The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 269: A big move during the honeymoon period (please subscribe)

Liu Tao looked strange.

The Fifth Machine Department also acted as a middleman, importing F14 and other parts from the United States, and then reselling them to Persia to make a profit from the price difference.

He said, why is Persia's front line now stable? It turns out that the air superiority has been restored.

Before, Persia's air superiority had actually disappeared, because it was impossible to import aircraft parts, so these aircraft were actually rarely able to perform their missions normally.

But with these parts, the parts of these aircraft can be replaced, and the aircraft can take off again to perform their missions.

Sure enough, not everyone is a blockhead.

Those who can make money always have more flexible minds.

He did not expect that the Air Force would purchase another batch of Black Hawk fighters, a batch of fighters, and even two transport planes.

"These prodigals, who disliked the high prices when purchasing tanks and armored vehicles, are now buying batches of aircraft!" Liu Tao said in his heart.

However, he also agreed that the foreign exchange earned must be spent, because the current US dollar has depreciated sharply.

If you don't purchase now, the import price may double in two years.

When purchasing before, the purchase price of a Black Hawk helicopter was 6.2 million US dollars, and now it has risen to 6.3 million US dollars. The price of a Black Hawk helicopter has increased by 100,000 US dollars, and this is because the purchase volume has reached 80 units, and there is a preferential price. And 80 Black Hawk fighters have reached 504 million US dollars.

The prices of F-14, F-15, and F-16 fighters have all increased. The price of a fighter has increased by at least 100,000 to 300,000 US dollars.

Liu Tao sighed in his heart, this is because the two sides are really in the honeymoon period, and there was the military exercise held by the polar bear last year that shocked the world, otherwise it would be difficult to purchase.

Not to mention, this purchase price is not too outrageous.

"Afghanistan is already like a big quagmire. The Soviet army is stuck in the quagmire. It is unlikely that they will be able to go south to open a passage to the Indian Ocean in a short time." Wang Baoguo said, "We have to be on guard now. Persia can't bear the loss of war and will turn to the Soviet Union. If that situation really happens, it will definitely cause a domino effect."

Persia's turn to the Soviet Union means that the Soviet Union will directly march to the Middle East and exert stronger military power in the Middle East. The Soviet army can reach the Arabian Sea directly.

At that time, it will not be "petrodollars", but "petrorubles"!

The Soviet Union will completely dominate the world's energy, and most people will have to act according to the Soviet Union's face.

This is also the reason why the Americans are anxious. Once this situation occurs, there is a high probability that both sides will no longer confront each other. They can just raise the white flag and surrender, and be the world's second in North America.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "Anyway, it is the Americans who are anxious about this matter, not us! Now our country is still an oil exporter."

Yes, China in this era is a proper oil exporter, exporting 15 million to 20 million tons of oil every year.

The oil produced by China every year can not only meet its own needs, but also be exported.

Wang Baoguo also laughed, because the Americans are indeed the most anxious about this matter.

So far, the whole world is still in shock from the Soviet Union's largest military exercise in human history. The whole of Europe is shrouded in clouds and Europe is full of pessimism.

Whether in Europe or the United States, military experts are very pessimistic. They all believe that it only takes a week for the Soviet army to penetrate the whole of Europe and reach the Atlantic coast. It only takes two weeks to destroy all the troops of the NATO group and completely control Europe.

In fact, it is not only Europe and the United States that have this pessimism. China also feels huge pressure, because the northern neighbor has a full million troops, and can also enter from the north and the west, with a border line of tens of thousands of kilometers. It can't be resisted, it can't be resisted at all!

Now everyone is huddling together for warmth.

"By the way, the country has purchased a batch of aircraft, a total of 50 Boeing 737s, 50 Boeing 757s and 20 Boeing 767s. Xi'an Aircraft signed a contract with Boeing to manufacture machined parts for Boeing." Wang Baoguo said.

Liu Tao's eyes widened. This is really a big deal.

The order for 120 Boeing aircraft, plus training, aircraft engines, etc., the total order is estimated to exceed 5 billion US dollars!

But think about it, China's civil aviation passenger aircraft demand is huge. With the beginning of the liberalization, the requirements for purchasing air tickets are not so strict, and more and more people will choose to fly.

Importing more Boeing aircraft has also become an inevitable option.

After the restoration of relations, the economic and trade exchanges between the two sides are rapidly heating up.

"For more information, you can go to the confidentiality department to learn." Wang Baoguo said.

Liu Tao nodded. The confidentiality department has the most information.

After staying in Wang Baoguo's office for a while, Liu Tao went to the confidentiality department.

"Argentina?" When Liu Tao saw a piece of information, he was stunned and his eyes shrank.

In later generations, when talking about Argentina, what impressed everyone was the Argentine national team that dominated the world football scene, as well as a large number of talented football stars such as Messi and Maradona.

However, Argentina is not only about football, its ancestors were also rich.

Argentina was once a developed country.

As early as the early 19th century, with its superior geographical conditions and loose governance environment, Argentina became one of the few developed countries in the world. Its per capita income ranks among the top in the world and it is one of the richest countries in the world.

However, since World War I, Europe has been hit hard and overseas funds have continued to flow out of Argentina. Argentina has been slowly declining since the 1930s.

But even now, Argentina's GDP still reaches US$77 billion, making it the tenth largest economy in the world, and its per capita GDP has reached US$2,746, far exceeding that of China.

"Economic crisis? Debt crisis?" What Liu Tao sees now is that Argentina is falling into an economic crisis and a debt crisis.

In 1980, the U.S. dollar entered an interest rate hike cycle, and the U.S. dollar index continued to rise. Argentina suffered a serious loss of U.S. dollars, domestic inflation soared, and Argentina's debt crisis broke out. Even the annual interest payments were unable to be paid.

"The Falklands War? What a great opportunity!" A glint flashed in Liu Tao's eyes.

He had tried to open up the South American market before, and he was very coveted of the South American market.

South America is the fourth largest continent with a land area of ​​more than 17.8 million square kilometers and is rich in resources. South America has more than 20 important mineral raw materials needed in modern industry, and the reserves are abundant. Venezuela’s oil reserves and Brazil’s iron ore reserves rank among the top in the world!

As for forest resources, they are extremely rich.

Maybe other people dislike it because this is a third world country and there is no money to be made at all. Even big South American countries like Argentina are in debt crisis. But in Liu Tao's view, there are opportunities everywhere.

Because the entire population of South America is less than 300 million, not even one-third of China's population, there can be a large amount of agricultural products traded here, as well as a large amount of mineral resources.

These are well worth doing business with!

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