The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 317 The Rapidly Growing Panshan Group (asking for monthly tickets)

The old man asked about the current development of Panshan Group.

Panshan Group is now undoubtedly the largest company in the country!

Whether in terms of scale, annual revenue, or annual profit, it is the same!

The higher-ups attach great importance to Panshan Group.

Almost every month, there is a meeting to discuss Panshan Group.

Through the development process of Panshan Group, we can summarize experience and explore the reform of state-owned enterprises and central enterprises.

Originally, Panshan Group relied on military industry and trade for development, which can be said to be walking on one leg.

But now, the civilian field of Panshan Group is developing very rapidly, including home appliances, motorcycles, automobiles, computers, etc.

This has changed Panshan Group from walking on one leg to walking on two legs.

The changes in Panshan Group have made the higher-ups very pleased.

Before, some leaders were worried about the future development of Panshan Group.

The rapid development of Panshan Group is mainly due to military industry and trade, and it is with the help of the east wind of the Iran-Iraq War.

However, no matter how hard the Iran-Iraq War was fought, it was impossible to continue. At that time, the leaders even thought that the war would end in three months at most. By then, Panshan Group would have taken such a big step and would have no funds, and its capital chain would be broken.

Now Panshan Group is walking on two legs, which is different.

Even if the world situation returns to peace, Panshan Group can rely on the development of the civilian field and have sufficient development funds.

Liu Tao introduced the current development focus of Panshan Group.

One is the construction of a factory in Hong Kong, and the investment is tens of billions. It is entirely based on this investment to stabilize people's hearts and leverage more funds.

So far, the income from Hong Kong has not been withdrawn and remains in Hong Kong, thus stabilizing the development of Hong Kong.

This part of the investment is the largest!

The other is the Shenhai Expressway, with a total investment of 30 billion yuan, which is invested and constructed by Panshan Group. After completion, the state will give it the right to collect highway tolls for 30 years.

This aspect of construction has been divided into provincial units and municipal units, and construction is underway.

The Shenyang-Haikou Expressway alone has absorbed the pressure brought by the infrastructure engineering corps and the railway corps.

A total of 600,000 people were invested in the construction of the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway project, and it is expected to take 10 years to complete the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway project.

The labor cost is estimated to be around 3 billion, accounting for about 10% of the total investment of the entire project.

With a total investment of 30 billion and a total length of 3,710 kilometers, it needs to pass through a large number of rivers and mountains, and needs to build a large number of bridges and tunnels. For China now, this is definitely a century project.

In order to support the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway project, China Automobile Group even specializes in the production of bulldozers, excavators, pile drivers, shield machines, earthmoving vehicles, etc. for construction.

At present, the early stage of construction is more about building sections that can be built. Tunnels or bridges will not be built until one or two years later.

The other is the expansion of Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Group, which has an investment of 3 billion yuan, which is also a huge project.

When the project is completed, Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Group will become the largest shipyard in China, with the ability to build large warships and large civilian ships.

After completion, Yangcheng Shipyard will have seven-span indoor shipbuilding slipways, two 300,000-ton docks, a 150,000-ton semi-dock slipway, and a 50,000-ton dry dock.

Lifting equipment, shipbuilding equipment, etc. will reach the world's advanced level, making it the largest and most technologically advanced shipyard in China.

In addition to expansion, Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Group is also recruiting a large number of workers.

Of course, now Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Group is not only building a shipyard, but also producing Type 022 missile boats.

Liu Tao also reported on the construction of production bases in Guizhou Province, Guangxi Province, Sichuan Province, and Shancheng.

According to the previous plan, these production bases are built in a centralized manner and started in batches. The employees of other third-line factories will be trained in Panshan Machinery Factory and other factories one by one, and then go to the production bases.

Each province has a military production base and a civilian production base, but they are of different sizes.

For example, the production bases in Guizhou Province and Guangxi Province are relatively small.

Because the third-line factories of the weapons industry system in these two provinces are relatively few and small in scale.

The production bases in Sichuan and Shancheng are different. They are much larger and require more capital. They are all divided into five phases for phased construction.

The third-line factories in Sichuan and Shancheng alone will have more than one million people, more than the total number of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi!

The leaders nodded when they heard this.

Panshan Group has provided great help for the resettlement of workers in the third-line factories.

These workers responded to the call of the country and went to the third line. They can be said to be the heroes of the country. If the times were not different, they would have become the backbone of China and supported the unyielding backbone of China.

These workers must be properly resettled and treated well.

Although it will take Panshan Group a few years to completely absorb all the workers, this is much better than expected.

Originally, the top leaders were prepared that in the wave of military-to-civilian conversion, a number of state-owned factories would successfully reform and grow, and a number of state-owned factories would not keep up with the development of the times and would decline or even go bankrupt.

The current situation has improved greatly.

At least the weapons industry system can do a better job in converting military to civilians, and can better arrange its third-tier factories.

You know, as Panshan Machinery Factory grows, it also continuously supports and cultivates supporting factories, and the third-tier factories in the four southwestern provinces will benefit.

Even if these are eventually integrated into Panshan Group, Panshan Group will also cooperate with third-tier factories in other systems, such as purchasing raw materials and so on.

When eating at the production base, the leaders, like the workers, all took lunch boxes and ate the food without any preferential treatment. Some leaders even went to chat with the workers.

Liu Tao was with the old man, and while eating, he reported on the cooperation between Panshan Group and Military Engineering Seventh and other universities.

In these colleges and universities, Panshan Group invests 10 million yuan every year, and the two parties cooperate. For example, Panshan Group will send experts to the schools to serve as teachers, strengthen the school's teaching staff, and also provide students with summer and winter vacation internship bases, provide scholarships, donate computers, etc. equipment.

What started out as a few schools has now expanded to eighteen.

"This approach of yours is worth trying. At least the talents you train are our own and will not be wasted." The old man said, "The country is in a difficult situation now and its investment in education is relatively limited. You can take the initiative to take part of the responsibility. This is Worthy of praise.”

"There is also the student military training you are conducting in Yun Province. This is very good and can be used as a pilot. If it is effective, it will be promoted not only to schools across the country, but also to all universities!" said the old man.

Nowadays, not all universities require military training for college students. Only a few universities conduct military training, and most universities do not conduct military training.

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