With money, things can be done well.

With money, Panshan Machinery Factory can expand and develop rapidly, build large-scale projects, and even invest in the construction of reservoirs, hydropower stations, roads, and railways!

It is precisely because of the huge profits earned from exports that Liu Tao dared to agree to help solve the problems of the third-line factories in the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces.

It is also because of money that the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building dared to help the third-line factories in the weapons industry system to reform drastically, instead of watching the third-line factories fall into trouble and being powerless.

Also because of a large amount of foreign exchange, the army can purchase aircraft from the United States and send more students and scholars to study abroad to learn advanced concepts and technologies from Europeans and Americans.

Some problems cannot be solved by money.

But money can solve most problems!

In addition to firearms, you should know that Liu Tao has two types of other weapons and equipment: self-use version and export version. The self-use version of weapons and equipment is much more advanced than the export version.

But the army has no money to purchase a large number of self-use versions.

"Leader, if this can't be exported, that can't be exported either. We have such a big business that we have to run out of funds." Liu Tao said, "If the performance of the aircraft is not good enough and it is threatened, then we should improve the performance of the aircraft."

"Just like tanks and anti-tank weapons, they have always been a spear and a shield. The same is true for aircraft and air defense weapons. We can't criticize the advanced performance of air defense weapons because they are advanced. Instead, we should improve the performance of aircraft." Liu Tao was speechless about this.

Wang Baoguo said helplessly: "That's the reason, but our party and our country emphasize democracy. It is normal to have different voices. We should also let comrades with different opinions speak out. Otherwise, it is not democracy, but dictatorship."

"Now you provide the troops with Type 81 light tanks, Type 81 medium tanks, Type 81 amphibious tanks, and Type 81 infantry fighting vehicles. The troops are still very satisfied." Wang Baoguo said: "We will strive to deliver all these orders from the troops within three years, and at the latest within five years."

Liu Tao nodded, "I understand, we will definitely deliver them all within three years!"

As a weapons industry system, it is naturally closely connected with the troops.

We must give the troops the greatest support.

"Since you are back in Beijing, let's hold a meeting in the evening. You should also report and let everyone know the latest situation this month." Wang Baoguo said, "The latest situation of the Iran-Iraq War, you can borrow it from the Confidentiality Department and you will understand it more carefully."

Liu Tao left Wang Baoguo's office and went to the Confidentiality Department.

The Confidentiality Department keeps confidential documents.

Many of the confidential documents here are even top secret.

Liu Tao borrowed intelligence on the Iran-Iraq War, which was transmitted back from the Middle East. The intelligence is still very detailed.

Obviously, this war was very tragic.

During the war, Persia often used human wave tactics similar to those in World War I. Iraq had a strong armored force, but its tactics and strategy had problems.

Both sides had advanced weapons. For example, the Persian Air Force had the F14 'Panda' fighter, which was very advanced in performance. There were also a large number of British and American-made tanks in the Persian Army. The performance of the M47 and M48 tanks was quite good, not inferior to the T54. The 560 tank was the main battle tank of the US military, and the Chieftain tank was the main battle tank of the British army.

At the beginning of the war, Persia's air force was all American-made, including F4 fighters, F5 fighters and F14 fighters. F4 is the main fighter of the United States today, and F14 is the third-generation carrier-based aircraft of the Navy. Previously, the United States only exported it to Persia. F5 fighters are special export fighters built by the United States for its allies.

During the Pahlavi Dynasty, Iran's equipment and the US military developed almost synchronously. In the 1970s, Persia needed third-generation fighters, and the United States generously sold F15 and F14 fighters to Iran at the same time. F15 and F14 are both the most advanced aircraft in the United States. The US military did not have many equipment. Being able to export the most advanced military aircraft to Persia shows how "iron" the relationship was at that time!

In addition to the weak air force, Iraq's army is extremely powerful and equipped with a large number of armored forces.

So much so that before the war, Iraq's military strength was even ranked third in the world. At that time, the mainstream media believed that Iraq's armored forces would defeat Persia.

Now that the war has been going on for more than a year, the Iran-Iraq War has been considered by many military experts as "the most technically unskilled war fought with the most advanced weapons"!

According to some comments from current military experts, the performance of both sides is really unbearable. Persia's thinking is still at the level of World War II or even World War I. It does not destroy troops and eliminate soldiers, but focuses on siege and capture, pushes forward on the front line, uses trench warfare extensively, and even uses human wave tactics to sweep minefields. The Iraqi army is also the same. The steel torrent did not appear, and tanks were often used as fixed turrets and mobile turrets.

At the beginning of the war, Iraq had an absolute advantage, but did not take advantage of the situation, giving Persia a breathing space. A large number of troops surrounded Abadan, wanting to capture Abadan, but worried about destroying the Abadan refinery and refining equipment, tying their own hands and feet, and various operations continued, and even the supply lines were attacked by Persia from time to time.

"Will there be peace talks soon and resolve the differences between the two sides through negotiations?" Liu Tao shook his head and saw that this mainstream view would prove to be nonsense.

Iraq is still in the upper hand now, with oil revenue exceeding the war's consumption, and foreign exchange reserves exceeding 40 billion US dollars, more than before the war, and it is far from exhausted.

Persia is now at a disadvantage, and they cannot bear the pain of occupying this large area, because this is a rich oil-producing area, and Persia will not be able to recover for 20 to 30 years after losing this area.

Only by driving Iraq away and retaking this area, relying on oil exports, can Persia recover in a short time.

Besides, Persia has just overthrown the Pahlavi dynasty. If this war is lost, then the Pahlavi dynasty should be restored. The current Persia cannot afford the failure of this war.

As for low-level war?

This is only relative to big countries and powerful countries!

In the Middle East, Africa, etc., this is already a very strong combat effectiveness.

"It's still early. If it ends so early, how can we make money?" Liu Tao has not made enough money yet.

His goal is to earn all the foreign exchange reserves of Iran and Iraq, even if he earns one-third, it is also very good.

Liu Tao said to himself, "Let's go see old friends first and have a good chat."

There are still several hours before the evening meeting, and he won't waste time here.

With this time, he can go see one or two good friends.

Only by meeting more and communicating more can the friendship between the two sides be truly established.

Every time he returns to Beijing, Liu Tao always visits his friends and strolls around whenever he has time.

And they will also introduce some friends, so Liu Tao has many friends in Beijing.

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