The rise of nanometers

Chapter 701 Evolution (5)

In ancient times, Martian microorganisms visited the Blue Star on the debris released by the impact, and left their own genetic fragments in the Blue Star ecosystem.

This is a fact that the federal academic community has long understood. Human genetic sequences also contain gene fragments from Martian microorganisms.

These gene fragments are the genetic evidence left behind after human ancestors were infected with Martian microorganisms and their bodies produced antibodies.

In previous experiments, Li Mingyu modified part of the genes of the fluorescent fungus and then added a gene activation agent.

After the mice were injected with the mixed solution, their bodies quickly activated the gene fragments left over from ancient times with the help of gene activation agents while resisting the fluorescent fungus.

Why are these ancient gene fragments resistant to fluorescent fungi?

Didn’t I say before that there were no signs of invasion by glowing fungi among the Blue Star creatures?

This is actually related to another concept, which is the starting point of the origin of life. Whether it is Blue Star or Mars, the origin of life in their ecosystem is most likely simple organic matter - complex organic matter - virus - bacteria - fungus ——Multicellular organisms, such a development process.

If Mars is an isolated ecosystem, then the organisms that evolved on it at the beginning were most likely viruses, and then bacteria and fungi.

Considering that viruses cannot live independently under normal circumstances, in the Martian ecosystem, viruses must be attached to bacteria and fungi.

The distribution range of fluorescent fungi on Mars is very wide. Currently, the existence of fluorescent fungi has been found in four detectors with biological inspection equipment.

This means that the Yinghuo fungus will definitely come into contact with other Martian viruses, and their origins may even be the same virus.

Because in the current detection data, no complex multicellular organisms have been found on Mars yet.

This shows that the microorganisms on Mars may not have completed a high degree of differentiation, and they still retain some common gene fragments of origin.

Li Mingyu took advantage of this situation and activated the origin gene and some of the attached gene fragments.

Coupled with the invasion of fluorescent fungi, the mouse's genes were forced to activate resistance, allowing the Mars-origin genes hidden in the mouse's genetic sequence to begin to protect themselves.

Of course, the risk of this kind of activation is very high. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, body deformity, shortened life span, and confusion are all common conditions.

From the experimental results obtained from three laboratories, Li Mingyu and others discovered that this method of gene activation will bring huge side effects to the body.

If Huang Xiuyuan saw this experimental report, he probably wouldn't be surprised.

Because when the fluorescent fungus breaks out in the Blue Star ecosystem in the future, many people will barely survive because of the activation of the recessive origin gene, but it will bring side effects that are difficult to recover from.

In this experiment, Li Mingyu's team modified the fluorescent fungus to weaken the infectivity and mutation speed, allowing 22 of the 30 mice to survive successfully.

If it is the original fluorescent fungus, the fatality rate is as high as 60-70%, and the mutation rate is over 99.9%.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Li Mingyu smiled: "Although humans cannot gain resistance to fluorescent fungi by directly activating the origin gene, this experiment has proven part of my guess."

"Boss, your idea is about the transition body, right?" Fan Sen asked thoughtfully.

Li Mingyu nodded: "Yes, the origin gene of Martian microorganisms exists in the human gene sequence. Although we cannot activate it directly in humans, we can activate it in the transition body to enhance the mutation control of the transition body and fluorescent fungi. "

"It's certainly possible."

"One of the problems that transitional bodies are encountering now is that human genes are too fragile and difficult to fight against fluorescent fungi."

The content of the discussion is the current balance between the fluorescent fungus and the transitional body itself.

Although the first draft of the design has been prepared, the gap between the two still causes headaches for various research institutes.

If the resistance of human genes itself cannot be improved and the infectivity and mutation speed of fluorescent fungi are blindly weakened, the gains may outweigh the losses.

After all, the emergence of transition bodies is, to a large extent, in response to the frequent appearance of alien microorganisms in the future.

The Federation has never underestimated the risk assessment of alien microorganisms. Instead, it has made the assessment as high as possible and formulated various response plans based on the high risk.

It is better to kill a chicken with a bull's knife than to stab an elephant with a dagger.

After all, the response plan formulated under high standards has a lot of room for buffering. If the Blue Star ecosystem is used as a reference, the response plan is formulated.

If a super-sized creature appears at that time, it may instantly penetrate the federal defense system. If this happens, the loss will be absolutely unimaginable, and humankind may even directly perish.

Therefore, various research institutes currently developing transitional bodies are thinking about what can be achieved with current technology while moving towards higher requirements.

To weaken the fluorescent fungus, suppress it to balance with the transition body; or improve the genetic resistance of the transition body.

Regarding these two choices, Li Mingyu prefers the latter. He hopes that human genes can be developed to the point of hard resistance to alien microorganisms, instead of relying on external forces to weaken alien microorganisms and achieve half-empty resistance.

After holding an internal meeting, Li Mingyu quickly arranged the next experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to find a solution to efficiently activate the origin gene.

It would be best if the recessive gene could be turned on and off, but he knew that such a requirement would not be achieved in a short time.

After all, activating recessive genes is already very difficult, let alone turning on and off recessive genes in a precise and controllable manner.

For this experiment, Li Mingyu did not do it behind closed doors. He took full advantage of the federation's large number of people and conducted experiments on his own while communicating and cooperating with other research institutes.

Especially at the Human Genome Research Institute, he hoped that the other party could figure out what functions the recessive genes in the human gene sequence had, and how to control and modify them.

Gene is a mysterious and very crucial thing.

Huang Xiuyuan promotes the research and development of transitional body technology for the purpose of evolution and allowing humans to become the masters of genes, rather than being limited to the natural selection and biological instincts of the "ecosphere".

Although human civilization is very advanced now, humans still cannot fully control their own genes, and they cannot even understand the specific functions of many genes.

Such a civilization, even if it enters outer space and colonizes the moon and Mars, cannot be called a true cosmic civilization.

In the concept set by Huang Xiuyuan, the main civilization race of the cosmic civilization must completely master its own genes. This is a necessary hard condition.

If humans could fully control their own genes, then humanity’s current space immigration strategy would be basically unimpeded.

Because fully controlling one's own genes means that humans can reduce their dependence on the external environment and ignore the gravity intensity of the moon and Mars.

On the moon, you can change your body to a state adapted to the moon; when you return to the Blue Star, you can quickly change back again.

In this way, there is no need to worry about gravitational anomalies that will threaten human reproduction.

It's just that it's not an easy technical route to fully control one's own genes.

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