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When she embraced Ning Yi's legs, Ning Yi shook again. In a flash of thin autumn clothes, she seemed to feel that her face was pasting like a light, warm little face, and ears. It must have produced a thin red, transparent and delicate like coral beads, and the delicate and thin porcelain skin is close at hand, as if to feel her warm breath, warm in the knees...Ning Yi's legs suddenly softened , Shortness of breath.

When his legs were soft and his fingers tremble, he caught the rugged cliff face, his hands were cold and bitingly cold. He woke up in an instant and looked up at the sky perpendicular to the top. He could not see or feel it. The darkened area before the dawn will be broken by the sky.

Taking a breath and calming down, he moved down carefully, and now if he loses his foot again, two lives will be affected.

Feng Zhiwei, while trying to find the footing, tried to hold his leg carefully, and guided him to the correct footing. The sky was dark. She had to care for the bottom and protect the top. She couldn’t climb a few steps and felt dizzy. Can't help but take a breath, a dizzy face was planted in Ning Yi's knee, and his knee hit the cliff.

One was hitting a sharp stone, the blood was fainted for a while, and Ning Yi didn't care. She just hurriedly lowered her face and asked, "Zhiwei, what's wrong with you?"

The man's face pressed tightly to his knee, without answering, Ning Yi was stunned, never calm and constant, even when facing the heart of Gu Gu losing his sight, he suddenly thumped, he fumbled To touch Fengzhiwei, but only touched the top of her head, her hair was messy, her hands were astringent, and there were some long and short, far from the usual smoothness like satin, I must have burst into the fire to burn a good hair. less.

Ning Yi's hand paused in the messy hair, his fingers curled slightly, but his heart was a little more panic, he was trying to loosen his hands and bent down, the man under him suddenly spoke, his voice stuck in his knees It was dull in the nest, and the tone was still smiling, "Well...I'm not used to it every time I hear your name..."

Ning Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What happened to you just now?"

"Nothing." Feng Zhiwei moved his face away, and his voice had returned to normal. "A little tired."

Ning Yi felt that something was wrong with her knee, and it seemed a little wet. He tried to reach out and touched it, but his hand was gently pulled away by Feng Zhiwei, and then she heard her weird tone: "You cling to the stone, what is it?"

At ordinary times, he would seize the opportunity to make fun of this sentence, but at this moment he was completely out of mood. Ning Yi withdrew his hand silently, but the speed of climbing down was accelerated.

When climbing to more than half, there was a vocal from the cliff. Someone looked down at the probe. The two were clinging to the cliff wall and dared not move. Then they heard someone shouting, "Go search! Let's look at the next two!"

Feng Zhiwei tightened his mind and hurried down. However, those killers who were born in southern Fujian had already used to climb the cliff, and there was no injury on their bodies. They saw two black apes whizzing down like a monkey, and they were approaching in the blink of an eye.

Feng Zhiwei pulled out the sword around his waist, thinking about how he could stab two of them instantly to avoid being discovered by the people above, think about it and find it really difficult, and as long as he ran away, two of them on the cliff wall It's just waiting for death.

Over his head, Ning Yi stopped and raised her head. A pair of eyes that lost focus, firmly "stared" at the killer who quickly climbed down.

He suddenly said: "I have the mission guard and the seal of King Chu in my belt. Remember to find out before you go to Jiyang."

Feng Zhiwei was stunned, thinking he wouldn't be with me. Before he could ask, a killer had climbed down.

Feng Zhiwei is waiting for the sword.

Ning Yi suddenly knocked on the cliff.

In the dark, the other party hadn't found Ning Yi in the first time. Hearing this side, he saw Ning Yi at one glance, reached out and grabbed it, cheering: "Here..."

Ning Yi hugged him!

When he heard the first word, he accurately distinguished the direction. He hugged the joyful killer, kicked his feet on the cliff, and crossed the top of Feng Zhiwei's head. The two rolled and rolled straight down. !

Feng Zhiwei only felt that a flowery coat in front of him brushed his face, and a huge black shadow crossed the whistle from above his head, and then he heard a thud.

The muffled sound made her feel cold and raised her head to face the second killer sideways. The man crawled well behind the previous one. Suddenly the companion under him disappeared, and there was no reaction. Feng Zhiwei turned his head and his eyes shone coldly.


Her sword pierced through the bottom of her elbow and shot into the opponent's eyebrow in an instant.

There was another muffled fall, Feng Zhi bit his lip slightly, and climbed down at the fastest speed. The cliff was very dark, and the protruding cliff wall blocked the light below. She fumbled around in a hazy, low Call: "Ning Yi..."

Someone on the cliff shouted: "I found someone!"

Feng Zhiwei recalled the sharp voice of the killer who had spoken before, imitating the answer: "In search, big under..."

The curse of the people on the cliff was blown by the mountain breeze, and it was unclear. Feng Zhiwei didn't take care of him. He groped around anxiously, and touched a corpse with a hole in his eye, threw it away, and touched the human body not far away In a trance, she returned to the fire. In a broken wooden chair, she was dragging out the burnt body with fear and fortune, dragging a no, dragging a...

This feeling is too bad, she hopes that this will not happen for the third time in her life.

The man under his arm was still, his body was cold, and he seemed to have a body folded. Feng Zhiwei recalled Ning Yi's posture when he fell. His heart was cold, and he thought that he was crushed and his blood was blurred?

Thinking this way, she felt a cold face, reached out and touched her fingers, and her fingers were wet. She looked at her fingers staring blankly. The shimmering light on the cliff reflected a small piece of light on her fingers like a tiny mirror. Reflect the worries at this moment.

How long has she not shed tears?

When was the last time weeping?

Seven years ago, when the Miss Qiu family lost Jin Gui, falsely accused her of stealing their mother and son for five days?

Ten years ago when my mother kneeled in front of Qiufu for three days and almost died of serious illness?

Eleven years ago, when my father left and took them away from that mountain and burned my home before leaving?

Twelve years ago, when my mother burned paper in the yard for the unknown, she accidentally hit her and was scolded?

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