The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 142 Some people become immortals and become ancestors, while some people will be famous fore

Ye Yang sat in the house and carefully counted what he had gained in the Immortality Barrier this time.

The most precious thing among them is naturally the flesh and blood divine fetus, which is enough to cause a bloody storm if word spreads about it.

This thing can have the miraculous effect of life and death, flesh and bones, and it also contains the power of time. Even old illnesses can make people recover as before and return to their prime.

The flesh-and-blood divine fetus is like Tai Sui, with layers of white flesh and a clear purple light. At the top are two eyes that are constantly rotating.

Ye Yang took it out of the storage bag, took the old blue-tiled vat, filled it with spiritual water, and put the flesh-and-blood divine fetus into it.

After doing this, Ye Yang took out a long red knife that was wrapped in red cloth and looked like a bloody blade.

This thing was obtained by him from the fortune dragon. It is quite mysterious. It has the effect of expelling evil spirits, avoiding disasters, and bringing continuous good fortune. According to the mysterious fortune teller, it has the effect of driving away evil spirits and avoiding disasters.

This object seems to have many mysteries, and it seems to be a piece of a lucky set.

Taking out a jade slip, Ye Yang carefully realized that this jade slip was exactly the explanation given to him by the mysterious fortune-telling Taoist priest.

It was just that he had not had time to check it in the immortal barrier. At this moment, he immersed his consciousness in the jade slip. After about a stick of incense, Ye Yang opened his eyes.

"This thing is indeed magical and very rare."

He groaned slightly. According to the jade slip, this lucky red knife can suppress the aura of disaster and bring good luck to himself. The method of use is also simple, just apply it with blood essence and carry it with you.

In addition, this object has another greatest use, that is, it can cover up the secrets of heaven and hide its own aura.

Since he practiced the Elephant Demon Fist, his body has gradually changed, and his physical strength is unparalleled. It would be just right if he could cover it with the red knife of good luck.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang no longer hesitated, spitting out a mouthful of blood and smearing it on the red knife.

For a moment, he felt an indescribable something inside his body, and it seemed that his entire body had become illusory.

Putting the lucky red knife and the white elephant bead together and putting them away carefully, Ye Yang carefully counted the other harvests, such as the Jingxiang Snow Lotus, the Hundred-Year-Old Vermilion Fruit, the Seven Dreams of Evil in the World, etc.

After sorting everything into categories, Ye Yang prepared to sell some unused spiritual materials and minerals to the sect in exchange for contribution points.

As for the spiritual stone, with the salary of a warrior-level protector, and the steady flow of rent in the backyard, it is no longer in short supply.

Ye Yang stood up. Xiu Ya had been waiting outside the door for a long time. She knocked on the door and walked in. She brought him a plate of spiritual fruits and a cup of hot tea.

She knelt in front of her and gently peeled off the skin of the spirit fruit, fed the pulp to him, then knelt down, took off his clothes and boots, put them in her arms, and kneaded them gently.

"Young master, I don't know why, but I feel like you are a little different from yesterday."

"Oh? What's different?"

"I can't explain it, but I always feel so blessed."

Ye Yang guessed that it was the effect of the Lucky Red Knife that had just been activated. He looked at Xiu Ya's fair, supple and plump figure and couldn't help but reach out and touch her gently.


Xiuya wanted to refuse but welcomed him. She never refused Ye Yang's request. Instead, she bit her lips tightly and let out a slight gasp from her nose.

She gave him a wink.

Ye Yang took out a jade pendant from his storage bag. This jade pendant was a trophy he seized from a casual cultivator in the ventilation realm. It was quite extraordinary.

It can automatically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and condense the shield, which can resist the blow of the monks in the late stage of ventilation.

"You can wear this and try it on your body. It will also add a layer of protection to yourself."

Xiuya happily took the jade pendant and poured a little magic power into it. The jade pendant inspired a protective shield, which seemed to be indestructible.

Sensing that this thing was extraordinary, Xiu Ya quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"How virtuous and capable is this servant to allow the young master to bestow this treasure of the Immortal Family?"

Ye Yang raised her chin and looked at the other party's beautiful face.

"Your cultivation level is still a bit low, so remember to practice well."

Xiu Ya bit her lip and nodded immediately.

During this period of time, Ye Yang has been quietly digesting the various gains from the longevity barrier.

Especially regarding the Thirteen Swords of Time, he attaches great importance to it. He meditates on it every day and never stops practicing it and wielding the sword to gain insights.

The Thirteen Knives of Time is worthy of being the top inheritance among spiritual arts.

This sense of the passage of time and the vicissitudes of time gave him different insights every time he practiced.

This sword technique is extremely fierce and contains the power of time, which is extraordinary.

He is just getting started now.

