After listening to her description, Ye Yang had a calm expression on his face and a slight judgment in his heart.

This woman is of pure origin, and there are no traces of cultivation on her body, so she doesn't seem to be cheating.

But this is a smart man and what he wants is simple.

Ye Yang can give it to her.

Xiuya was still kneeling on the ground, like a lazy cat, exposing her curvy side body and fat buttocks. She seemed to like this very much.

Ye Yang touched her gently and lowered his head to her ear: "Now I will give you a task."

The manic masculinity made Xiuya's heart turbulent.

She was so bold that she secretly kissed Ye Yang's finger.

With the fragrance in his arms, Ye Yang said: "Get up now and clean up the house."

That night, because of the presence of outsiders, Ye Yang stayed up all night and did not practice any skills in order to avoid handing over his weaknesses to others.

Xiu Ya, on the other hand, wanted to express herself in front of Ye Yang.

After cleaning the house carefully, he took off his clothes and lay down on the bed automatically, waiting for Ye Yang's favor.

However, after not waiting for Ye Yang all night, he was unwilling to accept it and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The next morning, the sun shines in through the window.

However, in the past few years, continuous rainy and natural disasters have resulted in weak and weak sunlight.

The faint sunlight shines on Xiu Ya's black hair, like a layer of gold.

Ye Yang reached out his hand and gently stroked her hair.

Xiu Ya was awakened immediately, a pair of slender, white jade legs popped out, and she got out of the bed.

He apologized quickly: "Sir, I didn't mean to do it. I will prepare a meal for you."

After finishing speaking, he quickly put on his clothes and arranged for his servant to bring breakfast.

After Ye Yang broke through to the warrior realm, he drank spiritual energy and drank tea when he was thirsty.

My appetite for food has dropped a lot, and I don’t eat too much.

The meals carefully prepared by the Zhang family were quite tempting in front of Xiu Ya, who had never seen the world, and Xiu Ya ate them all by herself.

Ye Yang was on the side, watching her excitedly and covetously tasting the desserts on the table, showing a smile.

early morning.

In a damaged stone castle.

On the burnt-out tallow candle, a middle-aged man gently flicked the wick to extinguish the last trace of light.

Opposite him sat a female nun with a withered face.

He held a long snake-like whip on his fingers, and the tail of the whip was quietly wrapped around his wrist.

"Brother, our Xiang family was wanted by the Universiade Dynasty and fled to the foot of a remote mountain in Yalongling. Our spiritual energy is shallow and it is difficult to make any progress in our practice. Perhaps it is time to look for some variables."

The man who was called the eldest brother showed a trace of struggle on his face, and then said: "A few days ago, the second brother died and the third sister was captured. How many children of the clan are left this year?"

The woman with the scar on her face hesitated for a moment and thought: "After chasing all the way, there were originally hundreds of disciples, but now there are only about thirty people left. And... and..."

At this point, she sighed: "Since the heavy rain in Yalong Ridge overturned, it has been difficult to buy spiritual food outside."

"And there is no spiritual vein in this world, so we can only maintain our practice from the spiritual stones we brought from our family. There are not many spiritual stones left now!"

The man hesitated for a moment, but was still a little unwilling: "I heard that the Blood Demon Sect in White Dragon City is also recruiting disciples, have I ever inquired about it?"

The Blood Demon Sect is a large sect with a profound foundation. There are more than one real master cultivators in the sect. If they can send family disciples into it.

In the future, when the family is revived, it will also provide them with certain conveniences.

"Blood Demon Sect?"

The scarred female cultivator hesitated for a moment: "Although the Blood Demon Sect is powerful, it is a demon sect, and its emphasis is on "sprinkling the world with blood, and our way will be fulfilled." Most of the sect is filled with mentally disturbed people, and there are often elders who go crazy and become demons. The disciples treat him like an animal and eat him at will, and some even peel off his own skin and use the pain to seek enlightenment. His reputation is extremely bad."

The woman's face darkened slightly, and then she said: "I heard that there is a sect nearby, called Feitian Sect, and it seems that it is recruiting disciples."

After he finished speaking, he didn't speak anymore, but looked at the elder brother next to him, waiting for this person to speak.

The Xiang family was originally a cultivating family of the original Dayun Dynasty, an ancient vassal state.

But he never thought that the Immortal Concubine would emerge from the sky, wipe out more than a hundred vassal states, and establish the Great Fortune Dynasty.

They, the old clans of the vassal states, were being chased madly, and then they fled to Yalongling.


There was a trace of interest on the man's face, and then he said: "What is the strength of Feitian Sect?"

"Feitian Sect is not a large sect, and it does not have the background to suppress real people. Compared with the Blood Demon Sect, its strength is indeed not strong."

"But the atmosphere is not bad at all. I have never heard of eating disciples like animals. I heard that a few days ago, Wu Du Sect, Tai Yi Qing Sect and the remnants of the Red Lantern Zhao Gui attacked Feitian Sect's main altar, but they didn't ask for anything. What a benefit, I think it’s a bit level.”

"In this case, we will select five children from the family and send them to Feitian Sect to practice and learn skills."

