The rise of nanometers

Chapter 662 Containment

Dian Province.

Dali Prefecture.

The Southwest Third Drug Rehabilitation Center, established a year ago, is located near Jianchuan County (Jinhua) in Dali Prefecture.

Due to the continuous transformation of the southwest region in the local area, not only the cities and towns are being transformed, but also the transformation of the natural environment is also advancing in an orderly manner.

At this time, Jianchuan has long become a new type of city.

Transportation here used to mainly rely on National Highway 214 and the expressway to Shangri-La, but now part of National Highway 214 has been transformed into a super highway.

At the same time, the super highway of Xuebanshan, Xuepanshan, Lancangjiang River, Nushan, Nujiang, and Ligongshan was opened from east to west, directly inserting into the northwest of Hongshawadi.

Today at Jianchuan Station, a special train coming from Hongshawadi slowly stopped at the station. Inside the carriage were some people who were tied up.

These people are all wearing special bondage clothes. In addition, these people have another common characteristic, which is that their eyes are unfocused, their saliva is dripping uncontrollably, and their faces are sickly pale.

The personnel responsible for escorting these people are equipped with exoskeleton armor and firearms.

It was obvious that these people were drug users, not just traditional drug users, but also many users of harmless stimulants.

Although Maung Yen has sealed its borders, there are still many drug dealers smuggling the beautiful world. The harm of this harmless stimulant is very terrifying, and it is also highly concealed and deceptive.

This is just like e-cigarettes. Many people know that traditional cigarettes are harmful to the human body, but they don’t have much precaution against e-cigarettes.

Since the second half of last year, the secret agents of Western capital in Tianzhu have secretly transported a large amount of beautiful worlds to Hongsawady, Siam, and Annam.

By the time the Intelligence Department and Maung An realized that there were already many beautiful worlds flowing into various places.

Fortunately, Maung An's methods were tough enough and he quickly took a series of measures to contain it.

As for the other Annan who is living outside the country, the situation is much more serious. According to the secret investigation of the Intelligence Department, many young people in Annan are sucking up the beautiful world.

If tough measures cannot be taken, Annan may take jujube pills.

Maung An was also distressed on Hongsavady's side, but he was not someone who compromised easily. Since he couldn't handle it himself, he asked the boss for help.

In order to help Maung An, the local government temporarily lent the Southwest No. 3 Drug Rehabilitation Center in Jianchuan to Hongsawaddy to house arrested drug addicts.

As for the drug dealers, Maung An has shot no less than 1,500 people in the past six months, so he must use violent measures to deal with the drug dealers.

In the escort train at this time.

The drug addicts were brought out one by one, and the escorts equipped with exoskeleton armor packed these guys into the bus like catching chickens.

Maung Sigong, who is specifically responsible for this matter, is one of Maung An's cronies. He is responsible for escorting drug addicts to detoxify.

Looking at these distracted drug addicts, he was a little worried and angry. This was already the seventh batch he had escorted in half a year.

As the motorcade arrived, the Third Southwest Drug Rehabilitation Center arrived.

This drug treatment center is located in Shaxi Town, Jianchuan County. Due to the promotion of village merging, the previous residents of Shaxi Town have been relocated, and the place was originally planned to be abandoned.

However, considering the needs of the drug rehabilitation center, it was reactivated last year, and now the town is managed by the drug rehabilitation center.

Mao Sigong, who was not here for the first time, came to the base with ease.

Yang Huaigu, the person in charge of the detoxification center, is a middle-aged man with a bald head. He smiled and patted Maang Sigong on the shoulder: "Sigong, long time no see."

"Director Yang, I'm going to trouble you again."

"How many people are there this time?" Yang Huaigu asked with a headache.

Maang Sigong replied with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face: "372 people, the whole of Tianzhu has gone crazy, the pressure on the border is very high now, and there are drug dealers everywhere who want to take risks."

"Don't worry, I have a new technology here, specially used for forced drug detoxification."

"New technology?" Mao Sigong was noncommittal. Obviously he didn't believe it. After all, he had worked in a drug rehabilitation center in Hongsawady. Many people quit smoking and then got caught. Mental addiction is very difficult. Contained.

Perhaps because he saw that the other party did not believe him, Yang Huaigu took Mao Sigong to a detoxification room. Eight detoxification personnel who were put on forced monitoring exoskeletons were lying on the bed.

Maang Sigong knew from the look on these people's faces that they were in the anti-withdrawal reaction stage, but these people were too quiet.

Two of the detoxification officers seemed to have seen Yang Huaigu and Maang Sigong. They stared at the two men with fierce eyes, and then cursed angrily in dialect.

But just as they were about to do something extreme, the exoskeleton forcibly took over their bodies.

"Uh... Director Yang, is this a new technology?" Mao Sigong looked confused.

"This is only on the surface. In fact, their brains are implanted with a protective layer. If the protective layer is not removed or destroyed, the drugs will have no effect if they are inhaled."

"Brain protective layer? Drugs ineffective?" After hearing such weird technology, Mao Sisi felt that the world was changing too fast.

Then Yang Huaigu took him to the operating room.

In the operating room where the brain protection system was implanted, there were three sets of equipment specially developed for the implantation surgery, and three drug addicts were lying there.

The highly automated equipment does not require many doctors, with only three emergency interventional doctors and three nurses watching in the operating room.

This is also the current development trend of medical technology, using artificial intelligence and automated equipment as much as possible to reduce the workload of doctors.

In the human brain, implanting a layer of nanonet and bionic nanochip requires very precise technology. If operated manually, one operation would not take several days to complete.

With the use of automated equipment, an implantation operation only takes about three and a half hours.

Maang Sigong looked inside the glass window. It was difficult for him to imagine this kind of technology. He turned around and asked softly:

"Director Yang, will this technology have serious side effects?"

"No, the brain protection system can be removed. In clinical tests, no serious side effects have been found yet."

"That's good." Maang Sigong breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was responsible for compulsory drug detoxification. If many people returned to Hongsawady and had a lot of sequelae, it would be really troublesome.

In the operating room, the automatically operating robotic arm implanted the nanonet bit by bit in an extremely precise manner.

After this brain protection system is implanted, it is difficult to safely remove it without professional equipment.

In order to prevent relapse, it is estimated that this brain protection system will remain in the brains of these people for no less than 10 years.

After listening to Yang Huaigu's introduction, Maang Sigong realized how scary this technique was. He didn't feel any discomfort. If he didn't do this, these people might relapse after they finish detoxification.

Only by completely isolating the contact between drugs and the brain through the brain protection system can relapse be prevented.

Of course, if you are desperate, you can also choose to pierce the skull directly and inject violence into the brain.

But if you do this, you are probably not far from death.

Many people who are forcibly taken to detoxification are actually very painful and tormented inside. Maang Sigong knows that most people will relapse soon after they get out.

He is very much looking forward to the effect of the brain protection system.

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