The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 293 Golden Bridge and Silver Road Tunnel

The meeting came to the next topic.

When he saw the next topic, Liu Tao couldn't help but show his shock.


The country wants to build expressways!

When he saw the expressway line on the map, Liu Tao was shocked.

A middle-aged man was reporting: "This expressway runs from Shenyang to Haikou, with a total length of 3,710 kilometers, running through the southeast coastal area, and the total investment is estimated to be 10.8 billion yuan."

"At present, we have built an experimental expressway in Shanghai, the 'Shanghai-Jiaxing Expressway', starting from Qilianshan Road in Shanghai in the south and ending at the south gate of Jiading in the north, with a length of 15.9 kilometers. Together with the roads entering the city at both ends, the total length is 20.5 kilometers, 45 meters wide, 4 lanes, and a designed speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The total investment is 60 million yuan."

"According to our tests, all indicators meet the design requirements."

Liu Tao swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect that the country would be so generous and start the Shenhai Expressway all at once.

And in order to build an expressway, an experimental expressway was also built in Shanghai.

Other leaders discussed one after another.

"The investment is too big. Money is needed everywhere now. 10.8 billion yuan, which is more than half of the annual military budget." A leader shook his head.

Another leader said: "You can't say that. This highway connects the entire coastal area, which can promote economic development and is also conducive to the deployment of troops."

"But the investment is too big. Investing so much money to build this highway for vehicle traffic, but how many cars are there in the country now? How many years will it take to collect tolls to make back the investment?" A leader frowned and said: "Instead of doing this, it is better to build more railways. The cost of railways is not so high, and it can save a lot of money."

The leaders had a lot of controversy about this, some agreed, and some opposed.

After all, with such a large investment of 10.8 billion, even if it is much better now than a few years ago, there are still many places to spend money, and no matter how much money there is, it is not enough.

"Comrade Liu Tao, tell me what you think." The leader looked at Liu Tao.

Liu Tao said without hesitation: "Build it, it should be built!"

He didn't know how much money the highway could make, but he remembered a sentence: Golden Bridge, Silver Road, Diamond Tunnel!

This shows how profitable it is to build a highway.

Panshan Group has money, a lot of money.

The production base is under construction, the reservoir and hydropower station are under construction, and the road is also under construction.

Expressway, in fact, Liu Tao is also building a test section in Kunshi, that is, from the Panshan Group headquarters to the downtown of Kunshi.

"If the leaders think that the Shenhai Expressway requires a large investment, then you can consider letting Panshan Group invest in the construction of the Shenhai Expressway. We only need to collect highway tolls for 30 years after it is completed." Liu Tao said.

"Are you willing to invest in the construction?" The leader asked in surprise.

Liu Tao nodded: "We are willing to invest in the construction of the Shenhai Expressway."

"It is the land acquisition and demolition involved along the expressway that must be coordinated by governments at all levels." Liu Tao said: "This time when the troops were streamlined, we resettled some retired soldiers and established a construction company. It just so happens that this construction company can build a section of the expressway."

"It would be best if you are willing to invest, and the government can also save a lot of money." The leader nodded and said, "Then you will do this with the Ministry of Transportation and the Planning Commission."

After the matter was finalized, the topic was not continued, and the leaders who originally opposed it did not say anything.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao and the Ministry of Transportation, the Planning Commission and the Design Institute were together.

At this time, the design institute has completed the planning and design of the route, but it is wide and narrow, with two lanes and four lanes.

Liu Tao said: "The entire highway adopts eight lanes in both directions, and a service area is set up at a certain distance."

Liu Tao is no stranger to highways. He has never built a highway, but has never driven a highway?

"But in this case, the total cost of the project will increase a lot, at least 30 billion investment is required." The Ministry of Transportation frowned slightly, "And if it is built so wide, will there be so much traffic?"

Liu Tao sighed in his heart. Who would have thought that in thirty or forty years, almost every household would have a private car.

During the holidays, there will be frequent traffic jams on the highway.

Liu Tao naturally hates this kind of highway traffic jam.

Since it is to be built, it is natural to build it well and build it to a high standard.

Once it is built, the quality of the project must be strong enough, instead of repairing it every year.

"We Panshan Group will solve the money problem, and the standards will be implemented according to what I propose." Liu Tao said.

The communication solved the problem, and a few days passed, and Liu Tao had to return to Yunnan Province again.

This time, he did not develop weapons, but construction vehicles.

Bulldozers, excavators, rollers, and shield machines for tunneling.

These construction machines are inevitable if you want to improve construction efficiency.

In the past, I thought it was unnecessary and focused on weapons development, but now I have to consider this aspect.

If it is imported, I don’t know how much money will be made.

These are not difficult for Liu Tao, why let others make this money.

Entering August, the world seems equally lively.

First, the British Expeditionary Force won a hearty victory and captured the entire Argentine Navy.

And when the British Expeditionary Force had just landed for three days, the Argentine Army, which had suffered a disastrous defeat, surrendered with both hands raised.

Britain announced the surrender of the Afghan army, ending the war.

And Ghaliel ran to the United States and became a rich man.

The British Expeditionary Force won, but Britain did not win, because the losses were too great, and its own weakness was undoubtedly exposed.

The empire on which the sun never sets is really gone.

But Mrs. Thatcher's reputation is high, and her tough attitude makes her image of the "Iron Lady" more obvious. When the British army suffered a huge setback, she showed a tough attitude and superb political skills, which won her great reputation.

At the end of August, under the mediation of all parties, the Israeli army withdrew, and both sides declared that they had won the victory and temporarily ceased fire.

At this point, both sides could not fight anymore.

The Israeli army lost hundreds of fighters, hundreds of helicopters, three warships, thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, with more than 40,000 casualties and countless weapons and ammunition consumed.

The guerrillas, the Syrian army and other parties lost more than 200 aircraft of various types, and more than 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, with more than 60,000 casualties, a large number of civilians displaced, and many buildings destroyed.

More importantly, the pressure from the United States is increasing, and Europe is also exerting pressure.

This makes Saudi Arabia and others quite cautious and do not want to completely tear their faces apart.

With the end of the Falklands War and the fifth Middle East War, the situation in the world has eased up all of a sudden. No one has to worry about the sudden outbreak of the S3 season.

The weapons, equipment and ammunition produced by Panshan Group are continuously shipped out almost every half a month, either by sea or by land, and are continuously shipped to the Middle East.

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