Spend time with family on weekends.

On Monday, Liu Tao and several friends who had made an appointment came to a military camp.

These friends were from Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

Liu Tao did not call Persia because the hatred between Persia and Iraq was too deep now, and both sides wanted to shoot each other when they saw each other.

And these four are currently big customers.

"Everyone, my friends, this is our latest air defense missile system "Aegis." Liu Tao introduced them: "This is "Aegis-0", a short-range air defense missile system with a maximum range of 16 kilometers and a maximum combat altitude of 9 kilometers. The system's radar has the ability to scan, track and identify friends and enemies. It can detect up to 40 targets and track 15 of them at the same time. The maximum detection distance is 25 kilometers and the maximum tracking distance is 22 kilometers."

The export version of "Aegis-0" introduced by Liu Tao uses a wheeled armored vehicle. A set of "Aegis-0" air defense system has four launch units.

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

"Liu, how much does this air defense missile system cost?" Haller from Saudi Arabia couldn't help asking.

The data of this air defense system is very advanced and looks beautiful.

The most advanced air defense missile systems in the Middle East are the SAM-8 missile and the SAM-9 missile.

The SAM-8 air defense missile uses a self-propelled vehicle and is an all-weather low-altitude missile short-range air defense missile weapon system. It was only equipped with the Soviet army in 1974 and was first seen at the 1975 Moscow Red Square Parade. It was equipped in the air defense missile regiments of the Soviet Army's motorized infantry divisions and tank divisions. The maximum range is 12 kilometers and the maximum altitude is 6 kilometers.

The SAM-9 air defense missile is similar.

And there is no doubt that the performance of this 'Aegis-0' air defense missile system in front of us is better than the SAM-8 air defense missile and the SAM-9 air defense missile.

Hadi couldn't wait to ask, "Yes, how much does this air defense missile system cost? And please introduce the air defense missile system next to it."

Liu Tao showed his appreciation. He was really good at it. He was worthy of being his old friend.

"Each set of the 'Aegis-0' air defense missile system is 40 million US dollars, equipped with 24 missiles. If you purchase missiles in the future, each missile will cost 1 million US dollars." Liu Tao quoted with a smile.

When the four countries heard it, no one thought it was expensive.

Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Libya are oil-producing countries, very rich. What they want is advanced weapons. As for money, it doesn't matter.

Libya, in particular, was just scared.

Hadi heard about it, and Colonel Ka was furious.

Libya bought the Type 80 main battle tank, the Type 80 anti-aircraft gun, and the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile, but the Type 80 anti-aircraft gun belongs to low-altitude air defense. When fighter jets fly at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters and drop bombs or missiles, the Type 80 anti-aircraft gun is powerless. As for the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, they can't do anything about it as the warships are hundreds of miles away.

If there is this air defense missile system, most fighter jets will become targets.

"Liu, we want 10 sets of 'Aegis-0' air defense missile systems in Libya." Hadi said without hesitation.

Hadi had received an order from the country before, asking him to find advanced air defense missile systems. Hadi has been trying to find out the news. Now that he has this opportunity, he naturally wants to purchase it immediately.

Saudi Arabia's Halle said: "We want 20 sets of 'Aegis-0' air defense missile systems!"

Saudi Arabia has now tasted the benefits of Panshan weapons, which are good quality and low price, and the key is good service attitude. As long as the contract stipulates, they will deliver on time and send technicians to teach.

Even, you can hire a security company to assist in training troops, or even undertake defense tasks.

As long as you pay, you can find services.

Since they got the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, even if it is only the first batch, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea are no longer warships that break in at any time.

Now their biggest worry is airplanes. They are afraid that when they are sleeping, the advanced airplanes will come over their heads and drop bombs.

With this anti-aircraft missile system, they can sleep peacefully at night.

It is frustrating to say that Saudi Arabia, as the number one oil producer in the Middle East, can make a lot of money every year by relying on oil, but its military strength is not strong, and it is even the last in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia urgently needs advanced weapons to protect itself, at least it can sleep peacefully.

Sometimes you can speak more firmly.

Instead of having to yield and compromise when the warships are blocking the door and the airplanes are flying in the sky.

There are only a few countries in the world that have advanced weapons. The Soviet Union and the United States are the bosses, high above, and very arrogant. European countries such as France are also arrogant.

Only Liu Tao really treats them as customers and serves them well. As long as they pay, they can buy the weapons they want.

They are like crazy because of poverty. As long as they pay, they dare to export any advanced weapons.

Even Hadi and others were secretly contacting them, hoping to introduce a powerful weapon for deterrence and self-protection.

"We Iraq also need 20 sets of 'Aegis-0' air defense missile systems!" Al's eyes flashed, and he made the purchase without hesitation.

Iraq has the most say in the weapons sold by Liu Tao, because Iraq has used them on the battlefield for two and a half years, and the troops have no bad words.

During the Iran-Iraq War, Persia had an air force advantage. Although there was no need to worry about the low-altitude battlefield due to the "Vanguard" air defense missiles and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, many Persian planes were shot down.

However, the Persian F-14 "Panda" fighter was a headache.

But with this "Aegis-0" air defense missile, it was different. The F-14 "Panda" fighter dared not descend to an altitude of 9,000 meters. And no matter how many bombs and missiles the fighter jets threw, the higher the altitude, the less accurate the accuracy and the lower the threat.

Because of his outstanding work, Al is now at a very high level. Al believes that as long as he returns to China, he will definitely enter an important position.

Among the people present, Al is the one who trusts Liu Tao the most!

Syria also asked for 20 sets of "Aegis-0" air defense missiles. In the fifth Middle East War, the 19 SAM missile positions they painstakingly built were destroyed.

Now that the fifth Middle East War is over, they are still full of a sense of crisis and have been trying to build a powerful missile base again.

Although the SAM missile has made great achievements, its drawbacks are also obvious.

They want a more advanced missile defense system.

The 'Aegis-0' missile defense system in front of them is very consistent with their ideal advanced air defense missile system.

With such an advanced air defense missile system, there is no doubt that their own safety will be ensured to a large extent.

What's more, Hassan's eyes can't help but drift to the larger missile defense system next to it.

Without thinking too much, he can guess that it must be a medium-range air defense missile system.

Such a medium-range air defense missile system is not available in the entire Middle East, because only the Soviet Union and the United States have it in the world. It is their most advanced air defense missile weapon, and they can't sell it at all.

No matter how good the relationship is, no matter how much money is given, people are unwilling to sell it!

Some weapons can be bought with money. Some weapons, if you have a good relationship, people will directly support you.

But some weapons, no matter how rich or good the relationship is, it's useless!

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