The rise of nanometers

Chapter 651 Dead End

February 18th.

Huang Xiuyuan put down the global news briefing in his hands. A series of demonstrations and conflicts triggered by the Dongyue incident intensified around the world.

In addition to causing arson in Gaul, there was even a serious attack in Britain, in which three brain specialists at the London Medical College were killed.

The anti-intellectual movement in the Western world is at an all-time high, and there are even some signs of it in Australia and New Zealand in Greater China.

Fortunately, over the years, due to the management of Oceania and the South Pacific as the mainland, coupled with a large number of Chinese immigrants, and a highly developed economy, there are only some remnants of the times left in Oceania, and it is difficult to form a climate.

However, in response to the spread of the anti-intellectual movement, Greater China has launched an emergency plan and plans to use this excuse to continue to strengthen social re-education and improve the quality of the entire population.

A new plan was also announced, listing anti-brainwashing technology as a key project.

In fact, Thomas did not know that due to the existence of the Shunfeng Ear System, although the specific technology of split personality brainwashing technology was not obtained, the basic principles were mastered by the Academy of Sciences.

In particular, Jefferson and six other suspected brainwashed lurkers were captured and through a series of comparative experiments, they initially developed a set of equipment that could quickly identify lurkers.

At this time, Huang Xiuyuan's stand-in robot was at the Brain Research Institute (6030 Laboratory) in Langfang. Kou Mingsheng, the researcher in charge of the project, introduced him to the technical principles of the equipment:

"Academician Huang, our recognition system can determine whether a person has a split personality by reading brain waves from the cerebral cortex, combined with word and picture stimulation."

"By identifying split personality, how to identify lurkers?" Huang Xiuyuan thought.

Kou Mingsheng nodded: "Yes, and in order to avoid illegal modification, we have fixed most of the programs from the beginning of the chip customization. The basic brainwave reading mode is fixed..."

This aspect is mainly to prevent the recognition device from being transformed into a brain-reading device. Although the Intelligence Department itself has customized a batch of brain-reading devices, civilians and other institutions are not allowed to possess such equipment and technology.

Such strict precautions are to reduce the technological proliferation of brain-reading devices and avoid the emergence of brainwashing techniques similar to split personality.

Even the brain-controlled equipment that is currently emerging, that is, brain wave control equipment, is also included in the scope of strict control.

Technology is a double-edged sword. If used well, it can benefit society. If used improperly, it can destroy mankind.

Never expect the integrity and bottom line of a private enterprise. Even Huang Xiuyuan actively requested that some of the sensitive technologies of the Suiren Department be strictly controlled. He was also worried that after he left, the Suiren Department would lose control and degenerate.

For other private enterprises, we cannot take it lightly.

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the influence of technology has become increasingly powerful and terrifying. Once a super trust technology giant is formed, its influence will become increasingly difficult to contain if one is not careful.

Samsung is an example, and Suiren is also an example. Even the Hesse Group is following this path, but Thomas failed.

These super giants, with the support of certain specific technologies, can even swallow up entire countries.

For example, the Hesse Group is a living example. If the Intelligence Department and Chu Xuan hadn't discovered each other's problems and intervened, Noah might have been named Thomas by now.

Not every chairman of a giant company is an outlier like Huang Xiuyuan. Judging from the general situation of historical development, the vast majority of chairman of the board of directors of giant companies are careerists like Thomas.

In Huang Xiuyuan's view, the Western world will sooner or later be swallowed up by giant companies and eventually replaced.

Because their development path has a dead end, that is, capital pursues maximum freedom, and maximum freedom means maximum exploitation and maximum unfreedom. This means that things must be reversed when they reach their extremes.

The pursuit of maximum freedom means that it is difficult for Western society as a whole to control enterprises. In order to develop, enterprises must control everything.

Although capital in the past showed relative self-balance due to its internal freedom and laxity, that is, the competition between various capitalists, large and small, in cliques, produced a seemingly stable self-balance.

But this self-balance is fragile.

All it takes is the introduction of another factor into this ecosystem, and this capital ecosystem will inevitably collapse completely.

So what is this factor?

The answer is: technology.

It's true that technology will eventually destroy capital society. Thomas' split personality brainwashing technology is one of the keys to open this Pandora's box.

In fact, just make an assumption.

If you were a billionaire and had a secret technology that could control other people, what would you do?

Maybe some people will choose not to use it, maybe some people will destroy it, but a large number of people will definitely use this technology to control other people.

This large group of people, even just 1%, is enough to destroy the entire capital society.


Because there can only be one finalist, either a person or a society.

In other words, even if Thomas fails, there will definitely be Jarvis, Charles, Davis and the like in the future, who will continue to advance in the field of personal finalists.

If giant corporations are not eliminated and excessive freedom is not curbed, society will eventually be swallowed up by giant corporations. The future of cyberpunk is not just a conjecture, but one of the possibilities in the future, and the possibility is very high.

Especially with the current development trend in the Western world, super giant companies are popping up one after another. These companies are the private kingdoms of capitalists.

Once those wealthy individuals with hundreds of billions of assets acquire epoch-making technology, they will quickly develop ambitions and either be crushed by the times, or the wealthy people will succeed in counterattack.

Although there are many super rich people who try to challenge the order and get beaten to pieces, but that does not mean that they will get better.

Even if they die, their spirit will continue to be passed on to the next rich man. This is like a curse. As long as the assets exceed a certain limit, this hidden curse will take root in their hearts.

Everyone hates Celestial Dragons, but everyone wants to become Celestial Dragons. Human nature is like this, and there are very few people who can escape this curse.

Ordinary people only see giant companies being knocked down one after another, but they don’t see giant companies standing up one after another.

If it cannot be fundamentally destroyed, breaking up a Rockefeller Group today and punishing a Microsoft tomorrow can only destroy the body of a giant company, but the soul of a giant company is still alive and can continue to resurrect itself and become more and more powerful and cunning.

Huang Xiuyuan has already seen the future of the Western world, which is a cyberpunk world where only giant companies remain.

Only by completely destroying the foundation of giant companies’ existence can we defeat this “devil”.

Everything he does here is to end this fate. A healthy interstellar civilization is definitely not a giant enterprise model of individual end-users, but a collective end-user model.

Otherwise, this civilization can only survive on the planet.

The Western world today has fallen into a deadlock. The stronger the technological strength of giant companies, the faster the capitalist society will perish. However, if giant companies do not develop technology, they will not be able to compete with Greater China.

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