The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 295: Build two more combined brigades? (Subscribe)

Liu Tao watched the soldiers receiving the equipment, happy as if it was the New Year, and smiled in his heart.

It seems that this group of soldiers can't wait.

"What do you think about us forming another medium-sized synthetic brigade and a light synthetic brigade?" Liu Tao suddenly said.

Li Fuguo was shocked. He didn't expect that Liu Tao would propose to build two more synthetic brigades at this time.

You know, now their heavy synthetic brigade has not been completely built.

It will take another one to two years for the weapons and equipment to be complete.

Liu Tao actually proposed to build two more synthetic brigades at this time.

Even if it is not a heavy synthetic brigade, but a medium synthetic brigade or a light synthetic brigade, it is also very incredible.

You know, the cost of a synthetic brigade is huge.

In addition, it involves the work arrangements of family members, which can be said to be a myriad of things.

Now they can only say that they have straightened out the "Tiger Brigade", but they can't say that the construction of the synthetic brigade has been completed.

"Director, why do you have this idea? But a war is about to break out?" Li Fuguo couldn't help asking.

Originally, according to the plan, their combined brigade would be fully built in three to five years and have strong combat effectiveness. In this process, they would conduct drills with other troops and learn from each other as an exploratory experiment for the development of the Chinese army.

In other words, the combined brigade is an experimental force.

Regarding the combined brigade, the military has not yet reached a conclusion. The conclusion reached in the military is that the Chinese army will move from mule and horse to motorized, and then to semi-mechanized troops, and finally to mechanized troops like the United States and the Soviet Union.

"No, there will be no war." Liu Tao waved his hand and said, "Now we are building medium-sized and light combined brigades, mainly considering mutual learning, and now we can support it."

"And now it is less than five years from July 1, 1987, and we can also compete for the honor of the Hong Kong garrison." Liu Tao said, "Less than five years, it will be over in the blink of an eye."

The Hong Kong garrison will be composed of three major parts, namely an infantry brigade, a naval ship brigade and an air force aviation unit, covering the three services of the navy, army and air force.

Now that the overall situation has been determined, we naturally have to consider this aspect.

And there is no doubt that this is an honor.

Liu Tao considered more that only by showing strong military force can we deter the villains, deter all the monsters and demons, and make the people in Hong Kong come to him.

In this way, the combined brigade is very suitable.

Those who have seen the combined brigade will not doubt the firepower and combat effectiveness of the combined brigade.

Li Fuguo's eyes are shining. If possible, he will naturally be willing.

If it is a competition, Li Fuguo is not afraid of competing with other troops.

The combined brigade has this confidence.

"But we are not under the jurisdiction of the army now, can we have this opportunity to compete?" Li Fuguo frowned slightly when he thought of this.

The current situation of the combined brigade is that it is affiliated with the armed department of Panshan Group and does not belong to the military system. Even the military region has no right to mobilize the combined brigade.

In this case, it is hard to say whether it can compete with other troops.

Among the troops, there are still many troops with glorious history, glorious years, and still retain strong combat effectiveness.

In front of these troops, the combined brigade is at the level of a little brother.

Liu Tao smiled, "Don't worry about this, I will take care of it. What you need to do is to work with Comrade Zhao Guoping to establish both the medium-sized and light-sized combined brigades."

"Train the troops well, and leave the rest to me." Liu Tao said.

Li Fuguo nodded, and then said: "Ordinary soldiers are easier to recruit, but cadres are not easy to solve. Now our combined brigade cadres take turns to study at the military academy, and it will take at least three to five years to complete the rotation."

"I will seek help from the higher authorities on this point. There have been a lot of college graduates in the past two years. Let the higher authorities support us, including some young talents in the army." Liu Tao said.

There is a world of difference between college graduates and soldiers who have only attended elementary school. The learning ability of the two is very different.

This point has been fully reflected in the Tiger Brigade.

The first batch of college students, relying on their rapid learning ability, at least served as platoon leaders, and some even served as company commanders. A few particularly outstanding ones, relying on their strong strength, served as deputy battalion commanders.

Then, Zhao Guoping also came over, and the three discussed the two combined brigades.

"All deputy positions will be transferred to principal positions, and the administrative level will be deputy division level, and the salary will be paid according to the 12th administrative level." Liu Tao said about the administrative level. The organization of the combined brigade should be deputy division level, and other levels will be slightly higher.

Like before, it is not routine.

"Some soldiers with outstanding performance can also be promoted." Liu Tao thought for a while and said.

Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping both nodded.

The combined brigade implements a configuration of one principal and two deputy positions.

It just happens that it is used now. The two deputy positions can serve in the two new combined brigades, so that the entire command system will be in place.

And it will not significantly weaken the current combined brigade.

"In four years, or at most four and a half years, your three combined brigades must all be fully formed and fully combat-ready, so as to compete with other troops." Liu Tao said, "Whether you can be the first troop to set foot on Hong Kong soil and swear sovereignty since the founding of the Republic depends on your own efforts."

Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping could not help but have a fiery look in their eyes.

If it is really realized, it will be a lifetime honor for them. Even if they retire in the future, they can brag about it to their grandchildren.

"The organization of the medium combined brigade and the light combined brigade refers to the heavy combined brigade. The medium combined brigade tanks use the Type 81 medium tanks, and other equipment remains unchanged; the light combined brigade uses the Type 81 light tanks, and other equipment is replaced by wheeled ones." Liu Tao continued to talk about the organization and weapons and equipment.

The three discussed the two combined brigades until late.

Liu Tao did not leave the Malong training base that day, but continued to stay here.

The next day, Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping held a meeting and officially announced the establishment of the medium combined brigade and the light combined brigade.

The two deputy brigade commanders served as the commanders of the medium and light combined brigades respectively, and the original deputy chief of staff was transferred to serve as the chief of staff of the medium and light combined brigades.

At the same time, the two deputy battalion commanders of each battalion were transferred to serve as the battalion commanders of the two brigades.

It can be said that this is a very important step in life for many people.

Some were even ordinary soldiers who were promoted to platoon-level cadres or even company-level cadres because of their outstanding performance.

As for the cadres who are still lacking, they have to rely on the support of their superiors.

As for the soldiers, they are recruited and then screened.

Fortunately, the Malong training base is large enough, and there is no problem for three fully staffed combined brigades to train here at the same time, otherwise Liu Tao would have to worry.

However, while recruiting soldiers, the barracks of the medium and light combined brigades must also be built.

In addition, in terms of weapons and equipment, firearms can be easily in place, but tanks and armored vehicles must be in place step by step as before.

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