The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 146 News about the Three Sky-Swallowing Pythons

After a few pleasantries, Ye Yang was about to leave.

These people looked at each other and seemed to have made some important decision. They walked up to Ye Yang and said, "Guardian Ye, please wait a moment. I have something important to report."

Ye Yang, who was about to step out, turned around slightly after hearing these words and walked back to the crowd.

Ye Yang turned around and said, "I don't know what makes you guys so cautious."

Several people glanced around and waved away many disciples.

The oldest person from Nanming Mountain stepped forward and said, "It's not that we are being cautious, but this matter is really too important. I would like to ask Protector Ye to step forward."

Ye Yang stepped forward.

The Nanming Mountain native lowered his head to Ye Yang's ear and spoke first: "Guardian Ye, to be honest, I and a few others found traces of a three-headed python."


Upon hearing this, Ye Yang stood up suddenly, his eyes widened and his face full of surprise, as if a thunder exploded in the sky above his head.

Three strange pythons?

This name is a big taboo for Feitianmen.

"Fellow Taoists, this matter is no small matter, and you are serious. Please know that such matters, even one word or sentence, may lead to shocking consequences."

Wu Mahan, the head of the Five Poison Sect, obtained three inner elixirs of the sky-swallowing python from the Manlong tribe. He practiced diligently using the secret method of transforming elixirs and almost broke through the Feitian Sect's mountain gate.

As a result, he was besieged, seriously injured, and missing. This has always been a major concern for the Feitian Sect. For many years, the Feitian Sect has been investigating the traces of this beast, but has never received any news.

Seeing Ye Yang's shocked look, Nanmingshanren and others also had solemn faces. This matter involved two sects, Feitian Sect and Wudu Sect.

If it is not handled well, it will lead to a sect war, life and death will not be determined, and a few people will not be cautious.

The Nanmingshan people said: "To be honest, it's not that we and others deliberately concealed the information, but that the strange python was by the Tongtian River and had lost all its intelligence. It only knew how to make peace with wild beasts and devour flesh and blood. We and others also Not sure if it’s true or not.”

"When I saw Protector Ye today, I just reported it to the sect with the principle that I would rather miss it than let it go."

Ye Yang took a deep breath: "This matter is of great importance. You and the others will wait here while I quickly return to Feitianmen to report this matter."

Everyone looked at each other and then said, "Maybe we can go together?"

In fact, this sentence is a clever idea. If this news is brought back to Feitianmen by Ye Yang, then this news will lose a layer of value.

Ye Yang frowned, knowing what they were thinking, and said: "This matter is urgent and cannot be delayed. Waiting too slowly will only delay the journey. My flying turtle can only sit on one more person."

Ye Yang looked at Nanmingshanren: "In that case, Laoshanren and I will come back to the sect."

Everyone agreed. As soon as Ye Yang whistled, a flying turtle as big as the Eight Immortals' Table landed in the sky.

This turtle soared in the air at extremely fast speeds. Ye Yang invited people from Nanming Mountain to sit on the back of the flying turtle.

He gave the order and used all his strength to speed up the flying turtle. It chased the strong wind and the strong sun, and soon arrived at the Feitian Gate.

Ye Yang went straight to the head's hall, but the boy guarding the hall saw him coming and bowed.

"Protector Ye, the leader has not been in the sect these days, but has gone to the Zhu family to inspect."

Ye Yang was extremely anxious. He must know that the opportunity must not be missed and it will never come back. If the Five Poison Sect discovered the traces of the three strange pythons, the opportunity would be lost.

At this time, it happened that the third elder Ge Canhong walked out of the main hall.

Ye Yang hurriedly caught up and reported to him about the three strange pythons discovered by Nanmingshan people and others on the bank of Tongtian River.

"This is serious, tell me the situation quickly."

Ge Canhong pointed, and the Nanmingshan people came out from behind Ye Yang at the right time and explained the details of the discovery of the three strange pythons.

After listening, Ge Canhong's brows relaxed slightly.

"This matter is of great importance. I would rather kill the wrong person than let it go."

After confirming the information, he whistled and summoned a white dove.

The white dove faced the glow and soon disappeared into the sky.

After everyone waited for a while, the flying pigeon quickly flew back.

Ge Canhong held the flying pigeon in his hand, opened the letter, looked at it carefully, and then said: "The master said that he already knew that he was now fully controlling the spirit boat and returning from the Changqing Zhu family. However, the speed of the spirit boat was higher than that of the flying pigeon. If we don’t get the silver-spotted ray, we’ll have to wait for a while.”

The Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray of Feitianmen is extremely fast and has strong load-bearing capacity. It often goes out on trade missions.

In the past few years, Feitianmen has accumulated a lot of wealth.

This time when Gu Xuan went to the Changqing Zhu Family, he was driving the master's exclusive flying spirit boat.

Several people knew that this matter was serious and did not dare to travel far, so they waited quietly in the main hall.

It was not until evening, when the sun was setting in the west, and the dusk glow was rising, that a black dot gradually flew over from the horizon and landed on the ground.

It was Gu Xuan and two boat-operating boys.

