The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 112 Universiade Dynasty Demon Elimination List

The warm sun in the sky, the fairy-like mountain peaks.

As well as the flying turtle in front of me, and the huge demon elephant covered in scales.

She looked at Ye Yang and twisted her fat hips, feeling that she had made the right choice when she had the courage to find this man.

"You just stay here and clean the house every day. If anything happens, I will notify you. As for the food of the demon elephant, I have arranged a special disciple. You can just meet him every day!"

Ye Yang placed the scaly demon elephant under the old persimmon tree. The demon elephant had a huge vitality, and its daily food required spiritual herbs and dried meat, which was a huge expense.

Therefore, he had already issued tasks among the sect, and had dedicated disciples to provide them.

After hearing Ye Yang's arrangement, Xiu Ya nodded: "Sir, in addition to these, I have another most important task."


Ye Yang glanced at her: "What?"

Xiu Ya bit her lip, came close to him, rubbed him with her long, white legs, and showed a hint of shyness: "Of course I want to warm the young master's bed!"

After saying that, she twisted her fat hips and walked into the house. Her plump body revealed a pair of fair and supple shoulders and slender legs, and she began to clean up the house.

Seeing Xiu Ya's graceful figure and how passionately she was being fucked, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a burst of fire.

He walked into the quiet room, took out the storage bag he had obtained from Commander Liu and others, and looked at it carefully.

There are more than 500 spirit stones in the storage bag, as well as two bottles of Jingyundan. This Jingyundan is a must-have for martial artist practice, and one bottle costs more than a hundred spirit stones.

Ye Yang checked and found that only half of one bottle was left. It might be that the other party took it regularly.

Apart from that, there are no precious things, only some changes of clothes and a roll of jade slips.

Ye Yang picked up the jade slip, thinking it was some kind of spiritual practice, and was quite curious, but when he opened it and looked at it, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This thing turned out not to be an inheritance jade slip, but a list.

Universiade Dynasty Demon Killer List

First place: Kill the Emperor of Heaven

The identity is unknown, the face is unknown, and the cultivation level is unknown.

Second place: Empress of Yama

The King of Demon Lords, the Creator of Ten Thousand Demons, has thirteen evil spirits under his command. All of them are real powerful men, extremely evil and will not stop dying. There are 15,603 people from the three tribes, retreat calmly!

Third place: Zhitianji

Proficient in arithmetic, able to interpret heavenly secrets, and with a mysterious identity, he has repeatedly spread public opinion and opposed the dynasty.

Fourth place: Black Sin Peacock King

The person in charge of Nihai Xiefan is suspected to be the incarnation of the Holy Demon Son who failed to fight for the dragon by supporting the Taixu Sect, Jinghai Zen Temple, and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect.

It lists in detail a thousand extremely vicious and powerful demons, all of whom are life-or-death enemies of the Universiade Dynasty.

Ye Yang scrolled down and finally found information about the Leopard Demon.

Number 999: Thousands of Miles Through Clouds - Leopard Demon.

The demon who practices Leopard Demon Fist has extremely fast speed and is a very vicious person. He calls himself the Great Demon. He once united with the ape demon, bull demon, dog demon and other demons to massacre 368 members of the Huang family in Songfengpo, Southwest County. He is suspected of possessing The bloodline of the deceased great demon Nanshan King.

Cultivation level: The third or fourth level of warrior.

Ye Yang was shocked after accepting the demon elimination list.

The founder of the Universiade Dynasty, the founder of the Universiade Dynasty, used the human way to suppress the immortal way, unified hundreds of vassal states, and forced many practicing sects to collapse.

Even several holy places of cultivation within the territory, such as the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, Jinghai Zen Temple, and Taixu Sect, were hiding deep in the Shiwan Mountains of Yalong Ridge.

However, it seems that it is not stable internally, with demons causing trouble and evil spirits.

I'm afraid there will still be many disputes.

After putting away Commander Liu's storage bag, Ye Yang opened the storage bags of several other people.

But most of them are spiritual stones, and the pills taken in the ventilation realm are of no use to him anymore.

After carefully organizing it, Ye Yang thought about finding a time to sell these things.

Although he has now broken through to the martial arts realm, the consumption of practice has also increased accordingly.

Not to mention anything else, the elephant demon had to eat meat and drink alcohol every day. If he was fed with spiritual grass, it would cost him dozens of spiritual stones every month.

After everything was sorted, Ye Yang went to the Official Affairs Hall to find Zhang Li.

By the way, he reported on the results of this time and the situation of the 200 disciples brought back.

Now Ye Yang has broken through to the warrior realm. Although he has not obtained the status of a protector, he has already received the treatment of a protector.

Therefore, Zhang Li attaches great importance to Ye Yang, which is very different from before. As soon as he walked into the house, Zhang Li stood up to greet him.

"Now is the time when the sect is thirsty for talents. The other protectors have also brought back a large number of disciples from other places. Plus those who voluntarily came to sign up, there are probably more than a thousand people."

Zhang Li looked excited. The stronger the sect and the more people there are, the more obvious the role of their official affairs hall will be.

Looking at Ye Yang, Zhang Li suddenly thought of something, and then said: "A big event happened in Wangyue Mountain recently. You should not go out during this period. There may be some disputes!"

The official affairs hall has always had the most news in the entire sect.

Ye Yang frowned and then said, "What happened again?"

