Ye Yang looked up and saw a demon with wild boar tusks and mane.

He had a bloody mouth, exposed fangs, and was wearing a suit of animal armor. He was drooling when he spoke and had a fishy stench.

He rubbed his hands, drooling over Die Wuhou, stretched out his hands as rough as steel, and touched Die Wuwuhou's face.

Die Wuhou didn't take it seriously, as if she didn't see it, and didn't say anything.

He just walked over normally, as if he was flying.

But, the next moment.

Countless Zhu Hua bloomed, a flash of blood-red cold light flashed, and the fanged pig head fell to the ground!

The demon is just gone!

There was awe all around, and Queen Diewu took out a white towel embroidered with a yellow butterfly and wiped her sword.

Then he inserted the sword into the scabbard very normally, as if the sword had never been drawn.

The demons were amazed and quickly backed away.

I was afraid of offending this murderous god.

"The head feast has begun! Ignore this god of death."

"Who doesn't know that he has eyes of blood and tears? Why provoke this evil star?"

"I just heard that he has hope of entering the Hidden Dragon Ranking. There is no need to start an argument with him."

"Tonight, Old Man Jiao specially invited Beihai Lingche to bring a group of tender-skinned ladies to prepare a banquet for everyone. In addition, the Bodhisattva of Joyful Bodhisattva and the seated goddesses will also be invited as guests."

"That's right, it's too late, but it won't be your turn."

Soon the crowd dispersed, and the demon's physical body was also in a panic. It was unknown who took it away for a tooth-beating sacrifice.

In the middle of Jiaolongtan is a quaint main hall, which is shrouded in mist, making it difficult to see the whole thing.

There is an ancient tree in front of the door, which is about forty meters tall and extremely thick.

Inside the hall, there were hundreds of people sitting or standing, filled with demonic energy.

Most of them are demons with terrifying bodies, the largest ones are three feet tall, with blue hair, purple eyes and indigo complexion.

The petite one, no more than the size of a fist, wearing a straw hat, is a mountain elf, jumping around on the dining table, making milky sounds, and constantly meowing.

Ye Yang sat alone on the most remote small table, very unnoticed.

The people sitting here are all little monsters and demons, and no one pays attention to them.

After a while, there was a rich, handsome and ethereal crane demon, pretending to be a human being, standing in the center and saying: "I am very happy that the Bodhisattva of Bodhisattva has arrived."

This man was famous among the demons and monsters. Hearing the name of this Bodhisattva, a group of people quickly raised their heads and looked at him.

After a while, there was bursts of vocal music and gongs and drums.

Two teams of warriors and goddesses scattered flower petals and pulled the copper lotus chariot into the main hall.

The body of the Great Joy Bodhisattva, with folded layers of fat, is lying in the chariot, half-lying, with rippling fat, white and fat.

Holding a lady's fan in her hand, she lightly covers her face, half revealing her shyness.

Her voice was thick, like a man's.

"Fellow Taoists, I'm late. Please forgive me."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately became heated.

"Bodhisattva, what are you talking about? We have just arrived."

"Bodhisattva, I heard that you are going to hold a mass unobstructed meeting. I wonder if you can give me a chance."

"Bodhisattva, there are goddesses and powerful men who want to enter the curtain while you are sitting down. I am not afraid of meat and vegetables. I will eat them for both men and women."

The Bodhisattva of Great Joy in the Body of Bodhisattva chuckled and said in a charming voice: "I will not disappoint you fellow Taoists, but I want a strong man with sufficient energy and kidneys. If he is a weak-footed sheep, I don't want him."

After finishing speaking, Great Joy Bodhisattva took a seat under the leadership of the white crane boy.

After a while, the boy Baihe shouted again: "The old immortal of Karma Spiritual Fire is here!"

Suddenly, a pale white cold fire as big as a wheel flew in from outside.

This cold fire transformed into a devil holding a sickle, with white hair and pockmarked face.

"It's the old ghost of karma spirit fire!"

Someone in the room accidentally let something slip, and his mouth was quickly covered by his partner.

This Karma Spiritual Fire Old Immortal is a seeker of the Tao. A hundred years after his death, a ball of phosphorus fire was born in his body. After that, he became wise all the way and turned into an old ghost.

Because of his birth, he particularly hated the word "ghost" and called himself Lao Xian.

But when he takes action, he is so sinister that most outsiders call him an old ghost.

This old ghost was very powerful and sat down at the top position.

After a while, another fairy girl driving a magic silkworm flew over. She called herself God Silkworm Tiangu, and she seemed to be from southern Xinjiang.

After that, seven or eight old demons came in and sat at the top.

The white-bones dandy that Ye Yang had seen in the market before was also among them, wearing a colorful embroidered blouse with dan horns and sitting at the top.

Although his aura was not as good as those of the old demons, standing next to him was the old servant with a bronze spear and disheveled hair. His aura was extremely unusual and his aura was terrifying, as if he wanted to choose people to devour.

The spiritual banquet in the venue has not yet started, and it seems that it is still waiting for someone.

After about half a stick of incense, there was a rush of blood outside the house. Four strong men, with their lower bodies intact and their upper bodies dripping with blood and bones, like oxen and horses, came in leading the cart.

After a while, the curtain was opened, and a child of seven or eight years old appeared.

The whole body is covered with Buddha light and blood light. It looks childish, but there is a trace of vicissitudes in the corners of the eyes, and there is a five-color Buddha wheel spinning slowly behind him.

