"Mortars, we need 100mm mortars!"

Liu Tao looked at the three mortars arranged neatly, with calibers from small to large, and felt as if something was missing.

After thinking carefully, it turned out that the 100mm mortar was missing.

In terms of heavy mortars, China has the 55-type 120 mortar and the 56-type 160mm mortar that imitated the Soviet Union.

In the late 1960s, based on our army's need for high-mobility large-caliber mortars, mortar research began to develop 100mm mortars.

This resulted in the 71-type 100mm mortar, which weighs 75.5 kilograms and has a range of 4,750 meters. This scientific research achievement won the National Science Conference Award.

As for the 120mm mortar, it had never been developed before, and the 55-type 120mm mortar was used.

Since we are going to do it, we naturally have to do it neatly.

Liu Tao has developed another 100mm mortar, which is also made of titanium alloy and composite materials. It weighs only 20 kilograms and has a range of 7 kilometers.

"This 120mm mortar can refer to the Type 81 120mm self-propelled mortar-howitzer and make a vehicle-mounted 120mm mortar that can load and fire by itself!" Liu Tao said secretly.

He has even made a 120mm self-propelled mortar-howitzer, so this 120mm self-propelled mortar is no problem.

The benefits of making a 120mm self-propelled mortar are self-evident, that is, it has strong mobility and firing rate!

Manual loading, no matter how fast the gunner is, the loading speed of the shells is always limited, but if it is self-loaded, the speed will be much faster.

However, before that, Liu Tao downloaded the design data of the Type 82 60mm mortar, 82mm mortar, 100mm mortar, and 120mm mortar, printed out a complete set of design drawings, and then formed a mortar technical team to let the technical team master the technology, and then began trial production.

At this time, Liu Tao developed a 120mm self-propelled mortar, which used the frame of the Type 81 120mm mortar-howitzer and then modified it.

Considering the launch of grenades, the barrel of the mortar-howitzer is relatively long, while the mortar does not need it, so the barrel is much shorter.

After making a Type 82 120mm self-propelled mortar, it was handed over to the synthetic brigade, and Liu Tao began to consider the Falklands War.

Firearms are easy to deal with, and there are ready-made goods in the warehouse.

As for tanks and armored vehicles, Liu Tao did not consider them. First, the pressure of delivery is quite high now, and second, the time is too tight, there is no time for training, and Argentina did not purchase them.

In addition to firearms, Liu Tao is more concerned about anti-ship missiles.

In the Falklands War, the real winners and losers were naval warships and air forces!

In the Falklands War, Argentina's navy and army were so scared that the navy warships were afraid of the British submarines and retreated to the port, just like the Beiyang Fleet in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

As for the army, Argentina is not strong, and Britain is not strong either. After all, Britain was never famous for its strong army in the era of the "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets", and the British army was often beaten to a pulp.

The two sides can be said to be rookies pecking at each other.

Liu Tao wanted to take this opportunity to teach the British a lesson, so he had to start with anti-ship missiles.

After all, Argentina's air force performed the best in the Falklands War, even tragically!

In Liu Tao's mind, an anti-ship missile that shined in the Falklands War popped up - the 'Exocet' anti-ship missile!

The 'Exocet' anti-ship missile is an anti-ship missile developed and manufactured by France, with many different methods such as ship-launched, submarine-launched, and air-launched.

The reason why it is called the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missile is that it can fly at a height of less than 5 meters close to the water surface at a speed close to the speed of sound but does not touch the water surface.

The "Flying Fish" anti-ship missile officially entered service in 1980, and is now unknown.

It was not until the Falklands War that the Argentine Air Force used the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missile to sink the British "Sheffield" destroyer, the cargo ship "Atlantic Conveyor", and the "Glamorgan" destroyer, which made the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missile famous.

Panshan Machinery Factory does not have the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missile, and it is definitely too late to go to the French to buy it now.

But China also has anti-ship missiles!

Liu Tao specifically called Wang Baoguo, and then Wang Baoguo coordinated, and the relevant information soon arrived at Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao learned about it and knew the anti-ship missiles that China now has.

Speaking of China's anti-ship missiles, it can be traced back to 1957, when the Chinese delegation went to the Soviet Union and finally signed an agreement on "the Soviet Union's provision of new defense technology assistance to the United States". One of the weapons in the agreement was aimed at Uncle Sam's fleet: the P-15 (Po-15) "Styx" cruise anti-ship missile.

The P-15 is the earliest "fire and forget" precision-guided weapon among the second-generation cruise tactical missiles using a liquid rocket propulsion system. Its design concept, system principle and composition, missile body design, aerodynamic layout and manufacturing process were all quite advanced at the time. It was not delivered to the Soviet Navy until 1960. Seven years later, in the third Middle East war, the P-15 military aided by the Soviet Union to Egypt sank the Israeli destroyer "Eilat" that was blockading the Port of Said. The breach diameter reached 10 meters, and only four missiles were consumed, which shocked the Western naval community.

Now China has not only the 544 anti-ship missile that imitates the Soviet P-15, which is now the "Shangyou No. 1" ship-to-ship missile.

Based on the "Shangyou No. 1", the Sea Eagle-1 shore-to-ship missile was developed.

These two anti-ship missiles are exactly the two anti-ship missiles currently equipped by the troops.

Liu Tao frowned slightly, which means that there are no anti-ship missiles that can be used for aircraft launch.

"The Sea Eagle-1 anti-ship missile and the "Shangyou No. 1" anti-ship missile are all fine, but there must be an air-launched anti-ship missile!" Liu Tao muttered to himself.

The range of the "Shangyou No. 1" anti-ship missile is about 40 kilometers, while the range of the "Sea Eagle-1" anti-ship missile is 70 kilometers.

But these can only be used on land as coastal defense forces.

China can move it to ships, but the problem is that Argentina has no experience.

Liu Tao began to try to develop anti-ship missiles, which is a brand new field for him.

He had never made missiles before.

Missile technology is definitely a high-tech technology in this era. It is hard to say whether there are 20 countries in the world that can manufacture missiles.

There are even fewer countries that can manufacture advanced missiles.

Fortunately, Liu Tao has a system that can slowly upgrade after manufacturing.

Even if the anti-ship missile is poor at the beginning, it can always be upgraded to an anti-ship missile with advanced performance by slowly upgrading.

All you need is enough time.

Otherwise, even a professional team may not be able to produce an anti-ship missile that Liu Tao wants in three to five years.

And this is exactly Liu Tao's advantage. He can greatly shorten the development time of an advanced weapon and reduce the investment of a large amount of scientific research funds.

He overcomes technical difficulties one by one, as if these are not technical difficulties at all.

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