It took several days.

Liu Tao finally developed a torpedo boat based on the Type 022 missile boat.

Only one set of anti-ship missile launch tubes was retained, and two sets of triple torpedo launch tubes were installed. The torpedo used a new type of torpedo, which is an electric light torpedo with a maximum range of 13.5 kilometers, an overall length of 2.75 meters, a diameter of 324 mm, and an overall weight of 244 kg. The combat depth of the torpedo is 2~600 meters, the warhead is 45 kg, and it uses advanced hydroacoustic self-guided heads for guidance. The navigation accuracy is very high, which can be accurate to within 10 meters. It has multiple pre-formed transmitting and receiving beams and an active detection distance of 2 kilometers.

The torpedo has very low radiation noise and a wide range of torpedo setting parameters, which can make the torpedo approach the target quietly, and minimize the alarm distance of the submarine and warship detection system to the torpedo, increasing the kill probability of this light torpedo.

In addition to the 6 torpedoes installed on the torpedo tubes, the torpedo boat also carries 12 torpedoes.

This torpedo can attack both surface warships and submarines underwater.

And the fastest speed can reach 50 knots.

Liu Tao built this torpedo boat at the Dalian Shipyard.

At this time, thousands of miles away in the Middle East.

The sun sets on the battlefield between Iran and Iraq.

Rumbling sounds continue to be heard on the vast land.

Type 59 tanks, Type 62 light tanks, armored vehicles, and nearly a hundred off-road trucks, with flags flying, this is a Persian tank division, they are going to support Abadan.

At this point in the war, the original American tanks or tanks from Europe in the Persian army have been exhausted.

The fastest way for them to get replenishment is these Type 59 tanks, Type 62 light tanks and armored vehicles.

There is no such thing as well-trained. As long as you can shoot and fire, you are a good soldier and go to the battlefield for baptism.

At this time, the Persian army is still as high as one million. Even though Persia has suffered heavy casualties in the past three years, the rear is still continuously training soldiers.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from afar, and without any warning, a torrent of steel rolled over.

"Boom boom~~"

The enemy's tanks were still 3 kilometers away, and they had already fired.

One tank shell after another flew out and headed for the target.

One shell after another directly hit the Type 59 tank, Type 62 light tank, and other armored vehicles and off-road trucks.

Even the armor of the tanks was instantly pierced through.

Some tanks even ignited the internal ammunition due to the high temperature, causing a huge explosion.

"Damn, it's the devil tank armored division of the Iraqis!" The Persian commander showed a look of horror and quickly gave the order to retreat: "Retreat, retreat immediately, flee!"

On the other side, three kilometers away in the Iraqi tank armored division, Rashid was in high spirits in the command vehicle.

This was his second battle on the battlefield. More than a month ago, he was ordered to the front line. Saddam wanted to see the strength of the tank armored division equipped with the Type 80 main battle tank.

Rashid lived up to expectations and destroyed a Persian tank armored division in a battle more than half a month ago. That tank armored division was equipped with Chieftain tanks.

But those Chieftain tanks were still blown up by the Type 80 tanks.

Rashid proved with facts that the 120mm caliber tank main gun of the Type 80 main battle tank can penetrate the main armor of any tank in the world.

Now, he has caught the opportunity again and wants to annihilate the Persian tank armored division in one fell swoop.

In this way, two tank armored divisions were lost, and the strength of the Persians on the battlefield was severely weakened, and they were even more unable to fight Iraq head-on.

The Persians knew that they had encountered the devil tank armored division of Iraq, and knew that their army could not resist the opponent at all. The only way was to retreat.

But this retreat immediately fell into chaos.

For this kind of non-elite troops, it is okay to fight offensive battles, but it will be chaotic once retreating.

At this time, the Type 80 tank was constantly roaring, even if it was an export version, the performance was still very outstanding.

One tank after another, constantly vented towards the Persians.

Even many tanks fired without very accurate aiming.

The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, with its onboard radar constantly rotating, was trying to avoid the Persian aircraft attack.

After firing more than 20 rounds, almost all the visible tanks, armored vehicles, and off-road trucks were destroyed.

"Chase down the Persians, charge!" Rashid roared and gave the order.

Suddenly, one after another Type 80 tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns started walking and running.

The Iraqis did not know how to shoot while walking, or their hit rate while walking and shooting was still relatively low, so they often stopped the tanks to shoot, which was almost equivalent to a fixed turret.

If they encountered a powerful tank unit, this approach would naturally be very dangerous and it would be easy to become a live target.

But it was different now. They had an absolute advantage, and they quickly defeated the Persian tank armored division.

As for the pursuit, that was the Iraqis' specialty.

It was difficult to fight against the wind, but who could not fight with the wind?

No matter how much the Persians ran, could they outrun the Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns?

At this time, some people would fire tank shells, but more would use machine guns to continuously fire.

Anyone who did not raise their hands to surrender would be hunted down.

"Da Da Da~~" The machine guns kept spitting out flames, sweeping the fleeing Persians.

At night, there were many flames and thick smoke.

Those were burning tanks and armored vehicles.

The Iraqis were cleaning the battlefield.

Rashid walked out of the command vehicle and looked at the night. At this time, it was already a little bright outside, and the sky in the east was white, and the day was about to dawn.

This battle made Rashid very happy.

A hearty victory was enough to change the comparison of enemy and our strength on the battlefield.

To be honest, the Iran-Iraq War was fought quickly, and Iraq suffered a lot of losses and even greater consumption.

Although there was a large amount of oil income, there were already voices of opposition in Iraq, and voices to stop the war and withdraw from the battlefield continued to appear.

Saddam was very unwilling. After all, he was now a hero in the Arab world, and he taught the Persians a lesson. Now they still occupied a large area of ​​land, and the battlefield advantage was still in Iraq's hands.

He also sent a delegation to negotiate with the Persians, but the Persians were very tough and must make Iraq retreat to the pre-war border.

Saddam simply couldn't accept it.

Therefore, Saddam sent Rashid to lead the tank armored division to the battlefield to teach the Persians a lesson and also to see the performance of the Type 80 tank.

No matter how much he praised, it was not as convincing as the actual performance on the battlefield.

Now he has won two battles and destroyed two tank armored divisions of the Persians. This record alone is enough to make him a hero of Iraq and qualified to move up.

Because in the military, the record is the most convincing.

No matter how many words are said, it is not as convincing as the record.

Rashid looked at the fear in the eyes of the Persian captives and couldn't help showing disdain.

Surrender is shameful, but surrender is the only way out and the only chance to survive.

No matter how fanatical the Persians are in their beliefs, they are not really afraid of death.

"Now, if I can take Abadan, I will definitely become famous and become a world-famous general." Rashid's eyes flashed with ambition.

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