"Ahem, let's send ten more people with good cultivation qualifications to go to the Blood Demon Sect to practice. If they can achieve something, it will be a glimmer of hope for us to get revenge in the future."

The man coughed and coughed up a mouthful of blood, with a gleam of revenge in his eyes.

His injury was left by the Hellfire of the Immortal Catcher of the Universiade Dynasty.

Since he was hit by this move, the flames have been burning his vitality, making his hair gray, and even his strength has been difficult to stabilize at the warrior level.

The sun rises and sets, the stars and the moon rotate.

In the white mist of autumn, the Bihu Lake is covered with mist.

The fallen leaves that withered last night were quickly soaked by the cold air and covered with a layer of frost.

Early the next morning.

Early in the morning, under the arrangement of the Zhang family, Ye Yang started the preliminary selection of disciples on the most conspicuous street.

Ye Yang sat on the demon elephant, while Wang Huan and others each took an apricot formation flag.

Ye Yang placed five spiritual stones on top of the round eye in his hand.

The next moment, the array and the flag echoed each other, and a huge circular cover appeared on the street.

After a while, someone came forward and said to Ye Yang, who was sitting on the demon elephant: "Guardian Ye, I don't know what I need to do."

Ye Yang vaguely remembered that this was Zhang Tong, the chief steward of the Zhang family. He nodded: "Quickly call all the disciples to come and start testing."

Ye Yang cleared his throat, activated the magic power in his body with his martial arts skills, and shouted loudly, which could be heard several miles away: "I, Feitian Sect, will open the gate today to recruit disciples and give each disciple a chance to become a Taoist. The requirements are very simple!"

"First: regardless of birth height, the age is between twelve and eighteen years old, both men and women are welcome."

"Second: Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, high or low, healthy or disabled, anyone who wants to attain enlightenment and transcend the mortal world can sign up."

"Third: Strong character, excellent qualifications, good character, able to obey the sect's rules, and have a grateful heart."

The three requirements are simple, but not many can satisfy them.

And if you want to practice cultivation, a person’s basic qualifications are also an important part of it. Feitian Sect naturally also has a set of methods for identification.

Ye Yang said to the people lining up outside: "Now please disciples of the appropriate age to enter the formation."

Following Ye Yang's order, the person in charge soon brought about hundreds of disciples present into the formation shield.

This is the mind-asking array specially purchased by Feitian Sect to recruit disciples this time.

It contains various tests such as greed, temptation, lust, obsession, wealth, etc.

If a person is not mentally strong and enters the formation, within a quarter of an hour, he will become addicted to the world in the formation, faint on the ground, and fall asleep.

The longer you persist, the firmer your mind becomes.

Ye Yang opened his eyes and controlled the formation disk.

You can see various situations inside the magic circle.

Some disciples were sweating profusely and disturbed by fear, while others were addicted to wealth, sex, and alcohol and found it difficult to sober up.

What's more, some people see themselves becoming immortals and ancestors. They live forever and don't want to wake up.

Most of the disciples could not persist for a quarter of an hour and soon fell asleep.

There are also a few disciples whose eyes are firm and undisturbed by external objects.

Ye Yang glanced at everyone and saw Zhang Zhe, the silly junior recommended by Zhang Bai.

This man's eyes were dull and dull, and he was indeed not smart.

But maybe it's just because of his dullness and stupidity.

Therefore, he was one of the few who persisted until the end.

Two hours later, Ye Yang felt it was time and put away the formation disk with a wave of his hand.

The dazzling blue light curtain gradually disappeared.

As soon as the light curtain of the formation was retracted, hundreds of disciples in the field woke up and turned around.

Although most people did not persist to the end, there were a few outstanding ones with good minds.

Immediately afterwards, there is the common test of root bone qualifications.

Ye Yang has now broken through to the warrior realm, so naturally he does not need to do such chores himself.

He sat on the demon elephant and gave the order.

Wang Huan and the other three people quickly made arrangements and conducted various bone touching and spiritual energy affinity tests.

It was not until evening that the test ended.

There is no outstanding special physique or top genius in it. Ye Yang has already expected this.

After all, Bihuze, where the Zhang family is located, is just a corner.

Whether it is the concentration of spiritual energy or the quality and size of the monk population, they are all very different.

If it were a supreme genius or a special Taoist body, it would not be so rare in the world of immortality if it were so easy to see.

But there were two disciples named Xiang Ying and Xiang Jie.

The aura affinity is pretty good.

It left a deep impression on him.

The two seemed to come from the same family, and they also had some traces of spiritual practice.

It's just that he is still young and has not yet learned how to practice.

A total of 500 children came to be screened this time.

But Ye Yang only chose 200 of them and sent them to Feitianmen to wait for the next step of screening.

After settling these two hundred disciples in Zhang's house, it was already night.

That night, the moon was sparse and the stars were flying south, and the magpies were flying south. The faint moonlight fell on the ground, as if the sky and the earth were covered with a layer of silver light.

Autumn is coming, and Ye Yang puts on a pair of heavy clothes.

He took away the scaly demon elephant from the backyard, carried a sword, and walked out of Zhang's house alone.

Thanks to the book friend Nasida for her pumpkin library and the Flying God for the reward. I will express my special thanks to you tomorrow. move!

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