The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 279: The Sorrow of the Pampas Eagle (Subscription Request)

Unlike the Royal Navy task force which was cast in a pall.

Argentina is celebrating. For Argentina, there is no doubt that this is a big victory, a hearty victory!

The soldiers were celebrating, and so were the people.

Cheers celebrating victory resounded throughout the sky. They never thought that Britain would go to war and send such a powerful expeditionary force. Argentina was not prepared for war at all. Not only did it not have war material preparations, it did not even have the idea of ​​​​war.

Many soldiers even rush to the battlefield.

Facing the powerful British Expeditionary Force, no Argentinian would be optimistic that he would win!

But now, they have severely damaged the British Expeditionary Force, and they have undoubtedly won a hearty victory.

This is an absolute victory of the weak against the strong!

Although Argentina has a rich ancestor, even when Argentina was at its most glorious, it was far inferior to Britain.

Even if the UK is much weaker than before, it is not comparable to Argentina.

Today's Britain is still one of the top five powers in the world, and is still one of the great powers in everyone's mind!

But now, they defeated the powerful British expeditionary force.

When the good news spread throughout Argentina, all Argentines cheered. Everyone went to the streets and cheered wildly. The cheers of victory resounded throughout Argentina.

At this moment, Gallitier's reputation reached its peak and he became Argentina's national hero.

When he heard the good news, Galtier laughed loudly and waved his fist towards the sky!

It was no wonder that he made such a determined decision and spent almost the equivalent of one billion U.S. dollars to purchase this batch of arms from arms dealers, which even included 500 million U.S. dollars in precious foreign exchange and 5 tons of hard currency such as gold.

This arms dealer is indeed not lying. Those firearms and ammunition are very popular with the army, and anti-ship missiles have achieved such great results.

It’s worth it!

Totally worth it!

With that batch of arms, he can raise 100,000 troops, and he will firmly control Argentina.

In fact, he was confident that even if the British troops landed again in the future, they would be able to teach the British troops a lesson.

"Good thing! Good thing! This anti-ship missile is indeed a good thing. It is no worse than the French 'Flying Fish' anti-ship missile. With this anti-ship missile, there is no need to be afraid of British warships. Those warships will only be anti-ship missiles." Target!" Galtier's confidence surged at this time, "Martino should be contacted by the arms dealer to purchase another batch of anti-ship missiles."

For Gallitier, neither the economic crisis nor the debt crisis is unbearable.

What he can't bear is losing power!

Therefore, faced with domestic conflicts, he chose to send troops to capture the Falklands after the negotiations on the Falklands broke down, in order to divert domestic conflicts and consolidate his power and status.

He concluded that Britain is also in a very bad situation domestically. The ruling party is so overwhelmed by the bad situation that it is impossible to send troops to the Falklands, 13,000 kilometers away, to fight for this desolate island.

But he didn't expect that the British were crazy and chose war.

To be honest, facing the British choice of war, Gallitier was panicked and under great pressure.

He knew very well that Argentina was far inferior to the British.

Reflected in GDP, the UK's GDP is 6.9 times that of Argentina.

Britain's military strength far exceeds that of Argentina.

Whether it is air force, navy or army, Britain is far superior to Argentina.

Even Argentina’s aircraft carriers are ‘Giant-class’ aircraft carriers built by the British in 1942. After World War II, they were purchased by Henanese and resold to Argentina in 1969.

But this battle made Gallitier excited, seeing the hope of victory in the war. For the first time, he discovered that Britain's huge fleet was not so terrifying, nor was it invincible.

This anti-ship missile is a powerful weapon against warships.

Not to mention Garittier's excitement, he even gave a televised speech and a radio speech.

Outside the Air Force Headquarters, there were cheers celebrating victory, but inside the headquarters, the tears that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly burst out of the eyes like a flood that broke a bank.


Yes, the Argentine Air Force achieved an unimaginably brilliant victory.

But the world only sees the surface of extremely glorious victory, but who knows how many passionate men’s lives poured out this gorgeous and glorious coat?

No one knows and no one wants to know!

But the people at Air Force Command knew.

After this battle, the Argentine Air Force almost existed in name only!

The Argentine Air Force had already suffered heavy losses before, and this battle was even more exhaustive.

At this time, the Argentine Air Force only had one Super Etendard fighter aircraft, 7 C-130 transport aircraft, 2 KC-130 tankers, and 2 helicopters.

All other aircraft were lost.

From the outbreak of the Falklands War to the present, the Argentine Air Force has lost more than 144 military aircraft of various types!

Even if fighter jets can still be purchased after the war, what about the lost pilots?

How much investment and time does it take to train a pilot?

Even if funds are sufficient, how many years will it take for the Argentine Air Force to regain its strength?

3 years?

Still 5 years! ?

Armando Majora stood there in a daze, with faces appearing in his mind and tears falling uncontrollably.

This is crying for the death of the Argentine Air Force!

He was flying the Super Etendard back to the base, and at the last moment, the fuel ran out, but he did not parachute. He wanted to keep this precious fighter for the Air Force, and he wanted to keep this meritorious aircraft that had made great achievements.

He stopped the Super Etendard in the face of danger.

But when he came down, he was finally told that the other planes had fought with the enemy to the end, and no plane had returned.

Some planes wanted to come back, but were shot down by British missiles.

He became the only survivor of this mission!

He did not feel any joy for his great achievements, but only hatred and regret.

He hated the British Expeditionary Force. The Falkland Islands belonged to Argentina, but why didn't they return them to Argentina? This is why there was this war.

He regretted that he did not die in the battle, even if he was driving the Super Etendard fighter and died together with the British fighter!

Living is more painful than dying!

"Armando Mayora, you are a hero of the Air Force, a hero of Argentina. You bear the responsibility of inheriting the Argentine Air Force. You must be strong. We Argentina will definitely build a strong air force to defend Argentina!" The Air Force Commander patted Armando Mayora on the shoulder with tears in his eyes.

Armando Mayora couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears.

Joy of victory?

Where did the entire Argentine Air Force get the joy of victory from!

Behind the joy of Argentina's victory is the death of the Pampas Eagle!

Air Force hero?

Argentine hero?

He is not, and he doesn't need it!

He just wants the Pampas Eagle to continue to spread its wings and fly high!

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