Tokarev, a famous Soviet firearms designer, designed the 'TT-33' pistol, which was adopted by the Soviet Union in 1930 and became the Soviet military standard pistol. Therefore, the gun is also called the Tokarev pistol. .

The Type 54 pistol is a Chinese imitation of the Tokarev pistol.

Makarov was also a famous Soviet firearms designer. He participated in a pistol design competition at the age of 31 and designed a pistol to replace the Tokarev pistol. This pistol was also called Makarov. Husband pistol.

China's Type 59 pistol is an imitation of the Makarov pistol.

Tokarev and Makarov are both very famous people in the field of Chinese firearms design and manufacturing.

Lin Shengli was furious and led people directly to the dormitory area.

He wanted to use Liu Tao as a negative teaching material and criticize him throughout the factory.

So far, China has only developed one kind of pistol on its own, and it has only been designed and finalized, not production yet!

It is simply ridiculous that a young boy who has just graduated from college wants to improve the Type 54 pistol.

"Dong dong dong~~"

There was a rude knock on the door.

"Who is it!" Liu Tao shouted in a daze.

"Liu Tao, open the door for me! If you don't open the door, the door will be knocked down!" Lin Shengli's angry voice sounded.

Lin Shengli?

Who! ?

Liu Tao's mind was filled with doubts.

Suddenly, Liu Tao finally remembered that this was his immediate boss!

"Coming!" Liu Tao shouted quickly.

Not long after, Liu Tao opened the door.

"Hiss, hiss~~" I saw seven or eight people, including Li Shengli and Li Yuanchao. They were all menacing. They came with bad intentions.

"Take it away for me!" Lin Shengli said coldly.

Several people were about to walk towards Liu Tao.

"Minister Lin, what's wrong? There's such a big battle." Liu Tao took a step back and said, "If you have anything to say, please speak up. We are all comrades, not enemies."

"Liu Tao, look at what time it is. You are neglectful of work, disobedient to discipline, and unorganized and undisciplined. I will criticize you in front of all the comrades in the factory." Lin Shengli's eyes were very unkind.

Liu Tao took a breath of air.

Such a big battle?

That scene is very deep in the body's consciousness.

"Minister Lin, I have been improving the Type 54 pistol during this period. I worked until early morning last night and it was already dawn when I returned to the dormitory, so I overslept." Liu Tao said quickly.

He didn't want to, in front of the whole factory, bend down and lower his head, shout a slogan and have someone push his head down.

Even those people would scatter broken glass under their knees. Liu Tao had personally witnessed the scene where his knees were bloody several times in his memory.

"Improved Type 54 pistol? Are you kidding!" Lin Shengli glared at Liu Tao: "You lie a lot. People like you are not worthy of being a comrade. You must be sent to a labor camp and taken away!"

"Minister Lin, I have been confirmed by the factory director. I am really improving the Type 54 pistol." Liu Tao took a step back. "If you don't believe it, let's go to the factory director. The factory director can vouch for me."

Lin The more he talked about victory, the more angry he became.

It was not easy to imitate the Tokarev pistol at the beginning. It was only with the help of Soviet experts that we came up with the Type 54 pistol.

Now Liu Tao alone has improved the Type 54 pistol! ?

The improvement work on the Type 54 pistol has not stopped, but so far it has not been improved to a satisfactory level.

"Really, Minister Lin, the factory director can vouch for me on this matter." Liu Tao said, taking out the pistol from his waist.

Suddenly, the scene became tense.

Others took out their pistols one after another, all of them Type 54 pistols.

"Liu Tao, what do you want to do! Do you want to rebel? I order you to put down your gun, hold your head in your hands, and squat down facing the wall." Lin Shengli said loudly, and others aimed at Liu Tao.

As long as Liu Tao dared to move, they would shoot.

Panshan Machinery Factory is an arsenal. The factory organizes militia training every month, including target shooting and trench digging. Most people know how to shoot, and security personnel and the like can even carry guns.

After all, there are many wild beasts in this mountain.

For everyone's safety, everyone except children knows how to use guns.

Liu Tao was pointed at so many pistols, cold sweat broke out on his back, and his legs became weak.

"Minister Lin, I took out my improved gun to show you. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous." Liu Tao stuttered a little.

"Put down the gun, hold your head with both hands, and squat down facing the wall!" Lin Shengli looked coldly at Liu Tao.

Seeing this, Liu Tao probably couldn't move too much, otherwise the gun would inevitably go off.

He put down the gun obediently, then put his head in his hands and squatted down facing the wall.

Suddenly, two people rushed in, one picked up the gun on the floor, and then two people held Liu Tao.

"Take it away!" Lin Shengli's voice was cold.

What a good boy, you dare to draw a gun.

This is outrageous!

The two of them escorted Liu Tao and walked out.

Not long after, the radio rang.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and headed to the square.

Before long, the whole square was filled with people.

Lin Shengli walked in front, and two people escorted Liu Tao onto the stone platform.

"Comrades, Liu Tao from our Technical Department is a waste of people's property, inactive in his work, cheating, and unorganized and undisciplined." Lin Shengli's voice passed through a simple loudspeaker, but everyone in the square could hear it. .

Suddenly, everyone looked at Liu Tao angrily.

"It's unjust, I'm unjust! The factory director can vouch for me." Liu Tao shouted loudly.

If he is found guilty of this crime, he will definitely go to a labor camp and suffer a lot.

"There are both witnesses and material evidence, but you still dare to make excuses." Lin Shengli became even more angry.

"What kind of personal and physical evidence? Obviously the factory director can testify for me, why not invite the factory director?" Liu Tao argued loudly: "As a technician, I improve the 54 pistol. This is my job. What's wrong?"

"Comrades, have you heard that Liu Tao, a newly graduated college student, has just joined our factory for a few months. He said that he improved the Type 54 pistol. Do you believe it?" Lin Shengli said.

"Haha~~" Everyone couldn't help laughing.

We all produce firearms, and it’s not like we don’t know everything.

Improving a firearm is easier said than done!

People from the technical department can repair the machinery, but sometimes it is even impossible and they have to go to Kunming to hire experts.

As for improving firearms, I would not dare to say that if I drank less than a pound of wine.

"Comrades, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Since everyone doesn't believe it, why don't you practice it on the spot? If it turns out that I lied, I, Liu Tao, will never complain about any punishment!" Liu Tao shouted.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth! ?

The whole square suddenly became quiet.

Just in May, Guangming Daily published an article that triggered a big discussion about the standard of truth.

This big discussion naturally spread to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Even now, this big discussion has not stopped.

Liu Tao shouted so loudly now that everyone was no longer angry and accusing.

Yes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

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