of vitality, and the other half was full of death.

At the same time, most of the ray's body had rotted, but the ray's body expanded further, and the radius was twenty feet wide.

It has reached the limit of a second-level monster. It is said that it will break through in the next moment. If it fails to break through, it will die on the spot.

Once the breakthrough occurs, it means death.

Ye Yang sighed secretly, his mission was about to be completed.

He returned to the courtyard and found that the spiritual field outside the courtyard was full of spiritual energy and fertile soil. During this period, this newly spiritual field was carefully taken care of by Xiu Ya.

After she practiced the grass and wood formula, she planted some spiritual plants in the spiritual field, which grew very well.

However, these few spiritual fields were not in his courtyard, but were considered public property of Feitianmen. He was currently in a high position, and no one came to hold him accountable, which made him frown.

"But, this front yard still needs a formation."

Looking back at the grand and simple courtyard, Ye Yang was thoughtful.

When he was still in the Tongqi realm, he once spent a lot of money to buy a water and wood nurturing spirit formation, but later Feitianmen was attacked and his formation was also pried away.

However, under the kindness and power of Feitianmen over the years, the captured Su Zhenshi has made great progress in his craftsmanship.

Or, let him customize a formation based on the Feng Shui of the front yard.

Ye Yang immediately found Master Su Zhen.

Master Su Zhen had been captured and brought to Feitianmen for five or six years. Feitianmen has always lacked the inheritance of formations.

Although he was a captive, he was also rescued from the Five Poison Sect by Feitianmen in disguise.

Master Su Zhen was originally just a small formation master. After being captured by Feitianmen in the past few years, the sect increased its resource supply and made an agreement with him to help him break through to the second-level formation master.

But the price was to become a long-term guest of Feitianmen. After some consideration, Master Su Zhen agreed to the agreement with Feitianmen.

Ye Yang found Master Su Zhen's residence and knocked on the door: "I wonder if Master Su Zhen is here?"

Master Su Zhen was timid and cowardly, but in the past few years, he had been pampered in Feitianmen and coaxed by others, and gradually became a bit violent. He heard that the voice seemed familiar, and he spoke quickly.

"Please come in."

Ye Yang walked in. He was directing two apprentices to polish the formation plate in the courtyard.

Seeing that it was Ye Yang, Master Su hurriedly put on a smile and said, "I asked who it was. It turned out to be Protector Ye. Please sit down."

If he were an ordinary warrior-level protector, he might not have such a good look.

But Ye Yang has high prestige among the Feitian Sect and is powerful.

The top leaders of the sect are all optimistic about it, so he doesn't dare to offend easily.

Ye Yang did not speak, but looked at the apprentices who were polishing their formations.

"Is Master Su still busy today? People say that you are the number one in the formation path among several sects in the surrounding area. You are still diligently practicing the formation. You are really worth learning from us."

Master Su was extremely helpful. He naturally knew that the person in front of him was speaking politely.

But this kind of polite words depends on whose hand it comes from. If it is an ordinary person, it will naturally have no value at all.

But if you say it from the mouth of this master of swords and swords, it will be a different feeling.

He said: "These two are new disciples recruited by the sect during this period. They were trained by me, but they are really stupid."

After a pause, he spoke again: "I heard that Protector Ye seemed to be injured. I don't know how he is recovering. I have a moistening flag here, which was just made some time ago. I gave it to the Protector today. It can be regarded as one of mine." It’s my intention.”

After finishing speaking, Master Su took out a fist-sized formation flag from his pocket. The formation flag was yin and yang, concave and convex, which was quite unique.

Ye Yang touched it carefully with his hands and suddenly felt a light moist air rushing into his body.

The yang side of this flag is inlaid with a fire bead, and the yin side is a water droplet. Combined with each other, it has the spirit of water and moisturizing, and the masculine spirit of the sun. It is impartial, neutral, and gentle. It has great benefits for the human body.

Ye Yang did not refuse.

"This thing is really useful to me. I wonder how much it costs?"

Master Su quickly shook his head: "I have always admired Protector Ye as a person. As the saying goes, if a person doesn't know Ye Yang's face, it would be in vain to call him a hero. Who does Protector Ye think of me? Why use spiritual stones to talk about things."

Ye Yang complained in his heart, wondering to himself if he was attacked and killed because of these words?

After clearing his throat, Ye Yang continued to speak.

"To be honest, I came to look for Master Su this time because I have something to ask for."

"Guardian Ye is so polite. I wonder what the matter is? It doesn't matter if you tell me."

Ye Yang said: "But two spiritual fields suddenly appeared in my courtyard, so I thought of asking Master Su to set up a formation to accumulate fertility and hide the traces of the courtyard so that I could plant some elixirs."

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