After Ye Yang heard this, his expression changed.

"Could it be?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly, secretly guessing what happened between the master and apprentice, or father and son.

Seemingly sensing Ye Yang's doubts, Dugu Qiang spoke appropriately.

"Senior Brother Ye, I came to see you this time to say goodbye. I have reached the fourth level of martial arts and am about to leave for the Universiade Dynasty to experience. At the same time, I am looking for suitable evil energy to dispel the evil spirit and Ningqing."

Ye Yang cupped his fists and said: "Congratulations, junior brother, congratulations, junior brother. Junior brother is extremely talented. He has reached the fourth level of martial arts so quickly. No wonder he can win the title of the first among the seven flying gods."

"What are the uses of these false names? Apart from anything else, I know it myself. If senior brother wanted this name at that time, I would not be able to defeat you."

Ye Yangcha stopped talking: "I heard that there were many monks in the Universiade Dynasty, where immortals and mortals lived together, and it was extremely prosperous. I hope that my junior brother can have a smooth journey and achieve success if he goes to experience it."

Dugu Qiang nodded: "Thank you, senior brother, for healing my wounds before. If there is a fate in the future, you and I will drink and chat together in Beijing and wipe out all the heroes in the world."

Ye Yang waved his hand. He had no interest in wiping out all the heroes in the world.

"Junior brother is traveling far away, and I have nothing to give as a gift. This Bitan Piaohua tea is made by myself. It is bitter yet sweet, and tastes like life. I hope that I can accept it to comfort my homesickness."

Ye Yang walked into the house and took out a bag of dry tea. The tea had a faint fragrance, and Dugu Qiang was very excited.

"I have long heard that my senior brother is good at making tea. The Bitan Piaohua is famous for its ability to neutralize the chaotic qi in the body. It is rare to see. I have been craving for it for a long time."

After taking away the tea leaves, Dugu Qiang slowly left the courtyard.

During this period of time, Ye Yang had been practicing diligently in the Feitian Sect. After breaking through to the second level of martial arts, the Jingyun Pill in his hand could no longer keep up with the consumption.

During his trip to the Immortal Barrier, he harvested many spiritual materials, among which the century-old Zhuguo was the main medicine of Jingyun Dan, so he asked Gu Xuan to take action and refine another batch of Jingyun Dan.

It is worth mentioning that many disciples of Feitian Sect have gained a lot from the Immortality Barrier, and many disciples have contributed elixirs to the sect. During this period, the sect has a very abundant supply of various elixirs.

In addition to Jingyun Dan, he also used his contribution points to exchange for many demon feeding pills for Zhuri Feigui to take.

Since devouring the flesh and blood of three sky-devouring pythons, the flying turtle has changed more and more day by day. Some scales have grown on its limbs, and its size has grown again.

Time flies, and half a year has passed before I know it.

Since Dugu Qiang left, there has been an endless stream of people coming to him to connect with him, especially the new group of casual cultivators recruited by the sect. They always want to come and have a relationship with him when they have nothing to do.

This also seriously interfered with his practice time, so Ye Yang had no choice but to hang a sign for retreat on the door.

Next to the stone well, the spiritual energy is rich, the lotus fragrance is lingering in the courtyard, and the white mist is misty, fresh and natural.

It was still early in the morning, and Ye Yang had finished practicing. He felt that his eyes were getting more and more itchy, especially his eyes were red and swollen.

Previously in the Immortality Barrier, after he took the Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit, his life showed new changes, and it seemed that he had some special eye skills to awaken.

However, Ben Ming has been sleeping during this period, and now his eyes are getting more and more itchy. He vaguely guessed that Ben Ming is about to wake up.

After practicing the sword technique three thousand times, and practicing the Shaoyang Sword Technique several more times, after a while, the sun slowly rose from the east.

The morning sun rises in the east, and the glow is golden and red. The golden light of the sun shines all over the Feitian Gate, like a fairyland.

Ye Yang walked out of the courtyard alone.

Sunlight shone through the window lattice, and Xiu Ya, bathed in the warm sunshine, slowly woke up from the bed.

She stretched out a pair of slender, white legs that were as beautiful as jade pillars, and couldn't help but rub her groggy eyes. She suddenly woke up when she saw Ye Yang had finished practicing outside the window.

"No, I overslept again. I should have prepared a spiritual meal for the young master in advance."

Thinking of this, she rubbed her head, feeling quite annoyed, and quickly got up to get ready.

But Ye Yang had already walked out of the hospital.

"No wonder the young master has achieved such great achievements at such a young age. I heard that his qualifications are not very good, but he has practiced three nines in the winter and three days in the summer. He has always persisted. I don't know how many geniuses he has pulled behind him."

Xiuya felt a strong admiration in her heart.

Others didn't know it, but she was in contact with him day and night, so she naturally knew that the young master got up before dawn every day to practice, without exception.

This is unmatched by any Feitian Sect disciple.

At the dawn of the day, the Feitian Gate in the early morning was shrouded in a layer of crimson golden-red clouds, like a fairyland.

The spiritual energy overflowing from the mountain gate mixed with the morning dew and condensed into water droplets on the leaves. When the wind blew, the drops spread all over the ground.