With one swing of the sword, there will be a steady stream of thirteen swords slashing out, and Kurong's hand has the ability to transform life and death.

In the future, if an old person fights with him for a long time, his life will disappear and he will die.

As for the young and talented people, if they take this knife, they will cut off their life potential, and they will only be in trouble.

Some people look at its vicissitudes of life, some feel that time is rushing, and some regret that it has blown away a season of prosperity and has mottled black hair.

However, Ye Yang realized from this glimpse of time that time is like a song and the horror of time passing by.

"Who in the world can survive? No matter how magnificent and beautiful you are, you will be nothing more than a handful of dirt in the end. And life is not easy, and it is difficult for anyone to change the trajectory of fate." (1)

"On the road to immortality, you can only cross the path by yourself. Only by always maintaining the will to move forward can you reach the end."

He was quite touched and sighed softly.

In the past few days, Ye Yang finally returned to his normal life, practicing diligently and teasing Zhuri Feigui when he was tired.

Because the scaly demon elephant can be as big or small as he wants, he is often in the courtyard and has a great time playing with the flying turtle.

On this day, Ye Yang was practicing under the old persimmon tree.

But he never thought that there was a knock on the door outside.

He walked forward and opened the door gently, only to see a man with a dark complexion, a thin body and a long beard under his forehead.

After seeing Ye Yang, the man looked extremely flattering and spoke quickly.

"But Protector Ye in person?"

Ye Yang nodded, with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "I wonder who the fellow Taoist is?"

Feitianmen is not big, and he can confirm that he has never seen this person before.

The thin old man in his fifties smiled and took out two exquisite gift boxes.

"Guardian Ye, I was escorting the spiritual materials from Wangyue Mountain to Feitian Gate. I heard that Guardian Ye was able to kill the monsters in the northern border in the Immortal Barrier, which strengthened the spirit of monks like us. I admired him so much that I came here to pay my respects."

"These two boxes of things are small gadgets given to me by my friends from the Yao Wang Sect. They are not precious things, but they are quite unique. I often take them, and the effect is extraordinary."

"I also asked Protector Ye to accept it. I have no other intention. I just wanted to pay a special visit and pay homage to the true appearance of Protector Ye."

Ye Yang didn't know this person, and he didn't know what the other person was talking about. He also knew that the words of respect the other person said were actually polite words. The purpose was to deliver this thing to him, so naturally he refused again and again.

"Fellow Taoist, if you have any questions, just tell me directly. This will make it difficult for me to do it."

Seeing Ye Yang say this, he spoke a little embarrassedly.

"I don't know if Protector Ye is convenient. I just wanted to come over and talk to Protector Ye about my personal development."

After saying that, he took out the jade slip that he had prepared and handed it to Ye Yang, who opened it gently.

The jade slip contains detailed information about this person.

This person could accurately find the door of his house and come from the Feitian Gate, which meant that there was someone behind him to guide him, and he did not directly drive him away.

He looked at the jade slips carefully. This man's name was Zhao Dafu. He was at the eighth level of ventilation and was over seventy years old. For a ventilation monk, he was at the end of his life.

"He is actually a first-level alchemist."

"Fellow Taoist, if you have this skill, it's not as good as a fish in water. Why do you want to enter the Feitian Sect?"

Zhao Dafu showed an awkward smile, and then said: "Guardian Ye doesn't know something. After the destruction of Wangyue Mountain, the spiritual veins dried up, and countless casual cultivators were unable to practice and had to leave their hometowns to make a living."

"I grew up here since I was a child. When I went to another place, I was a foreigner who was not familiar with the place. My cultivation level was ordinary, so I was inevitably bullied. The atmosphere in Feitian Sect is quite good, and the spiritual energy is rich. It is the place I yearn for."

Ye Yang knew that the Feitian Sect had fought against real people before, and many people felt that the Feitian Sect had unlimited potential, so they wanted to join it.

But as this person said, although there are many flies and dogs inside Feitianmen, in comparison, it can indeed be regarded as a quiet place.

"Whether you can join the Feitian Sect or not, you still need to be approved by the leader. You'd better take this thing."

"Guardian Ye, what are you talking about? It's not a precious thing, it's just the thought of our old Zhao. Besides, there's no reason to take the things you sent back."

Zhao Dafu refused repeatedly, put the things away, and fled out of the door in a panic. Ye Yang saw that he had left in an instant, so he had to put them away.

He opened the gift box and found two pills inside.

A bottle of Zhu Yan Dan and a Jiao Jing Pill.

It wasn't something shameful, at most it was a little specialty, so Ye Yang put it away.

Sometimes receiving gifts is also a skill, which can make the other person calm down and stop thinking wildly, let alone offend others.

Seeing Xiu Ya's busy figure in the room, Ye Yang couldn't help but shook his head.