A string of lime-pickled baby heads hung around the neck, with fur still intact, teeth grinning, and eyes wide.

"The great elder of the Blood and Bone Sect has arrived."

Hearing the words Blood Bone God Cult, Ye Yang couldn't help but raise his head and glance at this person in surprise.

They call themselves a religious cult, but in fact, the outside world calls them the Blood and Bone Cult.

This blood-and-bone cult uses human heads as sacrifices. It is worse than the Red Lantern Club and is a major cancer.

I don’t know how many people were harmed by it.

It is said that the Red Lantern Notice is a branch of it.

The Bai family of the Feitian Sect was bewitched by him. Bai Guyue sacrificed more than 300 relatives in one night and escaped from the Feitian Sect.

The great elder of the Blood and Bone Cult is the highlight of the night. After he arrived, the White Crane Boy immediately said: "The spiritual banquet has begun. Please give King Jiao a few words."

"Is this the same approach in the demon world?"

Ye Yang was a little confused. After a while, there was a dragon snake with a meat bag on his head and a white forehead scarf. He stood up, pretended to be a human, and coughed a few times.

"Comrades, it's really great that you can come to me, old Jiao... it's because of the brilliance of the pomegranates. Just like what those hateful humans said, there is no flower path that has never been swept by visitors. The gate is now open for you. All the heroes have arrived. It can be said that the endless Yangtze River is rolling in, and the endless falling trees are rustling. "

"As the saying goes...people who are not of my race must have different hearts...,"

This old dragon was very wordy and quoted from classics every time he said a sentence. He talked too much and his voice was so slow that no one knew what he was talking about.

After listening for a long time, Ye Yang understood what this person meant, which was to call on all the monsters to attack the human race together.

Finally, someone couldn't stand listening anymore. The boy from the Blood and Bone God Cult took over the words and cleared his throat quickly.

"Just now, what Brother Jiao said was not clear. Let me add something more. Everyone, under the banner of righteousness, those human races eat our bodies, refine our spirits, kill demons and refine elixirs, and refining demons for fun. It is really abominable! My blood The Bone God Sect turned away from the human race just because they couldn’t see the appearance of these hypocrites.”

The dragon demon said: "This immortality barrier is left by the legendary demon king of our demon clan, Changsheng Lao. These humans still want to get involved. They are really overbearing! They are just sucking our milk and scolding our mothers."

"Fifteen days later, when the moon is full, several real masters from the Blood Demon Sect and the Qinglian Mo Family will attack the Forbidden Land of Immortality Barrier together. At that time, the real masters of my sect, Blood Sea, will fight against the demon kingdom on the earth - Yitian. The big demons will work together to kill those righteous people, and I hope you brothers can help me."

Ye Yang remained silent, but his brows furrowed unavoidably.

He didn't have any undue prejudice against monsters.

But along the way, I felt a little bit frightened when I saw these demons acting wildly, doing whatever they wanted, and maximizing their greed and killing thoughts in their hearts.

When the great elder of the Blood and Bone Cult was speaking, he didn't seem to take these small sects seriously. Even in front of them, he didn't even mention them, and even counted them among them. Among the human race.

Even to kill!

It shows that they don't take them seriously enough. If they act together with these monsters, they will undoubtedly seek skin from the tiger.

At this time, the boy from the Blood God Sect above was afraid that the old dragon would continue to speak, so he said, "Today we also invited the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess of Motun City, but she did not respond. In this case, we will Let’s have a dinner.”

The Yin and Yang Mother Goddess?

Why are these old demons related to Motun Fucheng, and he doesn't know it yet.

Ye Yang was surprised.

This Demon Devouring Immovable City was transformed into his vest. When did you receive the invitation?

By this time, someone had already served plates of delicacies.

At a glance, it looks like the heads of pigs, cows, horses, sheep, and humans, or the hearts, livers, intestines, and lungs, stained with blood and raw meat.

There are also fat bugs as long as arms, covered in dark sauce, but with two eyes.

There is also a mysterious fruit that looks like a baby and will cry when you touch it with your hand.

It looks chilling!

Ye Yang felt like he had no appetite at all, and was about to feel sick to his stomach.

At the table next to him was a tiger demon. Ye Yang leaned over and saw that the tiger demon was nibbling the delicious food.

Seeing Ye Yang coming over, I thought I was going to compete with him for meat, so I quickly put away the dinner plate and covered it with my sleeves.

Ye Yang brought his share over.

"Brother Tiger, I have a small appetite and I don't eat much. It would be a waste not to eat these things. I might as well give them to you."

After hearing this, the tiger spirit realized that Ye Yang was not trying to compete with him for food.

He quickly wiped the blood on his mouth and took the plate in Ye Yang's hand over.

"This is a good thing. You can't see it on weekdays. You are really unlucky!"

He devoured it quickly and devoured it. The gaps between his teeth were filled with pieces of meat. When he raised his head, his mouth was full of meat and his voice was a little hard to hear.

Weng Sheng said angrily: "Looking at your small body, you really can't eat a few pieces of meat, and what's in your eyes, uncle, I am a leopard, not a tiger."

Ye Yang looked at the other person's stretched-out face and secretly wondered if the monster had a good appetite and ate too much, so that he had eaten himself into the shape of a tiger.

He was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Brother Bao, why haven't you heard of the Demon Swallowing the Unmovable City? It's so powerful that even those old demons are willing to wait."

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