Quiet room, full of spiritual energy.

There is a bucket of spiritual water and a pill in the house.

Ye Yang felt that the time was almost up, so he wiped his body with spiritual water and took out the martial arts elixir to watch carefully.

This thing was not easy to come by. He planned step by step, worked hard with his heart and mind, and finally got this thing after a hard journey.

The martial arts golden elixir was ordinary, its brilliance was restrained, and it was only the size of a fingertip. After swallowing it in one gulp, countless golden lights erupted from the mouth.

All the golden light turned into spiritual energy and poured into his limbs and bones.

The potency of this elixir was astonishing. He tried his best to use his energy and began to release the spiritual energy.

In less than a stick of incense, he felt as if there was a flame burning in his body, and his internal organs were in pain.

Outside of his skin, the Cangshuang mana that he had worked hard to practice the Eight Transformations of the Heavenly Toad was extremely cold, and a layer of ice actually condensed on his hair.

The alternation of ice and fire is very vivid.

Half an hour later, the feeling of alternation between ice and fire gradually decreased, but the whole body expanded countless times, as if it was about to turn into a balloon and burst at any time.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Then, a violent spiritual energy suddenly erupted in the dantian.

"This is the time!"

Ye Yang shouted, and waves of heat penetrated his whole body, penetrating into his bone marrow and mind. His whole body seemed to be reborn, as if he was about to be reborn, and he was in a state of ecstasy.

At this time, his whole body was covered with sticky and smelly black debris. Behind him was a huge demon toad, which generated electricity in the void and suddenly surged several times.

The body of the demon toad is covered with golden patterns, and it seems that it will turn into a flying toad and soar into the sky.

Even the sword demon ape Benming, who has been standing on his left shoulder, has grown from one foot long to about two feet long.

The cold light of the sword behind him was terrifying, and his green eyes were full of agility.

Ye Yang opened his eyes and felt that the magic power in his body was undergoing some kind of transformation, becoming thicker and solidified.

He picked up the ghost-headed seven-ring sword on his side and waved his hand gently. The sword glowed for more than ten feet in length. The cold light was frightening and terrifying, and there was an astonishing coercion coming out.

He knew that he had finally broken through to the warrior realm!

He attacked his heart step by step, and everything he put in finally paid off.

One year, two years, three years.

He practiced hard and became skinny. He cut off almost all contacts and lived in seclusion every day, just to polish himself to the best.

He was extremely thin, with exposed cheekbones, but the determination in his eyes became even stronger.

Walk out the door.

He is no longer a little monk in the ventilation realm.

The warrior realm is accomplished!

Three days later, Zhang Li came to Ye Yang's residence in person and praised him a few words.

"Yes, since you obtained the title of Feitian Qizhen, I have felt that you are extraordinary. Now you have broken through to the realm of warriors and can be regarded as the mainstay of the official affairs hall."

"The next step is to take on the responsibility of protecting the law!"

Ye Yang knew that Zhang Li was here and must have something to give him, so he poured a cup of tea for Zhang Li.

Zhang Li took a sip and said: "The status of the protector needs to be assessed according to regulations. In a few days, the sect will recruit disciples again. This time there will be a lot of places, a full hundred."

"Nowadays, the Feitian Sect is in short supply of talents. How about you take up the position of inspector and protector in the Official Affairs Hall? This recruitment of disciples is short of someone in charge, so it just serves as your assessment task for the protector."

Feitian Sect has not recruited disciples before, firstly because the resources within the sect are no longer enough for cultivation.

Secondly, the spiritual veins of the "Twilight Danxia" in the Feitian Sect are only low-grade, and it is already a bit overloaded to bear the cultivation of everyone in the Feitian Sect.

This time, the Feitian Sect took advantage of the Five Poison Sect to come and besiege them, and defeated their entire army, successfully taking back Taohuawu.

They also occupied a mineral property in Wudu Gate and more than 50 acres of spiritual land in Taiyi Qingmen. The resource difficulties were greatly alleviated.

Hence the idea of ​​absorbing new blood.

Ye Yang was overjoyed when he heard this, and the official's hall patrolled the Dharma, which was naturally extraordinary.

He has the power to inspect the sect, recruit disciples, attract talents, and deal with dereliction of duty and corruption. He is considered to be the best among the many guardians of Feitian Sect.

"Thank you Hall Master Zhang for your cultivation!"

"Don't have time to thank me first, you will be tired next! Can you go to Bihuze in the southwest and pick up two hundred disciples to come to Feitianmen to participate in the assessment? The Zhang family is already preparing relevant matters."

Ye Yang nodded: "This is naturally what should be done."

Zhang Li walked out. Before leaving, she looked at Ye Yang's tea quite fondly.

"Your tea is bitter but sweet. It can neutralize the chaotic qi in the human body. It is quite unique. Send me two taels so that I can drink it on weekdays."

Ye Yang quickly packed a pound of tea and placed it in Zhang Li's hand.

The Officials Hall was very fast, and it didn't take long for them to deliver the array flags, array plates, sect clothing and other sundries needed for this time.

After everything was ready, Ye Yang used his status as an official to issue a mission in the sect hall.

Two disciples are required to accompany him for twenty days, and he must contribute ten points.

Ten contribution points are considered a good reward in the sect hall.

