The rise of nanometers

Chapter 477 Interview

Seoul International Airport.

Kenichi Hasegawa, who came from Tokyo, started the interview as soon as he got off the plane.

Since the beginning of this year, Japan's economy has also been deteriorating, but Noah has not given up on Japan for the time being. They still maintain Japan's power.

Therefore, Japan's economy is better than Korea, Nanbowan, and Lion City.

Hasegawa Kenichi came here this time because he was entrusted by the newspaper to come to Korea to check and see how far the economy here has deteriorated.

However, after he came here, he found that a large number of Chinese-funded companies were recruiting workers, and large companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, POSCO, and LG were gradually recovering.

This recovery speed really surprised Hasegawa.

He stopped near a shopping mall and looked at the long queue of customers. After picking up the camera to take pictures, he said to himself: "Time Shopping Mall? Is it that subsidiary of Suiren Department?"

After careful observation, he could basically confirm through the Chinese signboard and corporate logo that this mall was a subsidiary of the Suiren Department.

Jin Damao, who was sitting on the steps nearby, noticed the Japanese smell on Hasegawa at a glance, and there was a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Hasegawa, who was always observant, naturally noticed the hostility of Jin Damao and others. He smiled and said: "Guys, can you do an interview? It's paid."

After saying that, he took out three Franklins.

" much are these green banknotes worth now?" Jin Damao mocked.

Park Hengsong on the side became angry: "It seems that 1 meter yuan is exchanged for 4.4 Chinese yuan. I heard that the guy who converted his assets into rice yuan in the past is now suffering a huge loss."

Obviously they look down on the rice dollar. After all, the rice dollar has depreciated wildly recently, basically changing its price every day. Many international trading companies are afraid to accept rice dollars. Only a few regions, such as Japan, maintain a large amount of rice dollar foreign exchange.

The previous region with the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world was China. Since the beginning of last year, China has been buying these rice dollars in foreign exchange all over the world.

More than 800 billion rice dollars in foreign exchange were exhausted in about a year and a half. As a result, China received a large amount of real assets, while the value of the rice dollar was further weakened.

More than 800 billion yuan of foreign exchange was injected into the international market all at once, and the consequences would be very serious.

For example, when Chinese-funded companies purchase shares of companies such as Samsung and Hynix, they do so with foreign exchange dollars. The consequence is that Wall Street can only bear the pain.

If you don't agree to use rice dollars to buy, then it is estimated that the whole world will simply abandon the rice dollar. This is the price of being a global currency. If the corresponding value cannot be guaranteed, who is willing to reserve so many rice dollars.

So many rice dollars eventually flowed back to the United States. The consequence was severe inflation in North America.

Other regions that were not hardcore North Americans also quickly followed suit, using rice dollars to purchase assets and supplies, and then increasing their reserves in Chinese dollars.

This invisible financial war has once again hit Miyuan's remaining credit.

Therefore, the Franklin that Hasegawa brought out is no longer as effective as before.

Jin Damao shrugged and smiled: "If you have Hua Yuan, maybe we can talk."

"Okay!" In fact, Hasegawa was already prepared. He had already exchanged Korean won and Chinese yuan. The reason why he took out Franklin was partly to test, and partly to use up these green banknotes.

It's just that Jin Damao and others are not stupid. Nowadays, green banknotes are difficult to exchange in Seoul, and banks are not willing to accept them. After all, if they collect them today, they will depreciate a few points tomorrow. No bank can bear this kind of loss.

Hasegawa took out three 10-yuan Huayuan cards and handed them to Jin Damao and the others.

Jin Damao accepted the banknotes: "You can ask! But let me state in advance that the questions are limited to insensitive topics, otherwise we won't discuss it."

"OK." Hasegawa and his assistants set up the camera and then asked:

"Mr. Jin, what are you doing now?"

"Sewage plant operator." Jin Damao replied casually.

"How much is your monthly salary?"

"I am still an intern, and my salary is only 1,700 yuan, which is Hua Yuan."

Hasegawa thought about it and continued to ask: "Are these wages enough to live on?"

"Our factory provides food and accommodation, which is enough to survive." Park Hengsong from the side interjected.

Food and accommodation are included, which is indeed enough. At most, I can buy some daily necessities. Hasegawa also nodded.

In fact, he didn't know that Suiren would distribute daily necessities such as toothpaste and shower gel to its employees.

Employees are inside the factory and don't cost much money at all.

After interviewing for a while, Hasegawa discovered that these guys were actually employees of the Suiren Department, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

If you really want to interview the real situation of the local economy, it is useless to interview Suiren employees, because there is a certain dissynchronization between the Suiren department and the outside world.

Just like now, Jin Damao and others have no worries about food, drink, clothing and housing, and they have a small amount of money. They are almost catching up with the middle class; but the life of ordinary Koreans is definitely not so good.

Hasegawa, feeling uninterested, ended the interview hastily.

But Hasegawa didn't know that just after he left, Jin Damao uploaded their information to the company's security center through the phone's software.

During this month of training, Jin Damao and others had learned about counter-intelligence. For those overseas personnel who may have problems, they need to report to the security center.

Foreign journalists like Hasegawa are often the most suspicious.

After leaving, Hasegawa and the two saw that it was almost noon, so they found an ordinary local restaurant and prepared to have lunch while secretly exploring the folk situation in Goryeo.

Bai family restaurant.

When Hasegawa came in, he realized that this was a Chinese restaurant, but the owner seemed to be a local.

As meal time approached, more than twenty tables were gradually filled with guests.

After the food was served, Hasegawa discovered that this restaurant had two brushes and the Chinese food was quite authentic. After he took a few bites, the restaurant suddenly fell silent.

When he looked up, he saw a dozen big men wearing brown and green shirts walking in.

From their gait and temperament, Hasegawa could tell the identities of these people at a glance. They were mercenaries stationed at Longshan Base.

These mercenaries from the Suiren Security Company are big customers in the local area. They bring a lot of consumption to the local area during the week of the month.

The restaurant manager immediately smiled and led a dozen mercenaries up to the private room on the second floor.

When the mercenaries went upstairs, the customers in the hall suddenly became lively, discussing in low voices, and Hasegawa was also listening.

"The bald eagles are gone, and another dragon has arrived. When will this shameful day end?"

"Just open up a little if you want!"

"At least these mercenaries are not like the bald eagles, causing trouble everywhere."

"Here, let's have a drink."

Hasegawa silently wrote down these situations.

After a while, he was half full.

Suddenly, a piece of news was playing on the big screen TV in the lobby, which caught his attention.

[...The Qiongzhou Strait Undersea Tunnel was officially opened on April 16 this year. From then on, Qiongzhou and western Guangdong will be closely linked...]

[The latest news from our station is that the Bohai Strait undersea tunnel project has officially started construction; laying a technical foundation for the future Yellow Sea Cross-sea Bridge and Damuan Strait Cross-sea Bridge...]

Hasegawa narrowed his eyes. If the Bohai Strait Undersea Tunnel is not surprising, then the Yellow Sea Cross-sea Bridge and Damuan Strait Cross-sea Bridge represent some unusual signals.

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