After coming out of Gu Qingshu's place, Ye Yang first went to the sect's mission hall and handed out the mission for this inspection.

After a while, several disciples signed up.

He walked out of the mission hall and soon saw a young female disciple, with a sword on her knees and strong clothes. She was practicing Qi under a green pine tree, attracting Zhou Tian's pure energy.

"This is the woman with the moon-piercing sword body."

Ye Yang felt the sword energy rising all over her body and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

This girl's name is Huo Bingshuang. She was picked up by the Feitianmen elders from their travels in the Universiade Dynasty. She is very talented.

Nowadays, Ye Yang is regarded as a role model in the Feitian Sect, whether it is using his Qi realm cultivation to lure away the warrior realm experts and save the Feitian Sect from danger.

Whether he killed the northern border monsters in the Immortal Barrier or frightened the butterfly back with a single blow, the news has spread throughout the Feitian Sect.

Especially the story of him rescuing the disciples of the sect on the bank of Bisha River with one sword and one sword was widely circulated.

Nowadays, most of this new batch of disciples choose swords as their weapons of protection. A large part of the reason is also because of his influence.

Along the way, Ye Yang couldn't help but shake his head when he heard the whirring of swords.

The sword is the courage of a hundred soldiers, and the sword is the weapon of a gentleman. The sword requires a heart of ice to understand the meaning of the Tao, and the Tao of the sword requires the fastest breakthrough in killing and fighting.

Without the urgent situation of Mount Tai collapsing, it would be difficult for the sword to go further.

Ye Yang walked to the disciple hall, where a deacon with gray hair was explaining sword skills to the new disciples.

These young disciples worshiped him extremely. Hundreds of them gathered together, making him look very majestic.

"What I'm going to tell you today is the Fengshuang Sword Technique. The Fengshuang Sword Technique is one of the most powerful spells in the Feitian Sect. It emphasizes the meaning of one sword strike, several sword strikes, downfall, vicissitudes of life, hardship and ruin."

"The representative figure in the sect is Ye Yang, the official and inspector who protects the law."

Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but shook his head.

The Fengshuang Sword Technique is not advisable for ordinary disciples, because they are still young and want to wear bright clothes and angry horses, appear holy in front of others, and be cool and happy.

The state of mind cannot meet the requirements for practicing Fengshuang Sword Technique.

If you don't have enough insights and feelings about life, practicing this sword technique is like a mouse pulling a cart behind closed doors.

Then the deacon pulled out a single sword, said a few more things that everyone should pay attention to, and then began to practice the sword moves.

Ye Yang could tell that although this deacon had solid basic skills, he had not experienced any life-and-death fights.

"It seems that this time to recruit casual cultivators, we still need to find some regular customers with rich fighting experience."

Ye Yang looked at the scene in front of him and thought to himself.

There are undercurrents surging in the world of immortality, and it is not peaceful. You may be killed if you are not careful when you go out. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can still easily defeat them with hidden weapons, poisons, and poisonous insects.

When they were in the ventilation state, the scene when a group of Zhang family members killed the giant crocodile was as vivid as yesterday.

He was thinking about something when he suddenly heard a voice in front of him.

"Qingshan, why do you work so hard to practice the combined attack method with swords? Don't you know that the art of swordsmanship is the most difficult to practice. Not only does it make people unable to focus on one thing, but the human body is blocked from left to right. Practicing this method often results in half the effort, and the gain is not worth the loss."

When the young man named Qingshan heard this, his eyes showed a hint of anger, and he gritted his teeth secretly, feeling very unconvinced.

"My cousin can cultivate it, why can't I? He has the title of Master of Swordsmanship, and I also want to have the title of Master of Swordsmanship."

"What's more, since the entrance examination of this group of disciples, Huo Bingshuang has been firmly occupying the first position by relying on the power of the Tongyue Sword Body. Wu Meng, a barbarian, has also beaten us. It is really uncomfortable. The sword technique The power is huge, if I can master the sword technique, I will definitely be able to crush them."

Hearing what Yu Qingshan said, the friend next to him stopped talking and said: "You are right, the art of swordsmanship is easy to learn but hard to master. What's more, your cousin is Ye Yang, who is a master of swordsmanship. You can always ask for advice."

It's okay not to say it. After hearing this sentence, Yu Qingshan sighed secretly.

"Although my cousin is not very talented, he practices diligently and consistently. I really admire his perseverance."

