The next morning.

Several leaders of Panshan Machinery Factory are mobilizing dozens of workers' families to clean the dormitories.

The general cleaning started a few days ago.

Of course, this kind of mobilization is not free, but only one dollar per person per day.

These family members are happy to take the money.

Since the construction of Panshan Machinery Factory started, many idle labor forces have been mobilized to participate in the construction and contribute to the construction.

Now shopping malls have been built, new schools have been built, and hospitals have been built.

Today the first batch of medical staff will arrive at Panshan Machinery Factory.

In order to attract medical staff and teachers to Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao also suffered a lot of bleeding.

Doctors with excellent medical skills and famous teachers can be assigned a house as long as they come to Panshan Machinery Factory, and their salary will be the same as that of the deputy director.

As for young medical staff and teachers, they are also given high treatment.

It is precisely because of this that the first batch of medical staff came to Panshan Machinery Factory so quickly.

Liu Tao is also preparing a welcome message. There are a hundred medical staff in the first batch, including seventy young girls. If you want to retain everyone, in addition to material conditions, you must also have spiritual aspects.

This welcome speech naturally needs to be carefully prepared.

Time passed unconsciously, and the clock was about to point to 10 o'clock.

"Director, the guard at the front called. The convoy has passed the guard post and will arrive at the hospital in about fifteen minutes." The office director came over to report.

"Okay, let's set off and go to the hospital!" Liu Tao nodded.

Doorman, of course, does not refer to the current gate of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Rather, it refers to the outermost outpost of the Panshan Machinery Factory in Kunshi.

At that place, the narrowest distance between the two mountains is only 200 meters, and the width of the river occupies 100 meters. A post was established at that location, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There are also defense fortifications built on the mountain, which is condescending.

As for the outpost telephone numbers, they are all within Panshan Machinery Factory.

There are currently only two external telephones in the entire Panshan Machinery Factory, one is the factory director's office, and the other is Liu Tao's home. Both of them can not only make outside calls, but also domestic long-distance calls.

In this era, long-distance calls were very rare. Except for some units, ordinary people had to go to the post office if they wanted to make long-distance calls.

Even if the company makes a long-distance call, it has to be manually connected through a long-distance station. If the line is busy, it often takes ten minutes or even dozens of minutes to get through a call.

It was also with the development of communication technology that the bald operator and the "telegraph shooter" were eliminated and disappeared.

As for phone calls within the factory area, it is much simpler and can be done through a walkie-talkie.

When we arrived at the hospital, there were ribbons, flowers, and red flags waving on the scene, which was full of joy.

Not long after, we saw the convoy coming.

One hundred people, ten cars.

"Welcome~~Welcome~~Warm welcome~~"

The honor guard of primary school students was filled with loud drums and trumpets.

Each primary school student held a bouquet of flowers and dedicated it to each medical staff.

A lively welcome ceremony welcomed the arrival of the first batch of medical staff.

As the factory director, Liu Tao warmly shook hands with each medical staff and then delivered a welcome speech.

"Dear colleagues, comrades!"

"Hello everyone! Today, our Panshan Machinery Factory welcomed a special group of employees. They are the medical staff of our Panshan Machinery Factory. On this special day, I would like to welcome them on behalf of all the factory employees." Liu On behalf of the entire Panshan Machinery Factory, Tao extended a warm welcome to the arrival of these medical staff.

Later, Liu Tao, as the factory director, led everyone to visit the hospital.

The entire Panshan Hospital is divided into outpatient, emergency, inpatient and other departments.

The entire hospital covers an area of ​​one hundred acres. Although the terrain is high and low, the environment is beautiful.

When these medical staff looked at the hospital, their eyes could not help but shine, because even the First Hospital in Kunming City was not as good as Panshan Hospital.

And when Liu Tao took them to a nearby shopping mall, these young nurses all exclaimed.

There are a wide variety of products in the mall, and each product is clearly marked with a price, so you don't need to obtain a ticket to purchase it.

The hospital is not far from the shopping mall, less than two kilometers.

They couldn't help but think about how wonderful life would be if they rode their bicycles to the mall after get off work.

After visiting the shopping mall, he took them to the residential area. Liu Tao gave the keys to several doctors on the spot, saying that the house would belong to them from now on, and they could stay there as long as they were still working in Panshan Hospital.

Although each nurse lives with five nurses, they do not live in bunk beds. Instead, each nurse has a room. In addition, there are two independent bathrooms, a kitchen, a hall and a shared balcony. .

This made every young nurse have no complaints about the bumpy journey and just felt that coming to Panshan Machinery Factory was the right thing to do.

Working and living here is no different from working in the city, and the working environment is even better.

After taking these people around, Liu Tao took them to the hospital cafeteria. At this time, a sumptuous welcome banquet had been prepared in the cafeteria, with ten people sitting at each table, and there were a dozen tables.

There are vegetables, pork, game, and river fresh food!

Since last year, Panshan River has been raising fish in the lower reaches, which means that Panshan Machinery Factory is not short of fish. The food in the canteen always includes river fish and river shrimp.

As for wild game in the mountains, the militia camp can even find wild boars when it goes into the mountains, not to mention pheasants!

Although the Panshan Machinery Factory has a jurisdiction of 100 square kilometers, most of it is mountainous, and there are not many relatively flat areas.

The Panshan Machinery Factory chose to build here because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The mountain roads are rugged and remote, and no one would bomb here.

According to the current plan, such a large area can only meet the living needs of 50,000 to 60,000 people at most, and there is no land for planting. Living supplies have to be purchased from nearby towns.

If there are more people living, it will be crowded.

This is in sharp contrast to places with relatively flat terrain. If such a large area is relatively flat, it can accommodate one or two million people.

In the afternoon, these medical staff carried luggage to the dormitory and carried medical equipment and medicines to the hospital.

Liu Tao was with the hospital director Li Zhen. Li Zhen was originally a senior director of Kunhua Hospital. He just turned 60 this year. This time he was transferred to Panshan Hospital as the director and was responsible for the establishment of Panshan Hospital. His rank was deputy director level.

Li Zhen was not only the director of Panshan Hospital, but also the deputy director of Panshan Machinery Factory, responsible for medical and health work.

Li Zhen was able to come here because Wang Tiezhu spent a lot of effort.

Naturally, Liu Tao arranged a villa for Li Zhen.

And Liu Tao was trying to get a car and assign it to Li Zhen as a special car.

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