Iron boss!

Just these three words perfectly reflect the unique status of the railway system.

It is an independent system, a truly powerful unit that is not under the control of local government, and has great autonomy. It even has its own public security and judicial system, and is completely a small kingdom.

Design, construction, operation and maintenance integrated!

The administrative level of Panshan Machinery Factory at the district and division level is completely inadequate in front of Boss Tie.

For example, in the railway expert group that came this time, the leader of the expert group was at the same level as Liu Tao.

"We have surveyed that there are 21 kilometers of railway connecting Chengdu and Kunming. According to the construction situation of Chengdu-Kunming Railway, the average cost per kilometer is 2.82 million yuan, and the construction cost of 21 kilometers is 59.22 million yuan. Can your Panshan Machinery Factory really fund it yourself?" The leader of the expert group' Li Jian' looked suspicious.

The Chengdu-Kunming Railway was first built in 1958. From 1959 to 1969, construction was suspended many times and then resumed. Until July 1, 1970, the entire Chengdu-Kunming Railway was completed and put into operation. The total investment reached an astonishing 3.075 billion yuan, with an average of 1,000 square meters per kilometer. The construction cost is 282 trillion yuan, which is more than four times the average cost of Pingyuan Railway.

The construction cost of 21 kilometers of railway is as high as 59.22 million yuan.

Li Jian simply didn't believe that a small factory like Panshan Machinery Factory could afford this kind of money.

"There is no problem with our factory's investment. I just want to know when the construction can start? How long will the construction period take?" Liu Tao asked.

Li Jian said: "As long as the funds are in place, construction can start and it can be completed in two years!"

For Tielao, building a 21-kilometer railway is no big deal.

What the railway boss lacks is not the team to build the railway, but funds.

"Funding is not a problem. We can set up a special bank account and use it exclusively!" Liu Tao said.

Nearly 60 million yuan, which is indeed a lot of money.

Even now, there is only so much money that can be used in Panshan Machinery Factory's account.

But he is not afraid, because the goods will be delivered to Egypt soon, and a large amount of money will be received by then, which will be enough to support the development of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Li Jian told Liu Tao some more rules.

Tie Boss has its own Tie Boss rules. For example, although the construction cost of this section of railway was paid by Panshan Machinery Factory, the maintenance, management, and operation are all done by Tie Boss.

Tie Lao will build a site here for unified management, maintenance and operation, and Panshan Machinery Factory cannot interfere.

Liu Tao agreed to this.

After all, there is such a railway, which is of great significance to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Directly let Panshan Machinery Factory go to Kunming, shortening the road trip from 2 hours to half an hour.

This will be the most important transportation hub for Panshan Machinery Factory to the outside world in the future.

When there was an opportunity to build at this time, Liu Tao naturally had to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, if he wanted to build in the future, the investment might be ten or a hundred times larger, and even if he had money, he might not be able to build it.

In just three days, the matter was settled. Panshan Machinery Factory opened a special account. 59.22 million funds were transferred to this special account at once, and the expert team also began geological surveying and mapping.

At this time, Wang Tiezhu also brought a team of experts to Panshan Machinery Factory.

When he saw three anti-aircraft machine guns, Wang Tiezhu couldn't help but step forward and touch them with his hands.

"This anti-aircraft machine gun is so beautiful!" Wang Tiezhu couldn't help but exaggerate. He suddenly discovered that the firearms developed by Liu Tao had a characteristic, that is, they looked good and looked very delicate.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Director, appearance equals combat effectiveness!"

The more advanced the weapon, the higher the requirements for its manufacturing process.

Not to mention, these three anti-aircraft machine guns were all made by Liu Tao. They are absolutely the highest requirements of current manufacturing technology and are absolutely perfect.

Unless the machinery and equipment are updated in the future, with higher processing precision and better materials, there is basically no room for improvement.

"It's pretty but useless, that's a silver gun candle holder!" Wang Tiezhu said.

"We will let the actual test performance speak for itself after the expert group tests it." Liu Tao is full of confidence in this anti-aircraft machine gun.

Following Wang Tiezhu this time, there were also several air defense soldiers. Wang Tiezhu requested assistance from the military region. They were all previously operating Type 54 anti-aircraft machine guns.

Liu Tao explained, and soon these air defense soldiers basically mastered it.

For the expert group test, Liu Tao didn’t need to say anything. They conducted specialized tests based on each item.

For example, testing the effective range, testing the different powers of different shooting ranges, testing the power of different types of ammunition, etc.

The three anti-aircraft machine guns are tested separately to test different projects. The progress is quite fast, and a series of tests will be completed by tomorrow.

Liu Tao took Wang Tiezhu out of the testing site and came to the office.

"Director, how about rifle grenades and sniper grenade guns?" Liu Tao asked.

He has started trial production here, and the output is still very limited, but there are also these two weapons and corresponding ammunition types in the warehouse.

He didn't want Panshan Machinery Factory to start small batch production and there was still no movement from above.

"The information has been sent to the Fifth Machinery Department, and there should be news soon." Wang Tiezhu said: "Besides, didn't you say before that whether there is a batch or not will not affect the production of your factory, and you will sell it to overseas customers! "

"This is different. If the higher-ups approve it, we can also officially get the army's purchase order," Liu Tao said quickly.

You know, mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is.

He didn't want to miss out on the army's purchase order.

"Haha, I heard that you provided some to the 40th Division and the 41st Division for experiments. Are you still worried that the superiors will not approve it?" Wang Tiezhu looked at Liu Tao with a half-smile.

He is very well informed.

Liu Tao smiled, these two weapons have been officially installed in the Wolf Warriors team, and he only provided a little bit each from the 40th Division and the 41st Division for experimentation.

The manufacturing cost of a rifle grenade is 3 to 7 yuan, and the planned purchase price is 5 to 10 yuan, which means that the profit of a rifle grenade is about 2 to 3 yuan. This is definitely a conscientious price.

As for a sniper grenade gun, the current cost is as high as 100,000 yuan. Such a high price is destined to be reluctant to pay for it. After all, the funds that a division can use are limited. Even if Liu Tao provides it at cost price, at most Just purchased two or three sniper grenade guns.

And the sniper grenade gun is not only expensive, but the ammunition is also expensive!

For this kind of procurement, it is unrealistic to expect the 40th and 41st Divisions, and it must be officially purchased by the military.

As a result, even if the military's official purchase volume will not be large, it will still be considerable.

As for this kind of weapon, the real money makers are the tycoons in the Middle East!

Of course, Liu Tao would dare to sell even to the devil as long as he could give him money.

Make money? It's not shabby to do business with the devil!

A qualified arms dealer doesn't care whether the customer is an angel or a devil, he only cares about how much money he can make!

Liu Tao has a deep understanding of how lucrative arms can be, and he can taste the deliciousness better than anyone in the country now.

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