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Feng Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the back of the sea of ​​people. There, the ceremonial greet team of the local government office in the South China Sea, as well as the greeted people of the family, were squeezed behind by the huge crowd, and the shock was unstable and looked pitiful. very.

She took the clairvoyant in Yan Huaishi's hand and pointed it in that direction. The circular clairvoyant's field of vision was constantly moving, covering the official with a plump waist. Some were whispering, some were smiling, some were squinting at the ship, leading A black-faced man, surrounded by guards, was actually covered with a huge parasol. He sat firmly in the center with a Taishi chair reading a book, and everyone could drown people's tens of thousands of people with a spit.

Feng Zhiwei's clairvoyant eyes slowly moved down, and saw the rhinoceros belt around his waist, the second-ranking member, the chief minister of the Hokkaido, Zhou Xizhong.

Unlike the barren Longxi, as the earliest maritime trade was established, Nanhai Road has the country's first marine shipping department and customs province. The five major families in the country have a lot of wind and water. Maritime trade has driven the local economy, which is very rich and the folk customs are relatively open. This enlightenment is a good way to hear and speak, and it’s not tame to say badly. Zhou Xizhong has been operating in the South China Sea for many years, which can crush the powerful families of the South China Sea and force the Yan family to find a way to go to the emperor to find a way. The people's polls are taught like a command, and their abilities can be imagined. It is not comparable to Shen Xu who plays a wife.

As early as when the cabinet discussed the South China Sea, Feng Zhiwei knew that the South China Sea and his party were not that simple. A political ambassador would instigate all the officials in the seat to insulate against the national policy. He could also command Wanmin to petition according to his own will and be capable, With centripetal force and courage, no one can be taken lightly for such a person.

Now, he showed Ning Yi that he could not be ignored-Ning Yi came with blood from the head of the 336 people of Longxi Road, and he directed the South China Sea Wanmin to "warmly welcome" on the pier. Yi Wei is determined to give him a dismount.

A group of servants in black and red rim drove symbolically in the crowd, waving like ducks, and sincerely greeted the five family members headed by the Yan family who came to greet the last party.

Suddenly someone shouted.

"Get rid of the confused officer who did the wrong thing!"

It seemed as if the fire was ignited in the dry woodpile, and there was a sudden blaze, and tens of thousands of people shouted loudly.

"Get rid of the imperial court!"

"We don't need a ship affairs department!"

"Whoever supports the gate valve will roll out of the South China Sea!"

"Go back to Dijing!"

"Slap!" I don't know where to throw a green vegetable, crossed a turbid green arc, and slammed into the open sea several meters away from the big ship.

As if to get a reminder, green vegetables flew over 10,000 people in a flash, the rotten eggs danced wildly, stray bullets in the air, and went straight to the official ship.

Most of the thrown objects fell in the water, but there were also a few flying objects with good head height that cracked and smashed into the hull of the big ship with colorful blossoms.

"It's too much!" Fang Gang, a group of students from the Qingming Academy who was born in Guizhou, thought that this fat difference would be welcomed by high standards, and he didn't want to die on the road. I was already furious and started with Yao Yangyu, one by one, I started to push my sleeves and stroke my arms one by one, "Adult, let go of the sampan, let's protect you down and beat these fuckers!"

"Your Highness." Yan Huaishi hurried to Laningyi, and then to Fengfeng. "The bow is dangerous! Beware of someone shooting cold arrows, or enter the cabin to avoid it!"

Ning Yi didn't move, and Feng Zhiwei didn't move. The two held their hands and stood on the side of the ship, calmly facing the angry tide of the South China Sea. The sea breeze raised their long hair, and the black hair hunted like a flag in the wind.

A bundle of fish smashed down Ning Yi's feet, cracked dried fish pieces splashed on his boots, the guards ran over, raised an umbrella to cover him, and Ning Yi lightly opened it.

"The people in the South China Sea are indeed quite rich." Ning Yixiao knows little about Feng from his side. "You see, there are still people throwing dried fish. This dried fish is resold to Beijing and bundled in five hundred texts."

Feng Zhi nodded sympathetically, saying: "Steamed in water, accompanied by sesame oil, vinegar, garlic, green onion, it is very delicious."

Yan Huaishi turned around and didn’t understand why the two of them were still in a mood to talk about this in such a hostile and dangerous situation. The big ship was not knowing whether it was a reef or intentional hands and feet. It had broken through the bottom of the ship, and it would sink soon. They either When the local government sent a large ship to pick it up, or he would use his own boat to slowly take the people away, but once the boat was used, it was equivalent to being exposed to the siege of eggs and green vegetables. How could he let Ning Yifeng know this treatment?

What's more, if Ning Yifeng first let Zhiwei get on the boat and the people rushed ashore, who can guarantee their safety? If you let the guards go down for defense first, and if the big ship sinks, Ning Yifeng knows that he will be caught in front of the South China Sea official Wan Min, how can he order South China Sea officials in the future?

At this moment, after the South China Sea government was "blocked" by the people, it was impossible for them to rely on the ship to rescue them. This is definitely a dangerous situation. Ning Yi and Feng Zhi were deliberately embarrassed.

Zhou Xizhong is known as "Zhou Tiemian", and Nanhai officialdom also calls him "Zhou Bawang". His character is tough and imposing, and he can't and can't suppress the rich family of the world for so many years. It is almost impossible for this man to be soft.

"I'll let my big ship come to pick it up!" Yan Huaishi thought for a long time, clenching his teeth.

"No." Feng Zhiwei vetoed, "Nanhai people are being instigated by the government, saying that your family is colluding with the senior leaders of Dijing. Now in front of all the people, you will use your Yan family vessel as soon as you come, just sitting on the so-called collusion and fire. Pouring oil will make it even more difficult in the future."

"What about then?"

Ning Yi smiled and suddenly said: "Wei Zhi, I am very interested in the steamed fish you just said."

Feng Zhiwei's eyes waved and smiled: "It's just steamed fish, so monotonous... Brother Gu."

Gu Shaofei eating walnuts floated over.

"We don't want to waste food." Feng Zhiwei pointed to the dishes floating on the water. "You can see what you can eat, take it back."

Master Gu nodded and dropped dozens of walnuts.

The dripping walnut flew out and landed on the sea. Gu Nanyi flew down from the side of the ship and landed on the nearest walnut.

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