The rise of nanometers

Chapter 268 Gas Network

Many domestic logistics companies have noticed some recent changes.

For example, Southern Rare Earth announced that it will build 150 new gas stations on highways across the south.

Even though he was reluctant to buy two barrels of oil, he still cooperated obediently when faced with the document above, agreeing with Southern Rare Earth, China Minmetals Corporation and the Electricity and Minerals Consortium to build gas stations next to high-speed service areas across the country.

Blue Era, United Group and Beijing Enterprises Group have already set up many gas filling stations. Now they only need to be renovated and they can basically be opened to the outside world.

The oil-to-gas strategy is not only a matter of corporate interests for the six major mining companies, but also related to domestic energy security.

After getting rid of the ore problem, only two big problems are energy and food. If you dare to make a small move with two barrels of oil, it is like lighting a lamp in the toilet.

Biomass fuel has great potential and is time-sensitive. If it is not used as raw material in time, it will soon be decomposed by microorganisms.

Oil can be used as a strategic reserve. Concession to gas in the field of transportation fuel is a grand strategy that has been formulated as a whole.

On the other hand, the coal-to-gas strategy has entered the internal discussion stage.

February 26th.

Huang Xiuyuan, who had stayed at Texas Semiconductor for more than half a month, was invited to Peking to participate in the coal-to-gas strategy seminar.

He met Song Shijia, Li Feiyang and others whom he had not seen for a long time at the Suiren Department office in Peking.

In the car heading to the meeting location, Huang Xiuyuan asked about the recent situation in the Blue Era.

"Chairman, our domestic industrial layout is almost closed-loop. In the near future, we are mainly focusing on conquering Mobei and Australia." Li Feiyang reported to him on overseas business.

Huang Xiuyuan, who was deep in thought, suddenly asked: "How is the situation in Central Asia?"

Li Feiyang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "The United Group is developing over there. After a few Kazakh ore suppliers were taught a lesson, they became better behaved."

"Barbarians are afraid of power but not moral. We really need to beat them appropriately. Our branches in Australia and Mobei must also beat those local snakes more."

Li Feiyang nodded: "I understand."

More than twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the meeting location. In addition to old acquaintances from the Suiren family, various companies in the mining alliance, there were also people from major coal groups, Two Barrel Oil and CNOOC.

The conference is neither large nor small, and the participants are all personnel from relevant domestic companies, related fields and strategic think tanks.

Huang Xiuyuan flipped through the draft document of the strategic plan from his position in the Suiren Department.

Although it is also a coal-to-gas conversion, the coal-to-gas conversion plan this time is very different from the coal-to-gas conversion strategy in his memory.

He was not surprised by this. After all, the formulation of any strategy will vary depending on the situation at that time.

This time the coal-to-gas plan is no longer to replace local coal with imported natural gas, but to use coal to directly extract methane gas, liquefied gas and the like for use as natural gas.

At present, major coal groups are discussing the introduction of Blue Star Mining's technology to achieve industrial upgrading of coal gasification.

Huang Xiuyuan has authorized Li Feiyang to speak and authorized it to major coal groups. This is naturally not a big problem.

The two sides quickly reached a preliminary memorandum of cooperation, and the specific details will be discussed in depth in private.

Huang Xiuyuan also expressed some opinions of his own.

According to the strategic layout of coal-to-gas conversion, foreign natural gas can be imported, but he suggested that strict control should be carried out to control the overall proportion of imported gas sources to about 20 to 30% of total consumption.

At the same time, coal mines in Mobei were imported, and a refining factory was set up in Mongolia to refine gas, which was supplied to North China through gas pipelines.

In the southern region, imported coal is also purchased as raw material for gas refining to supply gas along the southeast coast.

Some of the domestic coal mines will be mothballed and some will be maintained to maintain productivity to prevent supply instability in the international market.

Each gas company must make a production plan and ensure about 180 days of raw material inventory to cope with changes in the international market.

Many think tank scholars who participated in the meeting also agreed with Huang Xiuyuan's plan. International coal and natural gas can be imported, but precautions must be taken.

The higher-ups still believe in Huang Xiuyuan's strategic vision.

After more than half an hour of discussion, the general strategy was determined.

Environmental protection is only a secondary factor when switching from coal to gas or oil to gas. The real purpose is to seize the right to speak in international energy.

For example, the current plan to import Lucia natural gas is actually regarded as poverty alleviation to prevent the bears from starving to death.

As for Australian coal mines and Southeast Asian coal mines, this is also one of the strategies to support the local areas. Once coal to gas and oil to gas are completed, the threat to the international energy market will be indirectly eliminated.

If 300 million tons of fuel oil are cut, domestic oil production in other chemical industries, asphalt, etc. can be completely self-sufficient.

Although it is unlikely to completely cut off 300 million tons of fuel in a short time, as long as domestic fuel consumption drops to about 100 million tons, it is basically a safe line.

At that time, whether it is the big dogs in West Asia, the oil tigers in North Africa, the oil oligarchs in Lucia, or the American shale oil, you can raise the price as much as you want. If you increase the purchase price by a dime, I will lose.

As a result, the dominance of imported coal and natural gas lies in the hands of domestic enterprises. If you dare to raise prices in the international market, I will not purchase them.

Then Luo Tuo from the United Group proposed a cooperation plan, which was the gas grid.

After listening to Luo Tuo's description, the Mining Alliance had no objections. Everyone turned their attention to the representatives of Two Barrels of Oil and Offshore Oil Company.

As the world's largest oil consumer, it is absolutely frustrating to have no oil pricing power.

In order to defeat international oil suppliers, Two Barrel Oil and China National Offshore Oil Corporation agreed to cooperate with six major mining and coal alliances to merge the domestic natural gas pipeline network and separately establish the China Gas Network Group.

The gas grid is similar to the power grid, but due to the strength of the six major mining industries, the gas grid group is only responsible for transporting and distributing gas, and each company is responsible for sales.

Gas networks without retail operations can only rely on transportation fees from major groups to maintain their operation, which is basically a low-profit state.

The merged gas network company will gradually build a gas transmission pipeline network covering all parts of the country.

In fact, those who need gas pipeline networks are gas stations on highways and large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Similar to Blue Era's gas business in Shandong Province, it is basically produced and sold locally and does not require supplementary gas sources from outside. The dependence on the gas network is very low.

The Electricity and Mining Consortium, United Group, Minmetals Group, Southern Rare Earth, and Beijing Enterprises Group are more in need of gas grid support.

Gas Grid has prioritized laying gas pipelines along highways to connect the former west-to-east gas pipelines.

The meeting lasted two days.

Only then did all relevant companies finally reach an agreement and prepare to implement the oil-to-gas and coal-to-gas strategy.

In order to change the energy landscape, the higher authorities have also made great determination.

Once successful, the stranglehold of the petroleum dollar on the country will cease to exist in an instant, plus the ore card currently in its hands.

The offensive and defensive dynamics will fundamentally change.

After the meeting, Huang Xiuyuan suddenly said: "Manager Yang, I have a project under my control and plan to conduct experiments in the Helan Mountain Mining Area."

Yang Changfeng, general manager of Guoneng Ningmei Group, was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Mr. Huang, you're welcome. I will definitely arrange for the cooperation of my subordinates in your company's experiment."

"Thank you very much."

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