Technical Department.

Liu Tao is drawing the drawings carefully.

In this era, there is no CAD or computer drawing, so we can only draw the drawings one by one in person.

Pencils of different line widths, ruler, set square, compass, dividing rule, T-square, small brush, pencil sharpener, drawing eraser.

Drawing is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. It is not only the eyes that suffer the most damage, but also the cervical spine and sleeves of clothes.

It is also difficult to change a picture, because it means that the entire picture may be drawn in vain because of a small mistake.

Even Liu Tao doesn't need to think too much. He has to concentrate on drawings and be careful.

The virtual panel has already formed design drawings one by one. What Liu Tao has to do is to turn these design drawings into paper design drawings one by one.

Drawing is very slow, and you need to concentrate on carving the drawings.

One drawing takes about two hours.

You have to take a break before you draw a drawing, otherwise your eyes will not be able to bear it.

In one morning, I only drew two drawings.

One day is nothing more than six drawings.

Time flies, and it took Liu Tao a whole week to complete a complete set of design drawings and a report.

On this day, Liu Tao and Lin Shengli went to the factory director's office with design drawings and reports.

"Comrade Liu Tao, is it done?" Wang Tiezhu looked at Liu Tao expectantly.

Liu Tao nodded confidently: "Report to the factory director. We have fulfilled our mission and completed it!"

"The improved Type 54 pistol has much smaller recoil, improved accuracy, increased ammunition capacity from 7 to 8 rounds to 14 rounds, and a barrel life of 5,000 rounds." Liu Tao reported, briefly talking about the improvements and corresponding indicators.

"Director, this is the report I wrote. This is a complete set of design drawings!" Liu Tao said.

"Okay, okay!" Wang Tiezhu said excitedly, "Liu Tao, you have made contributions to the party and the motherland, and I want to take credit for you."

With that said, Wang Tiezhu called the confidentiality department: "Comrade Chen Weiguo, please come to my office. I have a confidential document that I want to give to you."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Tiezhu made a call, "I am the director of Panshan Machinery Factory. Help me answer the call of the Provincial National Defense Management Office."

Liu Tao thought, Provincial Defense Management Office?

Then I understood why I made this call.

Nowadays, many military factories in China, except for a few very important ones, are directly managed by the Fifth Machinery Department. Most of the remaining military factories, especially those small and medium-sized military factories established during the third-line construction, are under the direct management of the Ministry of Machinery. It was managed by the Provincial National Defense Management Office, which later became the Provincial Office of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry.

The Provincial National Defense Management Office is the management unit of Panshan Machinery Factory.

"Hello, I am Wang Tiezhu, the director of Panshan Machinery Factory. I am looking for Director Wang Baoguo." After answering the call, Wang Tiezhu went directly to the top manager.

Wang Baoguo, director of the Provincial National Defense Management Office, is in charge of the entire Yun Province military industry system.

From an administrative level, cadres at the department and bureau level are already considered senior national cadres.

"Old Wang, what do you want from me? I've already said it, these are the targets. There are no more, and there is no money to subsidize you. You have to find a way to solve the problem on your own." The vicissitudes of life and fatigue came from the phone. the sound of.

This era is still the era of planned economy.

The whole country is a game of chess, everything is planned in advance before production, and it is not just about producing as much as you want.

"Comrade Wang Baoguo, I want to report a happy event to you this time." Wang Tiezhu said with excitement.

"Oh? What's the happy event for your Panshan Machinery Factory?" Wang Baoguo didn't believe it.

Wang Tiezhu said: "Comrade Wang Baoguo and Comrade Liu Tao from our Panshan Machinery Factory have improved the Type 54 pistol. All verifications have been completed. We have applied to our superiors to organize experts for acceptance."

"What? Lao Wang, this is not a joke!?" Wang Baoguo was shocked.

The improvement work of the Type 54 pistol has also been carried out by the Firearms Research Institute under the Provincial Defense Management Office.

There is good news every year, but the design cannot be finalized and the samples produced are not satisfactory.

Thinking of this, Wang Baoguo's tone became unpleasant, "Old Wang, you are also an old revolutionary, how can you learn this kind of deception?"

"Comrade Wang Baoguo, I swear by my party spirit that this is true." Wang Tiezhu said solemnly, full of doubts.

"Tomorrow I will take relevant expert comrades to your factory. If it turns out that you are deceiving the organization, I think your factory's target for next year will be reduced by half." Wang Baoguo said after a long time.

Deceiving the organization! ?

This is already a very strong statement.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Tiezhu said to Liu Tao and Lin Shengli: "Comrade Liu Tao, Comrade Lin Shengli, you will produce a few samples next, and experts from the superior organization will conduct acceptance tomorrow."

"Yes, director!" Liu Tao and Lin Shengli looked serious.

They all heard it with their own ears and knew the importance of it.

If it is not recognized by superior leaders and experts, then everyone will have to drink from the northwest wind next year, and it will also become a joke among peers.

The two left the factory director's office and went directly to the technical department.

At this time, the people from the Security Department were watching the entire process, and the drawings could not leave their sight.

Liu Tao pinned the drawings on the board and explained.

For the mass production of a gun, Liu Tao alone cannot do it. He has to teach the technicians in the technical department, and then the technicians in the technical department will instruct and teach the production workers.

After explaining the drawings, Liu Tao operated it himself, explaining while operating.

After all, the new pistol is actually very different from the original Type 54 pistol. There are big differences in appearance, and it looks much more beautiful.

As for the changes inside, there are more.

Even the materials and craftsmanship of the barrel are somewhat different.

Although they are just some differences, the slightest change has a great impact on the gun.

By late at night, Liu Tao and his team had produced a total of ten improved pistols.

Lin Shengli and others went to rest.

Liu Tao checked the guns one by one, and after confirming that they were correct, Liu Tao was still not at ease and took the gun to the shooting range.

Two soldiers followed, and Liu Tao tried the guns one by one, and each gun fired two magazines.

"It should be fine!" Liu Tao said secretly, and put the ten pistols away, and Liu Tao was relieved to leave.

"Comrade Liu Tao, you must be hungry, come and have a bowl of noodles." At this time, a kind voice came.

"Director!" Liu Tao showed a surprised look: "Why are you here so late and not resting?"

"Haha, I heard the gunshots and knew that Comrade Liu Tao had not rested yet, so I asked my wife to cook you a bowl of noodles." Wang Tiezhu smiled: "I am almost 70 years old, and my sleep is shallow and short. It's okay to sleep less. When I close my eyes one day, I can sleep as long as I want."

A warm current flowed through Liu Tao's heart.

This is the old revolutionary, a heart of selfless dedication.

While he and others were busy, the director was also paying attention to and caring about everyone.

With such a leader, everyone's original intention is to love the country and the party. Even if there are problems in the factory now, why can't we solve the problems and develop the factory.

Please collect

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