As soon as Gu Xuan landed, he quickly summoned everyone to meet him.

After learning the truth of the matter, Gu Xuan said: "I already know about this matter, you must not make it public."

He obviously had other plans. When everyone saw this, they put down a big stone in their hearts and slowly retreated.

By the Tongtian River, the river is vast and the waves are rolling.

I don’t know where this river flows to the sky, and I don’t know where it goes. It twists and turns, making people feel breathless.

Looking far into the distance, it is like the tireless mighty eastward flow of the Milky Way in the sky.

At this moment, there was a huge ray-like spiritual beast on the mighty Tongtian River, waving a pair of huge wings and flying at high speed next to the vast and rolling Tongtian River.

In the middle of the surging river, filled with mist, Gu Xuan stood on the head of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray, and behind him were many high-level officials of the Feitian Sect.

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

Gu Qingshu behind him also said with the same doubts: "We have traveled thousands of miles along the Tongtian River, but we have never found any trace of the three sky-swallowing pythons. Could it be that the news is wrong?"

When he said this, everyone behind him couldn't help but become suspicious.

Gu Xuan shook his head: "The news should be correct. I have also sent people to investigate and track extensively. The nearby wild people also said that there is a huge strange python in the river. There are three animals in it. It often makes clouds and spits mist. Turning the river and turning the waves, I think it must be the three sky-swallowing pythons."

At this time, a skinny old man standing in the middle of the crowd gave a weird laugh, opened his black robe, waved his hand, and a group of huge blood-sucking locusts appeared.

It's just that it's different from ordinary locusts. This locust has barbs on its mouth, similar to cold needles, and a pair of wings. It's flying now, and the needles are shaking constantly.

This is a foreign aid specially invited by the Feitian Sect from outside. He is good at tracking and calls himself a poisonous Gu monster.

The moment he saw the blood-sucking locust appear, Gu Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "In that case, I'll trouble Brother Meng Jiang."

The old monster nodded excitedly: "Master Gu, you're welcome. This is what I should do."

After he finished speaking, countless blood-sucking locusts flew out of his robe and scattered up and down the river. Some were patrolling in the sky, while others were swimming in the water.

After a while, the man seemed to sense something and said, "I seem to sense something, right there."

Everyone knows that those who can stand here and hunt down the three sky-swallowing pythons at this moment are trustworthy people.

As soon as he pointed the way, someone immediately controlled the flying silver-spotted pack ray to go in a certain direction.

On the bank of the Tongtian River, a huge python with a height of ten feet and three heads was parading on the bank of the river. Its breath was so powerful that it scared the birds and beasts away and did not dare to approach.

In the vast blue water, a ray of white light flashed. It looked like a dragon, with three heads sticking out, and a slightly smaller black-scaled python was pressed under its crotch.

It's just that the big python has been ravaged to a state of disgrace by it. It roared in pain and wanted to escape, but it didn't dare to escape in the face of its majestic power.

There was a group of blood-sucking poisonous insects peeping in the distance, but they didn't dare to come forward. After a while, a huge pack ray flew over from the distant river at low altitude and arrived in front of the python.

Seeing these three sky-swallowing pythons, Gu Xuan suddenly sensed them and showed a hint of excitement: "Yes, these are the three sky-swallowing pythons transformed by Wu Mahan."

Some people lamented.

"A person like Wu Mahan is only a hair away from the realm of a real person. It is a pity that he has turned into a beast at this time. He only knows how to make peace and have sex. It is really a trick of fate."

Although he transformed into three sky-swallowing pythons and had the initial cultivation of alchemy, he had lost his wisdom and became a beast.

They have a large number of people and come with formations, so they are bound to capture this beast.

The three sky-swallowing pythons also discovered the traces of everyone at this time, and roared, extremely disgusted with these people who disturbed his good deeds.

The white waves surged, and the rolling river water kept trembling under its huge force. The entire river surface shook uncontrollably, and then, the surging river water surged towards everyone.

Huge waves shocked the sky and rocks collapsed onto the shore. The frightened silver-spotted pack ray did not dare to step forward.

Although these three sky-swallowing pythons have transformed into beasts, they still maintain their ferocious nature. Sensing that Gu Xuan and others are coming with bad intentions, they want to take the lead in attacking.

Because the follow-up matters of Wangyue Mountain have not yet been dealt with.

Ye Yang has been staying at Wangyue Mountain during this period.

But in the Feitian Sect, these days, they have fallen into a state of depression that is visible to the naked eye.

Even more nervous than the previous battle with the monsters on Wangyue Mountain.

After instructing the three disciples to complete the follow-up chores at Wangyue Mountain, Ye Yangcai returned to the sect and wanted to hand over the final list to Gu Qingshu.

Only then did he realize that the other party was not in the sect.

He pushed open the door of Bai Zizhen's room, wanting to see how far Bai Zizhen had refined the flesh and blood divine fetus.

But he never thought that the room was also empty, and then he suddenly woke up.

Gu Qingshu, Bai Zizhen and other monks may have gone to the Tongtian River to look for the three strange pythons.

So he practiced quietly in the house, waiting for everyone to return, and the days passed quickly while practicing.

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