Ye Yangxin walked freely, but at a very fast speed. Along the way, many monks got up and breathed in the first ray of purple energy between heaven and earth to practice.

Feitianmen covers a large area, and several surrounding peaks belong to the mountain gate. The mountains are extremely steep and often connected by various plank roads and paths.

This autumn happens to be the season when spiritual rice is ripe. Ye Yang crosses the front mountain and there is a silver-white waterfall in the valley, flying from top to bottom, with water droplets splashing.

The water fields inside the gate are distributed around the waterfall, and the terraces opened up in the back mountain are dry fields used to grow wheat.

"I heard that soaking Linggu leaves in water and then wiping your eyes can keep your eyes clear and relieve pain."

Ye Yang walked to the waterfall, and water splashed and wet his sleeves. He looked far into the distance, and saw that the spiritual field was covered with golden rice, with fat leaves, and each plant was three feet tall.

Some late rice plants are not yet mature. When the wind blows, the blue and white rice flowers float back and forth, with a sweet fragrance.

He found a few plants that were growing well, pulled off a few leaves, and planned to soak them in spiritual water and smear his eyes with them when he went back.

But I never expected to hear a voice.

"You, this disciple, have no rules. Why did you come to pick leaves without saying anything?"

A pleasant voice came, and Ye Yang raised his head, only to find a tall and beautiful figure walking out of the spiritual field. After seeing that it was Ye Yang, the woman quickly changed her tone.

"Who am I talking about? It turns out to be Senior Brother Ye. It's just some leaves worth nothing. Come here quickly. The leaves here are fat and big..."

"It turns out to be Junior Sister Zhu, why are you here?"

Zhu Mange walked over gently, her eyebrows were frivolous, her red lips were slightly pursed, and her snow-white skin seemed as holy as snow in the early morning sunlight.

Wearing a moon-white gauze skirt, her plump buttocks were lifted up, and the moon-white gauze lifted up high. Her round and slender jade legs were half covered, and a section of them was exposed from under the skirt, which was smooth and delicate.

"Senior Brother Ye, who told you not to help me! Am I not relying on my own efforts to earn contribution points?"

Zhu Mange gritted her silver teeth secretly, feeling a little angry and a little coquettish.

Ye Yang smiled and didn't take her coquettishness seriously. At this moment, Zhu Mange came slightly closer to him, with a glint in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Ye! I heard that a batch of martial arts elixirs have appeared in the sect recently. Do you know about it?"

She stretched out her jade hand and slid it randomly on Ye Yang's chest, as if she wanted to find out something.

"What! This happened."

Ye Yang was shocked and pretended not to know. Seeing Ye Yang's reaction, Zhu Mange frowned slightly. Even the Protector Ye from the Official Affairs Hall in front of him didn't know whether the news was fake.

This makes it a little difficult for her.

During this period of time, she worked hard day and night. First, she formed a team to kill monsters and earn contribution points. As soon as she returned to the sect, she took on various tasks, and the purpose was not just for the martial arts elixir.

Ye Yang put down Zhu Mange's hand without leaving a trace and said, "Junior sister Zhu, it's not easy to manage the spiritual field. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhu Mange smiled and passed by with a sound like a silver bell.

"It's not hard work. I don't know what Senior Brother Ye, a busy man like you, is doing here."

"Pick some leaves and use them as medicine."

Ye Yang did not go into too much detail. Zhu Mange said: "Recently, for some reason, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire Feitian Sect has suddenly become stronger. Even the scope of the spiritual field has expanded a lot. If you want spiritual leaves, you can feel free to do so." pick."

After finishing speaking, she turned her eyes and said: "Senior Brother Ye, I have encountered some difficulties in my practice recently and I have some doubts. I wonder if I can ask for advice."

With the continuous supply of resources from the Zhu family, Zhu Mange has already entered the ninth level of ventilation, but it is difficult to break through.

"Junior sister, it doesn't matter if you say so."

Ye Yang was in short supply of spiritual stones before and had made an agreement with the other party. Now that he was no longer short of spiritual stones, he might as well give the Zhu family a favor.

"When I was practicing qi recently, whenever I was lucky enough to pass through the meridians in my lower abdomen, I always felt a slight swelling and pain in the three inches below my belly button, and the meridians were stagnant."

Hearing Zhu Mange say this, Ye Yang frowned slightly, secretly moved his hands and placed them on her lower abdomen.

A hot and rough hand pressed slightly on his lower abdomen. Zhu Mange couldn't help but blush slightly when he thought of Ye Yang's strong and upright figure when he was practicing in the courtyard.

My heart trembled slightly, and I felt my body go limp, and I couldn't help but want to fall into Ye Yang's arms.

Her plump buttocks accidentally rubbed against Ye Yang's thigh. The moment their skin came into contact, it was like receiving an electric shock, followed by a feeling of comfort.

Ye Yang moved his hands, and a light of life emerged, and he said: "Do you have unbearable pain every time you have menstruation?"

Zhu Mange nodded quickly and was shocked.

"This situation has become more and more serious in recent days. Maybe I have gone crazy."

Ye Yang smiled: "At least you have to wait until you are a martial artist to encounter someone who is obsessed with madness."

Zhu Mange didn't care either: "Brother, what's going on with me?"

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