It seemed that the other party had already gotten to know him well, and the person who gave the gift was really thoughtful.

Xiu Ya liked it very much and kept holding the gift box and looking back and forth.

"Young Master, I heard that this Jiao Jing Pill can make men strong, huge, and as hard as iron. Do you want to try it?"

When Ye Yang walked out of the door, Zhang Buer was practicing his sword. When he saw Ye Yang walking by, he shouted quickly.

"Senior Brother Ye."

Ye Yang nodded. This time he went to the Immortality Barrier, but Zhang Buer did not participate.

This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that there is no need to fight for life and death outside, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It lacks an opportunity.

Zhang Buer looked at Ye Yang's retreating figure, feeling bitter in his heart.

This time after coming out of the Immortality Barrier, even Yan Qingying broke through to the ninth level of ventilation.

And his cultivation level has reached the ninth level of ventilation since two years ago, and he is still on the ninth level of ventilation now.

He knew that resources were limited, and if there were fewer resources, the consequence would be that the speed of practice would be greatly slowed down.

Even later, the sect subsidized a large amount of spiritual stones for those of them who were born at the Xuan level.

But if you want to rely on these spiritual stones to break through the warrior realm, it is still a drop in the bucket.

He began to think carefully about when the gap between himself and others began.

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that it was during the battle for the Feitian Seven Realms.

Those who later obtained the title of Feitian Qizhen all progressed very quickly in their cultivation, such as Ye Yang, Wang Dong, and Dugu Qiang, all of whom have now reached the realm of warriors.

Li Bayuan, Zhang Xing and others have also condensed their innate Qi, but they are just waiting for the opportunity to break through.

But he thought about it again in an instant.

Some people become immortals and ancestors, and some people will be famous forever.

The so-called becoming an immortal, becoming an ancestor, being famous forever, and being a hegemon for a long time are actually nothing compared to one thing, which is to follow your own heart, do something you like, and spend the rest of your life.

From a spiritual point of view, he was a less successful loser, but when faced with a major choice in his life, he rode thousands of miles alone to rescue his friends without regretting it.

This may also be the meaning of Xia Xin Ben Ming.

When others are fighting for life and death with swords, guns and swords in the battle for the Feitian Seven Realms.

He was alone with his friends at the top of Wangyue Mountain, sitting around the stove, making tea, reflecting the sunset, and watching the snow all day long...

Saying goodbye to Zhang Buer, Ye Yang arrived at Bai Zizhen's house.

Bai Zizhen has always lived a simple life, even the warriors and maids assigned to him by the sect are of no use. At this moment, he is refining Tiangang in the courtyard to guide the evil spirit.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, he opened his eyes with a bright look, which was very different from the old, weak and old man before.

"Hey, the famous Protector Ye among the sect, how come you have time to visit me, an old man today?"

Bai Zizhen watched Ye Yang coming and made a joke.

"You don't know that Uncle Bai is thinking about my flower tea and specially gave you something."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out the exquisite scented tea wrapped in white paper and blue and white porcelain.

The old tea at the bottom is kneaded from the leaves of the Sword Ancient Tea Tree, while the scented tea on the outside is made by picking flowers from the mountains and drying them in the spring.

"You guy."

Bai Zizhen smiled and said: "The Bitan Piaohua you cooked yourself is really good. You have been very naughty in the past few years."

Although Bai Zizhen said this, he still opened the bag happily, took a cup with a teaspoon, and brewed it with hot water.

The two of them sipped tea, the wind was light and the clouds were light, chatting about homely things.

"I came here specifically to return these seven hundred contribution points to Uncle Bai today."

The sect's contribution points are precious. Three years ago, he borrowed Bai Zizhen's 700 contribution points to exchange for the martial arts elixir. It took nearly three or four years to get it together after he broke through to the warrior realm.

Bai Zizhen shook his head slightly: "What's the use of this thing when half of my body is buried in the earth? You can keep it first. You have just broken through to the martial arts realm, and you need more resources for cultivation."

In the past few years, Bai Zizhen has worked hard to refine Tiangang Daoyinsha, but he has not yet broken through to the seventh level of martial arts.

Therefore, he was quite discouraged about spiritual practice.

"How can this be..."

"Why, this old man like me doesn't keep his words?!"

Contribution points are precious. Even if Bai Zizhen is a high-level member of the sect, these 700 contribution points are still not a small amount.

Ye Yang sighed secretly, knowing that Bai Zi was really stubborn, so he said: "How dare you contradict Uncle Bai, but it's not easy for you."

"No matter how difficult it is, I'm stronger than you. Okay, just quit if you have nothing to do. I still have to train Tiangang Daoyinsha."

(1) Part of the words are quoted from Chen Dong's "The World of Immortality".

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