The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 276: Burying a pit (asking for monthly votes)

Martino was very frustrated!

Because what Liu Tao said is reality, they can't buy weapons!

Because of this, after receiving instructions from the country, Martino began to think of ways, and then suddenly remembered that a young man came to him a few months ago and gave him a note.

Martino then tried his luck.

"Mr. Liu Tao, you are an arms dealer. You just want to make money. Just make a price!" Martino calmed down.

In the past month, I have tried every possible method.

But Europe and the United States are simply unwilling to sell weapons to Argentina.

As for the Soviets, far away water cannot quench their near thirst. They are happy to sell weapons to Argentina, but it will take a month to transport them to Argentina.

"One 'Eagle Strike-1' anti-ship missile costs 1 million US dollars. In addition, there are two anti-ship missiles, as well as a batch of firearms and ammunition!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Martino stood up suddenly, "Impossible. The French's 'Flying Fish' anti-ship missile only costs 250,000 US dollars. Why do you want 1 million US dollars?"

"Martino, my friend, after you hit the destroyer 'Sheffield' with an 'Exocet' anti-ship missile, the price of the French's 'Exocet' anti-ship missile has skyrocketed. Now the asking price is US$1 million." "Liu Tao said with a smile, "The performance of our 'Yijing-1' anti-ship missile is no worse than that of the 'Feiyu' anti-ship missile. One million US dollars is normal. "

"What's more important is that you can't buy the 'Feiyu' anti-ship missile now!" Liu Tao looked at Martino with a calm expression.

Things are rare and valuable!

Now the Argentines can only buy from him.

Martino was very angry, but also helpless and powerless.

As Liu Tao said, they can't find anyone in Argentina who can buy weapons.

"Mr. Liu Tao, I have to report to the country." Martino said.

Liu Tao nodded, "Understood!"

Liu Tao left first. He was in a good mood. After several months of preparation, it was finally time to reap the fruits.

Now Argentina is caught in the dual crisis of economic crisis and debt crisis, and it cannot even pay the annual interest on its foreign debt.

But it doesn’t mean that Argentina has no foreign exchange reserves!

Argentina's foreign exchange reserves and gold reserves add up to almost 5 billion US dollars.

Be it US dollars or gold, Liu Tao wants them all!

He had spent a lot of time developing the 'Eagle Strike-1' anti-ship missile and transporting a large amount of arms to South America, wasn't it just for harvesting at this time!

A 'YJ-1' anti-ship missile costing 100,000 yuan can be sold for 1 million US dollars at this time. The profit in this can be imagined.

After the Falklands War, this YJ-1 missile will not have to be sold.

Liu Tao is sitting firmly on Diaoyutai at this time. The Argentinian is anxious now, not him.

Argentina cannot afford to lose this battle!

Although military coups are commonplace in Latin American countries, no one has lost power, and neither has Garritier.

Once Argentina is beaten in this Falklands War, Argentina will definitely cry bitterly every time the melody of "Argentina Please Don't Cry for Me" plays.

Sure enough, as Liu Tao expected, Martino contacted Liu Tao again the next day and agreed to Liu Tao's conditions.

500 million US dollars, plus 5 tons of gold, the total value is 1 billion US dollars!

The two parties agreed on the delivery time and payment method.

US$500 million was transferred through a Swiss bank account, and 5 tons of gold was paid and delivered.

A week later, Liu Tao received the news that the security company in South America had received 5 tons of gold. What he needed to do now was to transport 5 tons of gold to Xiangjiang.

On a dark night on the Argentinian coastline, the atmosphere is unprecedentedly tense.

Not long ago, the British Special Air Service (SAS) carried out a sabotage on the Afghan military airfield on Peper Island.

It has now been proven that all the evidence shows that the British army will implement a landing operation.

Although Argentina used Exocet missiles to sink the destroyer 'Sheffield', sink the cargo ship 'Atlantic Conveyor', and shoot down the destroyer 'Glamorgan', which can be said to be brilliant results, Argentina no longer has an 'Exocet' missile. ship missiles.

And now, Conquest doesn’t know where it purchased anti-ship missiles from. Those with yellow skin and black eyes don’t know if they are Japanese or Koreans. They are instructing the installation of anti-ship missiles. Those thick missiles are for coastal defense. Anti-ship missiles.

The air force is currently carrying anti-ship missiles.

Anti-ship missiles are mounted on the 'Super Etendard' attack aircraft and 'Phantom' fighter jets, because the 'Super Etendard' attack aircraft is the only air platform in Argentina that can use missiles to penetrate defenses, while the 'Phantom Fighter' is Advanced legal fighter.

It was just dawn, and from the coastline, you could see the British warships on the sea in the distance. They were about to land, and the landing ships were clearly visible.

This British Royal Navy task force is very powerful, consisting of 25 combat ships and 16 auxiliary ships. The aircraft carriers "Arena" and "Invincible" are surrounded by dozens of destroyers and frigates like stars over the moon. In the center.

The entire fleet is very relaxed. According to reliable intelligence, the Argentines no longer have "anti-ship missiles" and there is no threat to the entire fleet.

Besides, the French have given the data of the Exocet anti-ship missile to the British. Even if the Argentines still have the Exocet anti-ship missile, they can't hit the warship.

"Swish, swish, swish~~"

On the shore, missile launchers launched the Upstream No. 1 anti-ship missile and the Sea Eagle-1 anti-ship missile.

The fleet was searched by radar and the air defense alarm sounded.

"Da Da Da~~" The gunfire of the warship began to sound.

Some anti-ship missiles were hit and intercepted.

But more were not intercepted.


A landing ship was hit, and a huge hole appeared, and the whole landing ship shook violently.

"God, where did they get the missiles!"

"My God, this ship is going to sink!"

The screams and cries of fear rang out.

This seemed to remind them of the misery of the destroyer Sheffield being hit.

You know, the range of the Upstream No. 1 is 40 kilometers, and the range of the Sea Eagle-1 is 70 kilometers.

This task force is too careless and too rampant!

They have made preparations for landing, but they obviously did not expect this scene.

Because whether it is the British's own intelligence or the intelligence provided by the Americans, it has confirmed that the heavy losses suffered by the Argentine army during this period have made them lose resistance.

They will not be threatened by landing.

The only threat is the Argentine Air Force, and the radar has been turned on, always monitoring the other side. As long as the opponent's aircraft takes off, the aircraft on the aircraft carrier will immediately take off and intercept the opponent's aircraft, thereby protecting the troops landing.

In order to land smoothly this time, a total of about 4,000 people from the 3rd Marine Brigade and the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Parachute Regiment landed by landing ships.

They only need to land and establish a safe beachhead, which is a huge success.

At this moment, a landing ship was hit, which will be a huge loss.

But now, more missiles must be intercepted. If they cannot be prevented, more ships will be hit and the losses will be greater.

It's the end of the month, and I'm still 300 short of 2,000 monthly tickets!

I'm begging for monthly tickets!

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