"It's just that there was a misunderstanding with him at home some time ago. Anyway, I must ask this cousin for advice in the future on how to practice this sword technique as fast as possible."

"I don't think anyone in the sect can match his sword skills."

As soon as Yu Qingshan said these words, the people around him immediately raised eyebrows. Many people only knew that he had a lot of background behind him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang, a popular figure in the sect, also has some blood relationship with him.

Even the white-haired deacon looked at him with a strange look.

Although the Ye family does not have much influence within the sect, it has been known as a loyal and good person throughout the generations.

When Ye Yang awakened his natal life, he was a spirit-detecting monk. What he awakened at that time was only a high-grade Huang-level natal life. Although it was good, it didn't have much special features.

At that time, he didn't think that this disciple would have any extraordinary abilities later on.

But within a few years, the other party first got rid of a group of Xuan-level people and broke through to the warrior realm.

Then, in the Immortal Barrier, Feitian Sect's reputation was greatly promoted, which was really extraordinary.

"If I had known that the other party had such achievements, I would have left a good impression on him no matter what."

The white-haired deacon thought to himself, thinking about this, a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Your name is Qingshan, right? Come up and practice it for me again. I'll see if there are any mistakes."

Early the next morning, a boy from the mission hall came to Ye Yang and said respectfully: "Guardian Ye, all the people involved in this mission are ready. When do you think we will set off?"

Ye Yang looked at the sky and it was still early, but he had nothing to do recently and said: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Let's set off today. In this way, we can reach Wangyue Mountain in a few days."

After listening to his instructions, the boy quickly called to everyone, and soon three disciples came.

When Ye Yang saw that the people had gathered together, he gave orders. These people immediately prepared horses and sundries, and a group of people headed towards Wangyue Mountain.

It's been a safe journey. Fortunately, I'm healthy.

Along the way, Ye Yang saw many casual cultivators, carrying their luggage and moving their families to other places.

Ye Yang knew that there was a battle at Wangyue Mountain some time ago, and the spiritual veins were destroyed. Now many monks have left their hometowns and migrated abroad.

Walking into Wangyue Mountain, a few people found an inn to stay. Ye Yang couldn't help but be secretly surprised when he saw that the flow of people in the city had dropped by a full third compared with before.

"Bah, damn it. After a great battle destroyed the spiritual veins of Wangyue Mountain, all the monks were in danger and fled quickly. Even my skills as a tailor can no longer be used."

"That's right, what kind of real person? I think they are just bandits. Those strong casual cultivators are recruited by sects and families. Do you think low-level cultivators like us can only wait here to die?"

The curses came, and Ye Yang finally understood the current situation of Wangyue Mountain.

"Today is a good time for the monks to exchange goods. Normally there will be a lot of people, but now there are only a few people. It seems that Wangyue Mountain has been seriously harmed by the Immortality Barrier."

After passing through the crowd, Ye Yang walked to a remote deserted house.

It was winter at the moment, and the yard was covered with a layer of snow, several feet deep.

Ye Yang knocked lightly on the door, and a boy opened the door after a while.

Seeing the boy, Ye Yang asked, "Has Master Huolian ever been here?"

The boy nodded and said, "Have you made an appointment?"

Ye Yang took out the previous agreement.

When he entered the Immortality Barrier, he had entrusted the other party to install a peacock feather on the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle. He calculated with his fingers that nearly half a year had passed. He happened to arrive at Wangyue Mountain and wanted to take this thing away.

As soon as the disciple saw the contract, he quickly walked in to welcome Ye Yang.

After a while, a strong, plump man in his fifties came over. When he saw Ye Yang, he immediately said, "Fellow Taoist, you are here to get the Peacock Feather Needle Bug."

Ye Yang nodded.

Master Huolian showed a smile and coughed a few times: "As expected, this peacock feather insect was only delivered yesterday, and it is just right for today."

While he was speaking, a stream of blood flowed from his lips, and his face was like gold paper, extremely weathered.

Ye Yang was slightly surprised. He raised the opponent's wrist, spent a bit of life energy on it, and then said: "Senior, what are you doing?"

Master Huolian shook his head, sighed and said, "Fortunately you are here today. I will prepare to take my disciples home to retire after a while."

After listening to his story, Ye Yang realized that after Master Huolian became famous, many demons came to ask him to refine and repair magic weapons.

The weak ones would insist on some rules, but the strong ones would directly force him to do so, treating him as a puppet for making magic weapons.

A few days ago, a demon came and clashed with him after a disagreement, beating him seriously.

