Not long after, Liu Ziyu returned home carrying his schoolbag.

"Brother, you're back?!" Liu Ziyu was very happy.

The last time Liu Tao came back, Liu Ziyu found that the situation at home had changed dramatically. He could eat meat every now and then, and there was a TV and a refrigerator at home.

This semester, I also bought her a bicycle.

She knew that this was the change brought about by her brother.

Her parents even told her that her brother ‘Liu Tao’ was already a division-level cadre.

The status of a cadre is an enviable status.

There are only two identities in this era - worker identity and cadre identity.

The department-level cadres and administrative levels are the same as his father Liu Zhenbang.

Liu Tao had just graduated a year ago, but he was already a division-level cadre. No one Liu Ziyu knew was as good as Liu Tao.

In Liu Ziyu's mind, his brother is the most powerful.

"Ziyu!" Liu Tao smiled when he saw his sister.

Liu Tao dotes on his sister very much.

In the body's memory, the relationship with Liu Ziyu is the best, better than the relationship between her two sisters.

Liu Tao believed in his heart that his sister was just for pampering.

Liu Ziyu's academic performance is also very good. If he can maintain it, he has great hope of being admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Of course, in this era, the gap between Tsinghua and Peking University and several other universities is not that big, and not all top students will squeeze their heads to get into Tsinghua and Peking University.

However, Liu Tao still hopes that Liu Ziyu can be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and study abroad after graduation to increase his knowledge, and then return to China to participate in national construction.

It is undeniable that there is a huge gap between China and Europe and the United States in all aspects. China is also beginning to learn from Europe and the United States, especially the United States.

According to Liu Tao's estimation, maybe within a few years, the country will officially launch a study abroad program and send students to study abroad in Europe and the United States to learn knowledge.

"Ziyu, how are you studying? Have you met anyone you don't understand?" Liu Tao asked Liu Ziyu how he was studying.

Liu Ziyu sat next to Liu Tao, chatting about studies.

Not long after, Liu Zhenbang came back.

Liu Zhenbang was not surprised at all when Liu Tao came back.

"This time you have given face to our old Mr. Liu. Your grandfather knows what he is doing, so it is time for him to smile!" Liu Zhenbang sighed with a touch of pride on his face.

There are only thirty-three Chinese advanced science and technology workers in all fields across the country this time, and Liu Tao is one of them, and he is the only one in the weapons industry who can be rated.

This honor is so high that it can be said that Liu Zhenbang is confident no matter who he brags to.

There are countless honors more valuable than this one that can be counted on one hand.

Chen Fang asked in confusion, "Old Liu, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

"You don't even pay attention to the fact that Liu Tao was selected as one of the nation's advanced science and technology workers." Liu Zhenbang said angrily: "This is not just news, and you don't pay attention to it yourself."

Chen Fang was surprised, "National advanced science and technology worker? Our son!? I have never heard of it!? Oh my god, son, you didn't write anything in your letter."

Chen Fang started talking incoherently.

It's not like Liu Ziyu has yet to join society, she really knows how high this honor is.

There are only about thirty places that can be selected each year!

This is not a field or province, but a nationwide screening.

Which one of the comments is that he is forty or fifty years old!

Which one is rated is not a leader in a field.

And his son actually got selected.

Liu Ziyu was even more shocked and covered her open mouth with her hands. She was now carrying the figures and deeds of the nation's advanced scientific and technological workers last year. These people were the ones the country vigorously promoted and called on the whole country to learn from them.

There are countless people in their school who are determined to learn from these people and become scientists.

Now his brother has become such a existence.

This is awesome!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire home was filled with joy.

The next day, Liu Tao went to No. 25 Xiushui North Street. Speaking in English, Liu Tao quickly met Al and Rashid.

"Mr. Al, Mr. Rashid, I believe you already know that our order has been completed and is being placed at the dock. I wonder when your ship will arrive?" Liu Tao got straight to the point.

Al smiled and said: "My friend, we have already contacted the ship and it will arrive in two days."

"My friend, I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant. I will go to Yangcheng in person tomorrow. As long as there are no problems with the inspection, I can settle the balance immediately." Rashid smiled.

Rashid is very satisfied with these firearms.

He believes that once it is shipped to the country and installed in the troops, the troops will be very satisfied.

By then he will have made a meritorious deed.

Not to mention that for this order, they also received generous rebates, and the two of them could earn millions of dollars.

Just such an arms order can earn more than they would have earned in thirty years of work.

"Yes, I also think our cooperation is very pleasant. In principle, when we do business, it is just business, without any conditions attached. The money and goods are cleared, and the reputation is definitely the best." Liu Tao emphasized that doing business the rules.

Al and Rashid also agreed.

You must know that whether it is Europe, the United States or the Soviet Union, when purchasing arms from them, not only the unit price is high, there are often various conditions attached, many of which can even be called harsh.

Unlike Liu Tao, he would not attach any conditions.

This is a good business partner!

"My friend, I have a hunch that this will not be our last cooperation, and we will have more cooperation in the future." Al said with a smile on his face.

"I also have this hunch. I believe that the next cooperation will not be limited to firearms, but will also include various artillery and even tanks and armored vehicles!" Liu Tao agreed.

"Your firearms are very good, I agree with that. As for tanks and armored vehicles, forget it!" Rashid looked disgusted.

Nowadays, China's tanks are mainly Type 59 medium tanks, Type 62 light tanks, and Type 69 medium tanks. Rashid has seen battle reports. These two tanks are too backward and can be easily destroyed.

And Iraq is even equipped with T72 main battle tanks.

The T72 main battle tank is the world's first third-generation main battle tank and the most advanced main battle tank in the world today.

Rashid looked down upon Chinese tanks at all. Compared with the T-72 tanks, these tanks were garbage.

Liu Tao chuckled, not angry. He knew that no matter how advanced the tank was, it would not be able to exert its power in the hands of the Iraqi army. This has been proven by history.

During the Iran-Iraq War, that happened before. An Iraqi tank unit was paralyzed by a motorcycle light cavalry.

Besides, when we fall into a war of attrition and suffer huge losses in weapons and equipment, it won’t matter if we don’t advance first, as long as we can buy them.

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