Ye Yang did not list the remaining spot in the Feitianmen mission hall, but gave it to Wang Huan.

The two people who took over the task were a woman with fair complexion named Li Wei, and the other was a man named Shi Zhu.

Ye Yang said a few words to the three of them and agreed to set off tomorrow.

Before setting off, Ye Yang went to the Back Mountain Animal Hospital to choose a fire centipede.

The Feitian Sect captured a group of fire centipedes from Taohuawu and placed them in the sect. If they go out, they can be rented by registering them with the guardian or above.

This thing can enter water without sinking, can walk on mountains and cliffs, is extremely powerful, and can fly at low altitudes, which can provide him with many conveniences along the way.

The dusk haze gradually became lower and lower, the sky and the earth sewed together, and the boundless green mountains turned from green to azure blue and dark gray.

Reflecting the setting sun, a figure carrying a jug of wine came slowly on the short pine hill.

Ye Yang came to a cemetery and wiped the stone tablet clean, and it read.

"Ye Hu's Tomb."

He poured the wine in his hand, and the white wine stirred up a puff of smoke on the ground.

This father is honest and honest, and he does everything for the sake of justice.

However, it is precisely because of their dedication and protection that the Feitian Sect can survive and the disciples at the bottom can practice safely.

This is the first time he has come to visit the grave since he broke through to the warrior realm.

Although I cried at night, I also argued over a few spiritual stones, feeling sad and angry in my heart.

He even felt envious of the excellent training resources of the children of other high-ranking sects.

But now that the sect had broken through to the realm of warriors in the battle, he thought of many things.

It is undeniable that if it were not for his father's loyalty, he would not have received the gift of the Master's Heqi Pill, he would not have had Bai Zizhen to teach him earnestly, and he would not have distributed the Golden Pill of Martial Arts.

As we grow older, our minds gradually mature.

When life and death are at stake, no one has a better choice amid the overwhelming momentum of history.

It's like this time, when the sect's life and death were at stake, he learned how to wield a sword and joined in the fight.

Some people say that the most important outcome in life is to learn to reconcile with your parents one day.

Maybe that's the case.

A glass of sake was offered to the deceased, and Ye Yang kowtowed three times.

After everything was done, he left slowly.

But he thought that his and his father's personalities were still different.

The next day, the morning sun just gave off its golden glow, and the morning glow was still bright red.

The four of them set off from Feitianmen and rushed to the Zhang family's residence.

The four of them traveled lightly along the way and traveled very fast. In less than half a day, they arrived at the official road. The rest of the people also gave way when they saw the Feitianmen's clothes.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, the group of people walked until midnight, sat on the spot and took a short rest.

In the vast dark night, a full moon hung high, and only the Fire Centipede's skinny body was panting heavily under the bright moon.

"Senior Brother Ye, look?"

Everyone lit a pile of firewood, the fire went out, and everyone's face turned red from the flames.

Ye Yang looked in the direction Wang Huan pointed, and there were two tall men in front of him.

One of the two people had a beard, while the other was thinner, dressed in strange clothes, covered with animal skins, and each held a ring-headed golden knife in his hand, with a fierce look.

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared, several people quickly clenched the weapons in their hands.

The physical strength of these two people is very strong. When they walk, they can walk like a dragon or a tiger. They are very strong. They both have the ability to ventilate the seventh level.

The two people also saw them, but they did not stop.

After a while, another group of people appeared behind them. There were quite a few of these people, dozens in total, leading a group of camel beasts, and came slowly.

The camel bells were ringing, and the beasts of burden were carrying countless large and small bags.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a business group.

Just looking at their clothes, they seem to come from the barbaric tribes deep in the Shiwan Mountains of Yalongling.

The environment deep in Shiwanda Mountain is harsh, but there are many specialties such as elixirs and spirit beasts.

There are many practitioners in Yalongling, and all kinds of magic weapons, elixirs, and formations are also treasures that are in urgent need among the wild tribes.

Although traveling in caravans is quite dangerous, the smuggling trade is incredibly profitable, so there are always a lot of them.

A few people didn't doubt his presence, and were just about to finish their rest so they could hit the road.

Then I heard the big man with a beard shouting: "Hello, Taoist friends ahead! We walked out of Shiwan Dasan, but we never thought of getting lost here, and wanted to ask fellow Taoists for directions."

The voice of the person speaking is difficult to understand and half-baked. Even if you listen carefully, you can tell that it is obviously a newly learned pronunciation.

"We are not locals and we are not familiar with the roads. Please ask others."

Ye Yang looked at everyone and then spoke, not wanting to cause trouble to himself.

The man chuckled and looked at Ye Yang and others wearing Feitianmen costumes.

"Friends, don't worry. We are from the Barbarian Dragon Tribe. This time we went to Feitianmen to exchange. This time we brought elixirs, animal skins, ores, and exotic beasts."

Barbarian dragon tribe?

Several people looked at each other. This was a tribe deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. They worshiped exotic beasts and practiced very special techniques. They could transform the power of monsters for their own use.

The three heaven-swallowing python inner elixirs that were the spirit of their clan were taken by Wu Mahan, and two wise men from the clan came to join the siege.

At Gu Xuan's request, trade relations were established with Feitian Sect.

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