The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 86 Can I see this? (Seeking for further reading)

Wang Baoguo valued Liu Tao very much, and even most of the leaders of the Fifth Machinery Department valued Liu Tao.

Liu Tao is the director of Panshan Machinery Factory, but he grew up in the Fifth Machinery Department. Many people grew up watching Liu Tao. Liu Tao's parents are also in the Fifth Machinery Department, saying that Liu Tao is their own child. That's no exaggeration.

Relying on his excellent research and development capabilities, Liu Tao became the director of Panshan Machinery Factory and a division-level cadre at a young age. This ability is much better than that of his peers.

Not to mention, Liu Tao won a large amount of US dollars for the Fifth Machinery Department.

"Boss, I'm going to meet a few guests this time to see if we can discuss business. If we can discuss some business, is that okay?" Liu Tao asked.

Wang Baoguo said nonchalantly: "If the weapons are manufactured by your Panshan Machinery Factory, you can make your own decision."

"No, such as the weapons and ammunition produced before." Liu Tao said.

"As long as it is under the jurisdiction of our Fifth Machinery Department, you can talk as much as you can." Wang Baoguo said with a smile, this is a good thing, and the Fifth Machinery Department hopes Liu Tao will talk more.

"The quantity may be a bit large." Liu Tao hesitated.

"No matter how big it is, it won't be a problem." Wang Baoguo was very confident, "In this way, given your situation, you can also read some confidential documents."

Wang Baoguo took Liu Tao to a place, and Liu Tao applied for information.

It was okay not to look at it, but Liu Tao was shocked when he saw it.

In Harbin alone, as the main manufacturer of ammunition, the 671 Factory produced 1.72 billion Type 53 ammunition between 1953 and 1978, and 1.73 billion Type 56 ammunition between 1960 and 1978. The current daily output is as high as 1.2 million. The cost is reduced to 0.0689 yuan/shipment.

In terms of artillery shells and cartridges, the 423 Factory produced 3.17 million rounds of Type 54 122mm grenade cartridges from 1966 to 1978, 19.724 million rounds of Type 55 37mm anti-aircraft gun cartridges from 1970 to 1978, and 56 Type 37mm anti-aircraft gun cartridges from 1963 to 1970. There were 1.8725 million Type 75 secret recoilless rifle cartridges. From 1958 to 1978, 5.9921 million Type 59 anti-aircraft gun grenade cartridges were produced. The number of other types of ammunition cartridges is also very large.

Jin Province is one of the important artillery production bases in the country. The 247th Factory has produced 2,312 Type 54-1 122mm howitzers, 9,570 Type 5 cannons, 595 Type 73 100mm smoothbore guns, and rocket launcher 15 tank guns since 1965. 3227 doors.

There are also Ningwu No. 3 Artillery Factory, which produces 1,246 Type 65 double-37 anti-aircraft guns, and the 9141 Factory, which produces 560 million rounds of 5-gun ammunition. In September 151, 45.57 million rounds of Type 54 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns and 11.22 million rounds of Type 5 anti-aircraft machine gun ammunition were produced.

It is conceivable that in the past nearly thirty years, under strong external military threats, China has almost gone to great lengths to produce artillery and light weapons, and has stockpiled massive ammunition for guerrilla warfare.

Three hundred million militiamen, this is definitely not a joke, it is possible for each person to have one gun.

"Leader, is this information I can see?" Liu Tao's hands were trembling, with a bitter look on his face.

This is absolutely a confidential document, a secret among secrets.

Wang Baoguo smiled lightly and said: "You know what you are doing, don't leak the secrets! If you want to go out to discuss business, you must know more or less about your family background."

"Anyway, you have developed so many weapons and equipment. Now the weapons and equipment in stock are out of date, and the troops are constantly changing their equipment. If you can sell them, it will be good. You can purchase more weapons and equipment for the troops." Wang Baoguo laughed. laughed.

To be honest, with so many weapons and equipment, as the center changes and the troops install new weapons and equipment, the guns produced before are actually outdated.

For example, there are millions of Type 63 automatic rifles, which is equivalent to more than 2 billion wasted. Army soldiers would rather have Type 56 semi-automatic rifles than Type 63 automatic rifles, let alone the large-scale replacement of them now. Equipped with Type 78 automatic rifle.

If these weapons and equipment can be sold, firstly, the inventory can be cleared, and secondly, they can be exchanged for some money to reduce losses.

"If you can negotiate a business, sell more if you can." Wang Baoguo said with emotion, "Now the army has no money and everyone is poor. The order you negotiated this year can be regarded as opening up a foreign trade channel for the higher ups."

"However, we lack talents in this field, and we were used to providing free assistance in the past." Wang Baoguo said, "If you are able, you will work harder and bear more burdens."

"Okay, I have an idea now." Liu Tao said, "By the way, boss, didn't you say you would reserve a foreign exchange quota of 100,000 US dollars for me last time? Now I want to exchange it for 80,000 US dollars."

After talking about business, Liu Tao talked about personal matters.

There was nothing Liu Tao could do about two hundred thousand yuan, and he didn't have that much money.

But for $80,000, he had a way.

"What's wrong? It's going to be used so soon? Which unit from Yun Province came to your Panshan Machinery Factory?" Wang Baoguo asked curiously.

Liu Tao didn't hide it, "I can't live in my house, so I want to buy a courtyard house to live in. I want to go abroad, and the asking price is US$80,000."

"So it's like this, okay, you write an application, I'll sign it for you, and you go to the finance department to go through the process." Wang Baoguo said.

Wang Baoguo didn't say much about this. After all, this was what the Fifth Machinery Department had promised Liu Tao before.

If Liu Tao wants to exchange it for 80,000 U.S. dollars, then it belongs to him.

"By the way, by the way, write an application report. The Egyptian money will be converted into RMB and transferred to your Panshan Machinery Factory account." Wang Baoguo said.

The Egyptian order payment was US$23.12 million, and the Fifth Machinery Department gave 35 million yuan.

As for taxes and the like, this problem does not exist for military factories.

In this era, it is not just about transferring money. Cross-regional remittances mainly rely on the manual "joint bank system". After the user sends a remittance request to the bank or post office, it is processed into an official document in the branch or post office, and the joint letter is sent by the post office. , it normally takes a week to reach the destination branch or post office, but in special circumstances like theirs, special arrangements will be made.

Because they hold a large amount of U.S. dollars in their hands, even banks now rely on the Ministry of Machinery and Machinery for help.

Liu Tao wrote the application report, and after Wang Baoguo signed it, he went to another leadership office to sign, and then went to the finance department to go through the process.

Liu Tao withdrew the US$80,000 from the bank at noon. The finance department went to Hua Xia Bank to withdraw the US$80,000 directly. Otherwise, it would have taken much longer.

As for Liu Tao's family's savings, they dried up all at once.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao and his family finally came to the courtyard again. The two parties went to the relevant departments to sign the contract agreement and complete a series of procedures.

Eighty thousand US dollars was also given to the other party.

From now on, it also means that this courtyard belongs to him.

Of course, the other party said that they would be given half a month to move out, and Liu Tao could move into the courtyard half a month later.

Naturally, Liu Tao didn't have time to live there. His parents didn't usually live in the courtyard. It was inconvenient to commute to and from get off work, so they only stayed there on weekends to keep the courtyard clean and have a place to live when they returned to Beijing.

After finishing his personal affairs, Liu Tao also started busy with his business.

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