The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 102: Eight Changes of Tian Toad, Step by Step Plan

"I have always been aware of your father's contribution to the sect, but you performed outstandingly, always thinking about the sect, and taking risks alone. First, you provided red-light information to give the sect an advantage."

"Then I will lead away the strong warriors to save the sect from harm. It is for you, as it should be! It's just..."

"It's just that the origins of these two martial arts golden elixirs are quite complicated. The candidate for the first one has been decided, and I can't decide, so there is only one left."

The golden elixir of martial arts can be encountered but cannot be sought. It has a price but no market.

These two pills were obtained by the Great Elder Mo Niansheng from outside. After spending half his life, one of the Dugu Spears was definitely indispensable.

Among the disciples who were previously sent to Taohuawu as undercover agents, there were also those who brought big news.

Having penetrated into the Five Poison Sect, one should agree, otherwise, once betrayed, the consequences would be horrific.

Ye Yang showed a trace of disappointment on his face, sighed, and began to suffer.

"Thank you, Master, for informing me. The last time I was able to obtain the Heqi Pill as a gift from the Master, it was already a great opportunity for me. How can I continue to dream about the Golden Pill of Martial Arts? Alas! I want too many things."

He kept his mouth shut, and even though he was miserable, he didn't say anything about giving up, so as not to let Gu Xuan take advantage of him.

At the same time, collect the fruits of creation and prepare to retreat.

In fact, it was intentional. He looked at Gu Xuan with his peripheral vision and found a trace of struggle flashing in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Although he slowly withdrew, he deliberately slowed down and waited for Gu Xuan to speak.

Come to the door quickly.

Ye Yang felt solemn.

"Why hasn't Gu Xuan spoken yet? Could it be that he really wants to miss this elixir?"

Just then, a voice stopped.

"You wait first."

Looking at Ye Yang's sincere expression, Gu Xuan sighed secretly.

The other party's family has done so much for the sect, and if they don't agree, it will probably make the other party feel cold.

After the sect is loyal and good, we cannot neglect it.

At the same time, he also has selfish motives.

The reason why the leader can control the entire sect is because he has unparalleled control and coordination abilities.

It's because he holds the lifeblood of others.

It is impossible to make a sect strong and prosperous by just relying on enthusiasm, diligence and sincerity, and diligent teaching.

And this martial arts golden elixir is an important thing that controls the lifeline of the sect.

"Forget it, there is still one main medicine anyway. Since he doesn't want to wait, let the other disciples wait for the next time!"

Gu Xuan finally made a decision after thinking about the fruit of creation presented by Ye Yang.

He was originally a second-level alchemist, but the success rate of the martial arts elixir was too low.

Maybe this time I will have to show off my face and go to the big sect to mess with the clowns and ask my friends to help me refine it.

"I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you, but there are many people in the sect who are eyeing this martial arts elixir. Even if I am the leader, I have to follow the rules, otherwise the sect will be in chaos."

"To tell you the truth, as of today, there are several Vajras and Dharma Protectors who have come to me to intercede."

"Three days later, I will put this only martial arts elixir into the Zong Pavilion and price it at 2,500 contribution points."

"I won't tell anyone about this. You go and redeem it as soon as possible. This is a reasonable procedure and strict rules. Whether you can grab it or not is entirely up to you."

Ye Yang was overjoyed. He currently had 2,000 contribution points in his hand, and it was not difficult to get the remaining 500 points.

Two thousand five hundred contribution points are a lot. Without preparation, it would be extremely difficult for even the senior members of the sect to take them out at once.

And he had key information.

If you can arrive as soon as possible, it is not difficult to exchange.

After thanking Gu Xuan repeatedly, Ye Yang left the head hall and went directly to Bai Zizhen to explain his purpose.

The less people knew about this matter, the better, so he did not ask for help from a familiar disciple, but directly found Bai Zizhen, whom he trusted the most.

Bai Zizhen laughed loudly and immediately transferred 700 contribution points to him.

Ye Yang has made all preparations these days and is waiting for the arrival of the martial arts elixir in three days.

