The rise of nanometers

Chapter 669 Maple Leaf

Augustus did not continue to smoke, but his expression became gloomy. Looking at the small box of cigarettes on the desk, he did not feel any relief, but felt chills all over his body.

That kind of dream-like illusion makes people unable to help but indulge in it.

And the endless emptiness after the effect of the medicine wore off made people want to continue to get that pleasure, but Augustus, who was in extreme pain, hated this feeling very much.

Because he could see his mother and Helen in the fantasy, but after the drug took effect, the sense of reality gap would sting him again.

It was as if the wound that had just healed was torn open again, making him feel "lost" again.

This false gain is destined to be lost again, and the pain in his heart is not relieved, but becomes even more painful.

"This is not the world I want, it's too ridiculous!" Augustus shook his head mockingly and threw the box of cigarette beads into the trash can.

However, he was sensitive to the problem of condensation in cigarettes.

Opening his notebook, he searched for relevant information on the Internet. Soon he saw a lot of relevant information, but from various viewpoints, the reviews were mixed.

However, because the Western Internet is monopolized by giants, many critical voices have been suppressed into corners. On YouTube, he saw many critical blog posts with very few comments and clicks.

The propaganda of major pharmaceutical companies is also very consistent, that is, a better world can replace the previous harmful stimulants and hallucinogens, and at the same time, the price is cheap enough to not cause serious financial burden to the people.

Augustus watched this kind of propaganda article with cold eyes for a long time and found that the trolls of these pharmaceutical companies were avoiding the most important and substituting concepts.

After watching YouTube, he logged into the international section of Time Blog.

Criticisms accounted for about 80% of the blog posts on Time Blog, especially netizens from Greater China, who directly mocked the "sick man of North America" ​​and "Xizhou Poison Cave".

As a college student majoring in news media, he also has some long-term vision.

The beautiful world may seem harmless, but its actual harm is very high, because its apparent harmlessness makes it more likely to lead to uncontrolled abuse.

He was able to resist this drug after trying it once. On the one hand, it was because of his special experience and he was in extreme pain; on the other hand, it was the influence of Augustus' family. His parents were both very devout Christians. And it is a relatively old-fashioned fundamentalist sect.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, it is his first try and he has not fallen in yet.

Augustus didn't think that ordinary people could resist that terrible addiction.

After reading many criticisms on Time Blog and related analysis reports, he felt even more disappointed about the future of the West.

Don’t those so-called elites know the consequences of doing this?

Even if they want to reduce social conflicts and let the people at the bottom be like sheep, they should not dig their own graves. Don't they know that without the support of the bottom, they, the so-called upper class, are nothing more than castles in the air?

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

Augustus was lost in thought.

There was light rain outside the window, gloomy dark clouds, and the world in front of me seemed to be dark.

a week later.

Dublin, Ireland.

A young man with a beard came out of the airport with his suitcase.

It was Augustus who had come from Paris. At this time, he became more haggard and had a melancholy that was visible to the naked eye.

The bus shelter at the entrance of the airport.

The weather in Ireland is similar to that in Paris a few days ago, also groggy.

While he was waiting for the bus, two people came next to him, a middle-aged man and a young man, both of whom were also pulling suitcases.

James and Andrew, who came to perform their mission, observed everything around them without leaving a trace. They glanced at Augustus and then fixed their gaze on the roadside more than 200 meters away.

James is the previous double agent, and Andrew is a native Russian in China. They are also among the few intelligence agents suitable for operating in the Western world.

More than 200 meters away on the roadside, three low-profile Volkswagen buses were parked on the side of the road. Several men in black suits stared at the airport exit, seemingly waiting for someone.

James already knew this mission in his heart.

Their team was ordered to investigate a company called Maple Leaf Group.

In the past two months, this company has acquired several aerospace-related companies in the Xizhou Alliance and seems to be planning to enter the space field.

If it were an ordinary company, merging and acquiring companies in the aerospace field would not attract the attention of the Intelligence Department.

The main reason is that the Maple Leaf Group is very likely to have something to do with Thomas. As the Intelligence Department attaches great importance to Thomas, a lot of his secret information has also been uncovered.

Among the intelligence agencies around the world, if there is anyone who knows Thomas best, it is the Intelligence Division.

After comprehensive intelligence, the Intelligence Division analyzed many companies that were suspected of being secretly controlled by Thomas, and the Maple Leaf Group was one of the suspicious targets.

Waited for ten minutes.

James' eyes suddenly froze, and then he raised his glasses.

A woman appeared at the airport gate, accompanied by six people, who looked like a corporate expatriate group.

James glanced at it, then turned his head and chatted with Andrew as if nothing had happened.

But there was a super-long-range camera hidden in his handbag, which was fixated on the woman and her team.

These people came from Toronto in the Maple Leaf Country, and the newly formed Universe Development Company of the Maple Leaf Group is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.

Soon the relevant information about the woman and her team members appeared on James' glasses. After a quick browse, the two of them got on the bus after confirming that it was correct.

The same goes for Augustus. They took a bus and headed to the city of Dublin.

Dublin's airport is located in Swords, in the north of the city, some distance from the city.

The management of the Maple Leaf Group also got into the Volkswagen and headed towards the city. The two of them did not need to keep an eye on each other all the time. This was unrealistic and unsafe.

In this Internet age, many things are actually undefended.

The Intelligence Division can basically easily invade the public networks in Ireland. Using these networks, there is no need to track them personally.

Originally, the Xizhou Working Group was responsible for this investigation, but the Xizhou Working Group was short of manpower.

In addition, Maple Leaf Group has a relationship with Thomas, so Chu Xuan sent a team of James and Andrew to take charge of this matter.

The bus is driving on the road.

The weather is gloomy in Ireland in April, which coincides with the belated arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere this year. The weather at this time is similar to that of the foggy London.

There are not many vehicles on the road. As one of the tax havens in Western Europe, Ireland has been severely affected by the economic crisis.

As a former Welshman, James lived in this kind of weather during his teenage years and did not feel any discomfort.

Augustus didn't notice anything unusual about the two people in the back seat. He was looking out the car window, his eyes filled with confusion and pain.

The reason why he came to Ireland was partly to relax, and partly to see the Universe Development Company.

This company has made a lot of moves recently. It seems that it has also reached a cooperation with Gaul and plans to share the space city in South America.

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