Wangyue Mountain is a large spiritual gathering place, and there is no overly powerful sect.

There is a mixture of dragons and snakes inside, with many unborn casual cultivators and numerous small families maintaining its strange and peaceful situation.

What troubled him the most was that the general outline of the inherited spiritual art of the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time was hidden in Wangyue Mountain.

"There have been heavy rains in the past few years, and three years of heavy rains have washed away many ancient tomb sites. Someone found traces of the demon clan's great power, Changsheng Lao, in Wangyue Mountain."

"Nowadays, everything is shaking, and all kinds of news are coming out one after another. Even the big sects such as Blood Demon Sect, Qinglian Mo Family, and Jiutian Sect have sent people to check."

Speaking of this, Zhang Li couldn't help but sigh: "These sects are all powerful sects and we can't provoke them. Now among the sects, there is a faint interest in joining forces with Fengyu Tower, Taiyi Qingmen, and Wudu Sect to fight against the enemy." ”

As the saying goes, there are only eternal interests, but no permanent friends.

A few days ago, the four sects were still fighting for life and death, but now they want to join hands and speak to the outside world in unison.


Ye Yang felt heavy in his heart, not because of the alliance between several sects.

He was not surprised that several sects were already local leaders in the area. They would definitely have more say than one sect when speaking unanimously to the outside world.

It's just that the gathering of heroes now will affect his inheritance of the Thirteen Blades of Time.

That's the most troublesome thing.

Xiu Ya cleaned the inside and outside of the house. Even the elephant demon Kazuya's fur was shiny and his injuries were healed after being fed by her.

Ye Yang has carefully tested Xiu Ya's aptitude these days, but it's just as he thought.

That is, the appearance of a middle-aged man.

Fortunately, the courtyard was full of spiritual energy, and Ye Yang taught her some basic Qi training techniques.

In these days, nourished by spiritual energy, her complexion is rosy, her figure is graceful, her buttocks and breasts are plump, and she looks even more attractive.

Ye Yang played with Xiu Ya's pair of white socks and jade feet in his hands, and after playing with them for a while, he let them go.

Then he said: "You stay at home these days and don't go out. I will be back in a few days."

Xiu Ya never asked questions, nodded obediently, and prepared clothes for Ye Yang in advance.

Holding the scaled demon elephant in hand, Ye Yang stood on the empty mountain peak of Feitianmen and waited quietly.

The demon elephant is huge and majestic, covered in scales and armor, with four tusks, and is held by chains. It attracted the attention of countless people as soon as it appeared.

"It's Senior Brother Ye. This demonic elephant of Senior Brother Ye is so weird!"

"Shhh! Senior Brother Ye, he is Protector Ye, but what kind of demonic elephant is it? It is so mighty and majestic."

"This demon elephant seems to be a practitioner who was broken out of his mind by practicing the Elephant Demon Fist and transformed into a demon elephant. The aura on his body is so terrifying, he is simply a killing machine!"

Ye Yang was holding the demon elephant, and he heard people around him pointing and pointing, and he couldn't help but frown secretly.

He is a low-key and calm person who does not want to reveal his strength.

But the strange growth of this demonic elephant makes it impossible not to attract attention.

Standing on the mountain peaks and plains, a moment later, a huge silver-spotted pack ray flew from the horizon.

Ye Yang led the demon elephant, sat on the flying silver-spotted pack ray, and soon arrived at Shanhai City.

After this silver-spotted pack ray was purchased by Feitianmen, it has been responsible for transportation between Feitianmen and Shanhai City, and between Feitianmen and Manlong tribe.

This time Ye Yang came to Shanhai City because of a promise.

After walking out of Shanhai City, Ye Yang rode a scaled demon elephant and ran forward.

The demon elephant was extremely fast, running all the way, the ground shook and the mountains shook. The surrounding people gradually became sparse, and there were already some hills.

Ye Yang looked forward.

As the sun sets, on the horizon, the hills form a black line, hanging under the sun, and the horizon is endless.

This is Gaoling Village.

It was the hometown where he met the man named Dong Li when he was on a mission in the ventilation realm.

Ye Yangyang once promised to take his son to participate in Feitianmen's assessment, and now the time has come.

After crossing a hill, Ye Yang sat on the demon elephant and looked far into the distance. He couldn't help but be surprised.

In the mountain village in front of him, unknown flames were ignited, thick smoke billowed into the sky, and the surrounding area was dyed red.


Ye Yang was shocked when he saw this. After a moment, he sighed secretly and drove the demonic elephant into the sea of ​​fire.

But he arrived too late. There were bloodstains everywhere in the village, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Ye Yang walked around inside for a while, but there were corpses of men and women everywhere, with no one left alive.

The weirdest thing is not the corpses, but that all the people are headless.

The heads were piled together, the ground was stained with blood, and they were built into small buildings.

There is a statue enshrined on an evil altar in the middle. The lower body is filled with flesh and blood, and the upper body is made of strange bones.

It was strikingly similar to the tragic situation of the Bai family.

"It looks like the Blood and Bone Cult is at work again!"

Ye Yang gritted his teeth and said secretly.

People say that the snow in the north is cold, the west is scorching hot, and the south is poisonous.

The scary ones are the demon cultivators and the treacherous ones, but the rare ones are the immortal Taoists.

But what is more terrifying than the demon cultivators and monsters are the evil immortals and gods!

They completely treat people as animals, eating and offering sacrifices at will.

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