On the first day, nothing happened and time flew by.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Yang stayed up all night.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a fluctuation in the spiritual energy around him.

He raised his head and looked out the window, only to find that a powerful golden light suddenly erupted from the top of a peak.

Then there was a roar, and the spiritual energy spread across a radius of five miles, and the sound was extremely powerful.

"Someone has broken through to the warrior realm!"

Ye Yang was shocked and thought carefully about who the target of the breakthrough was.

Currently, there are only a handful of practitioners in Feitian Sect who have condensed their innate Qi.

There were only a few old deacons, Dugu Qiang and Wang Dong.

The old deacons are old and the probability of breakthrough is very small.

"Is it Dugu Qiang or Wang Dong?"

Ye Yang thought in his mind.

At the same time, I also learned the whereabouts of another martial arts golden elixir mentioned by Gu Xuan.

However, it would be a good thing for him that someone would break through to the warrior realm.

Because this matter attracted the attention of a large number of people, in a short period of time, fewer people paid attention to the other golden elixir of martial arts.

In the early morning of the third day, before the sun came up, Ye Yang stood in front of the exchange pavilion and waited quietly with his sword on his back.

It wasn't until the first ray of sunlight rose that the door of the Exchange Pavilion slowly opened.

Ye Yang ignored the horror of the gatekeepers and rushed forward quickly. When he looked at it, he saw that there was indeed the name of the Golden Pill of Martial Arts on it.

He suppressed his inner excitement and quickly took out 2,500 contribution points and exchanged them for chips.

When the disciples guarding the pavilion saw the appearance of the martial arts elixir, they shouted, and then they covered their mouths, extremely surprised.

However, he was also a knowledgeable master. He gave Ye Yang a meaningful look and said no more.

As an insider, he didn't even know about this, but it was definitely unusual for this person to get the news first.

After exchanging this item, Ye Yang quickly went to the sect's treasure house, took out the chips, and exchanged it for the martial arts elixir.

In the past few days, there have been two shocking news in the Feitian Sect.

The first one is the Dugu Spear, the first place in the battle between the Feitian Seven Realms and the closed disciple of the Great Elder.

Breakthrough to the warrior realm!

The second one is the martial arts golden elixir, which has not appeared in the sect for many years, unexpectedly appeared in the exchange hall.

And it was successfully redeemed by Ye Yang, one of the Seven True Masters of Swords and Swords.

For a time, the sect was shaken, and I don’t know how many people’s attention it attracted.

After getting the Golden Pill of Martial Arts, Ye Yang did not break through immediately. In order to increase the success rate, he first went to "Tianyi Pavilion" to redeem the Eight Transformations of Tianchan.

The Eight Transformations of Tian Chan is the follow-up technique of Mang Gu Qi, and it is also the prerequisite technique of Zhu Chan's Moon Swallowing Technique, one of the three major sect-suppressing spiritual techniques of the sect.

He got the jade slip of Tian Chan's Eight Transformations and was about to walk out of the Sutra Pavilion when he suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Senior Brother Ye."

Ye Yang looked back and saw that it was Zhu Mange. Zhu Mange's skin was white and shining, and her head was covered with black hair, making her look extremely youthful and energetic.

Her legs are slender, and she has a pair of beautiful legs under the short skirt. They are fair and attractive, with fat buttocks and big breasts, which seem to be ready to come out.

Hearing Zhu Mange call him to stop, Ye Yang turned around. Zhu Mange smiled at him: "Senior Brother Ye, I haven't seen you for a while."


Ye Yang slandered in his heart that Zhu Mange lived in his backyard.

Although the two of them couldn't be said to have met each other, they saw each other every day, so how could they say they hadn't seen each other for a while.

Three months ago, the Feitian Clan was attacked by a sniper. The Li family and the Zhang family, the subordinate families, arrived immediately to save the Feitian Clan from danger.

However, the Zhu family was too cunning. Under the leadership of Zhu Yue, they did not appear for a long time. They waited until the wind of war was in favor of the Feitian sect before leading their disciples to arrive late. There was great dissatisfaction within the sect.

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