The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 89 Business cannot be done without righteousness

"Mr. Sing!"

Liu Tao took the initiative to shake hands with the other party, and his attitude was very polite and enthusiastic.

"Mr. Liu Tao, you don't need to speak English, I can speak Chinese!" Song smiled and spoke fluent Chinese.

Liu Tao secretly admired that if he could communicate in Chinese, it would be best to communicate in Chinese.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Liu Tao transferred the conversation to Annan and angrily condemned Annan's wolfish ambitions.

Songsong believes that Annan's ambition has put Thailand under tremendous pressure.

If it weren't for the "Roar of the Red Dragon" in February, it only took one month to achieve great results and teach Annan a lesson, and even Thailand would tremble.

"Annan is so ambitious that he is still preparing for war and will not admit defeat. Their eldest brother is supporting them and helping them regain their strength." Song said worriedly.

The polar bear is definitely a giant. The whole world is shaken when it raises its feet. When the polar bear roars, countless countries in the world tremble, fearing that the S3 season is coming.

Everyone doubts that the S3 season will definitely be different from World War I and World War II. The flames of war will definitely burn to every corner of the world, and no place is a pure land.

As Einstein said: I don’t know what it would be like if World War III started, but if World War IV breaks out, stones and sticks will definitely be used as weapons.

Liu Tao smiled lightly and said: "So you need weapons and ammunition. I am an arms dealer. I can sell you a large number of weapons and ammunition to give you stronger military strength."

"All kinds of light weapons, artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, and aircraft are all fine!" Liu Tao watched and praised.

The song showed a thoughtful look.

Guessing Liu Tao's background, he knew that ordinary people would definitely not have this energy.

He knows Chinese culture very well and has been coming to China for many years.

He couldn't help but secretly guess that Liu Tao represented a certain purpose to enhance the strength of the Thai army in order to resist Annan.

Song smiled and shrugged: "As far as I know, your weapons and equipment are very backward, far inferior to those of the Soviet Union, Europe and the United States."

"Yes, our weapons and equipment are very backward, but our prices are very cheap, only half or even one-third of the price of their weapons and equipment." Liu Tao said with a smile, "And we used these weapons and equipment to beat them to death Falling flowers and flowing water.”

The praises couldn't help but fall into silence.

Because the month-long ‘Red Dragon’s Roar’ has confirmed this. This is an iron-clad fact that is indisputable.

"We are a very pure commodity trade. Arms are just commodities. We pay one hand and deliver the goods. The money and goods are cleared. There are no strings attached." Liu Tao added.

In his opinion, China's weapons and equipment are too competitive.

It is a little behind, but the price/performance ratio is very high.

Add to that the fact that there are no strings attached, and it's a huge draw.

"And in addition to paying with U.S. dollars and gold, you can also pay with rice." Liu Tao does not insist on using U.S. dollars or gold as a means of payment.

For example, Thailand has a lot of rice.

Yun Province's grain output is not large. Now China has a population of one billion, and grain is also a hard currency.

Songsong showed a look of surprise, and at the same time he became interested and began to understand the prices of various weapons and equipment.

Thailand also lacks US dollars and gold, but it does not lack food. If it can be paid with food, then it is naturally the best.

"A Type 69 main battle tank only costs 500,000 US dollars, and a Type 59 tank only costs 300,000 US dollars?" Song was shocked. He was a soldier and had participated in weapons procurement, so he naturally knew the market price of weapons and equipment.

The same type as the Type 69 main battle tank costs about 1 million to 2 million U.S. dollars in the international market, while the same type as the Type 59 tank costs 600,000 to 1 million U.S. dollars. You can’t buy it with money, and there are often additional There are many conditions, such as ports, trade, mines, etc., and you even need to stand in line.

The price Liu Tao gave was directly cut in half without any additional conditions.

"Yes, these weapons are all in stock. As long as you pay, they can be delivered as soon as possible." Liu Tao nodded.

The performance indicators and structure of the Type 59 main battle tank are the same as the Soviet T54A medium tank. More than 10,000 of it and its improved models have been produced. This is the first generation of China's main battle tank and the main equipment of the Chinese armored forces. The equipment is about There are six to seven thousand vehicles, and there are about two to three thousand vehicles in storage.

Liu Tao already knows that the Type 59 main battle tank will be discontinued.

Because the performance of the Type 59 main battle tank is still too lagging behind to meet China's national defense needs, China needs more advanced main battle tanks.

As for the Type 69 main battle tank, it is a self-improved medium-sized tank based on the Type 59 main battle tank. It was just designed and finalized in 1974, and there are about two hundred of them now.

It's just that the Type 69 main battle tank suffered the same fate as the Type 63 automatic rifle. It was disliked by the troops. The troops would rather have the Type 59 main battle tank than the Type 69 main battle tank.

Songsong's heart was pounding and he swallowed, "Mr. Liu Tao, this is a big matter and I can't make a decision directly. I have to report it to the superiors. It will take three days. How about you come back in three days?"

"No problem, I came here with great sincerity, but even if the transaction is not righteous, you can still make friends!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

It would be best if we could reach a deal, but it doesn't matter if we can't.

We met and fell in love. If we can't cooperate this time, maybe we can next time.

When talking to Songsong this time, Liu Tao recommended weapons and equipment from the past. As for the weapons and equipment from their Panshan Machinery Factory, he had not yet thought about exporting them to Thailand.

After leaving each other's phone numbers, Liu Tao left.

He looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so he went to the Pakistani Embassy, ​​which was located at No. 1 Dongzhimenwai Street.

Pakistan is located in the northwest of the South Asian subcontinent, bordering India to the east, China to the northeast, Afghanistan to the northwest, Iran to the west, and the Arabian Sea to the south. After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, Pakistan's situation was not very good because of the partition of India and Pakistan. However, Asan wanted to be the overlord of South Asia and constantly bullied his neighbors.

However, Pakistan is still a big country with a population of more than 80 million and an area of ​​nearly 800,000 square kilometers. Three-fifths of the country is mountainous and hilly, and the southern coastal area is desert, which is not easy to deal with.

And as a member of the Islamic world, it is easy to obtain financial assistance from the white-robed brothers in the Middle East.

Therefore, although Pakistan is now as poor as China, if the negotiations can be concluded, Liu Tao believes that he can still get a lot of orders, and he is not afraid of running out of money.

He was well aware of the tyranny of rich people in the Middle East. Those with big beards in white robes were so poor that they only had money.

Just like last time, tens of millions of dollars were taken out without blinking an eye.

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