His face was pale, and after Ye Yang absorbed the life essence, he felt much better.

He showed disdain: "These monsters are really rampant, so they can only bully us casual cultivators, and let them bully those clan members if they can."

After he finished speaking, he realized that Ye Yang was a member of the clan. He knew that he had said the wrong thing, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face: "I didn't mean that."

Ye Yang naturally did not take these things to heart, but looked at him with a glint in his eyes.

This man has superb forging skills. If he can be accepted into the Feitian Sect, it will be a blessing to the sect.

So Ye Yang said: "Senior, wouldn't it be a pity if you have such great skills and can go home to retire? Our Feitian Sect is now recruiting talents and opening its doors."

"To be honest, I am here to recommend various talents. You are highly skilled. If you are willing to join the Feitian Sect, Ye is willing to be your recommender."

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Master Huolian sighed.

After waiting for a while, he said: "Thank you Daoist Ye for your kindness. It's just that I've been used to idle clouds and wild cranes all my life, and I can't stand the constraints of the sect."

He hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and did not accept the olive branch offered by Ye Yang.

After a detailed discussion, Ye Yang found out that this fire master came from the famous blacksmithing sect, the Flame Mountain. However, the Flame Mountain was destroyed by demons from outside the territory a few years ago, so his disciples were scattered.

He is already a third-level weapon refiner and can forge mid-level magic weapons.

Magical weapons are precious. Even after breaking through to the warrior realm, Ye Yang only has a red maple sword in his hand, which can be regarded as a magic weapon.

Therefore, a weapon refiner who can cast a medium-grade magic weapon is worth a lot of money. Although the fire refiner master is very kind and sophisticated, he did not say the reason for his refusal.

However, Ye Yang knew that he thought the Feitianmen temple was too small.

Master Huolian showed a hint of embarrassment, coughed, and then said.

"I have always had a soft spot for the Feitian Sect, but after this trip, I may never come back."

"To be honest, it was the Blood Demon Sect's real person who personally invited me. From now on, I may have to stay in the Blood Demon Sect permanently. If you have time in the future, fellow Taoist, you might as well come to the Blood Demon Sect to talk about mysteries and taste tea. "

Seeing that the other party had made up his mind to leave, Ye Yang didn't say much. He also knew that although Feitian Sect was good at what they said, it was still far behind those powerful sects.

When the other party had a choice, he chose to go to higher places and go to the Blood Demon Sect, which was not a surprise to him.

So Ye Yang clasped his fists and said respectfully, "Senior, please help me buy another peacock feather insect for my finger glove."

Master Huolian nodded: "This is a simple matter. The peacock feathers are ready. You can pick them up in three days."

Ye Yang put the Rainstorm Pear Blossom finger cot in his hand.

Master Huolian accepted it.

On one side, Ye Yang was chatting with Master Huolian. On the other side, on a scattered spiritual vein, there was a simple and elegant manor.

There is an old pine tree in the courtyard, covered with frost and rain, it is more than a foot thick and as strong as a dragon. A group of people are sitting under the tree.

In addition to Xiao Sheng, who had paid a special visit to Ye Yang before, there were five or six other people, all of whom were his friends and relatives.

"I heard that the Feitian Sect has patrolled the Dharma Protector and arrived at Wangyue Mountain. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Xiao. From now on, Fellow Daoist Xiao can join the great sect and achieve great success."

The person who spoke was none other than a well-known Nanmingshan person in Wangyue Mountain.

The Nanmingshan native is young, forty or fifty years old. He has a black beard under his chin and looks like a fairy. There are two men and a woman beside him.

Xiao Sheng was also a little excited.

But the ones who are most excited at this moment are naturally his disciples and grandsons who are in the ventilation realm.

They have suffered a lot from being scattered cultivators, and now they hear that their master is going to enter the sect. It can be said that they are suddenly in trouble, and they all have dreams of transforming into dragons. .

I heard the praises of Nanmingshan people.

Xiao Sheng chuckled a few words: "Brother Nanming, why do you have to tease me like this? You must be included in Feitianmen's guest list this time."

"I heard that the person here this time is Ye Yang, the inspector of the Lishi Hall. I wonder if he is a difficult person."

Xiao Sheng still had some concerns.

He had met Ye Yang several times and even gave him a second-level demon pill as a casual gift. However, the friendship was not deep and he only felt that this person was as smooth as a ghost, but he had deep principles in his heart and was a round person on the outside but square on the inside.

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