Wang Baoguo left.

Wang Tiezhu and Liu Tao started to add up.

Finally, the bullet production line and gun production line were included in the report, and an application for 2 million yuan was made.

"If this money comes in, our factory can have a prosperous year this year, and everyone can have a good year." Wang Tiezhu said with emotion.

Over the years, this period has been the best.

When attending meetings, Wang Tiezhu always held his head high and stared at the sky. When he spoke, he was also full of pride and confidence.

Panshan Machinery Factory developed the ‘Type 78’ pistol and the ‘Type 78’ automatic rifle, which was a remarkable achievement in the military industry of the province and even the country.

Now, a production line that can quickly produce bullets has been developed.

There have been huge breakthroughs in scientific research, and there is also a lot of money in terms of money. Not only can workers' wages be paid on time, but even the wages in arrears in the past have been repaid.

The entire Panshan Machinery Factory is glowing with a different kind of vitality, everyone is full of energy, and everyone's eyes have the light of hope for the future.

And all this was brought about by this young man Liu Tao!

"Director, I think we need to re-plan our Panshan Machinery Factory now." Liu Tao pondered slightly and put forward his suggestions to Wang Tiezhu.

Panshan Machinery Factory was built in a hurry after all.

Buildings made of red bricks or even adobe bricks look relatively crude and unsafe.

For Liu Tao, who is used to reinforced concrete and steel-structured factory buildings, this is a bit disdainful.

Looking at the dormitory area, the dormitories are very simple and there is not enough light.

Before, Panshan Machinery Factory was as poor as a ghost, and Liu Tao couldn't do what he wanted even if he wanted to.

But things are different now. Panshan Machinery Factory has this condition.

"Replanning?" Wang Tiezhu was quite puzzled.

Liu Tao patiently explained: "Director, our factory is just a small and medium-sized military factory. It was built in a hurry and many things were unreasonable. If our factory wants to develop and grow, it is necessary to re-plan and build."

"But none of us know how to plan. At the beginning, everyone built this place according to their own ideas." Wang Tiezhu looked embarrassed: "If I want to re-plan, I'm afraid I have to go to the city to find it. But now the college entrance examination has just resumed. Can I find a professional?" It’s hard to say, people.”

Liu Tao's heart moved. He had designed houses before, and had participated in the design of commercial buildings, shopping mall complexes, and industrial plants.

In this regard, he can definitely give it a try.

"Director, how about I design this first?" Liu Tao said.

Wang Tiezhu asked doubtfully: "You can also design?"

"When I was in college, I studied some in my spare time." Liu Tao said.

"Okay, you design the design first." Wang Tiezhu said, "But remember, the work cannot be left behind, this is the business."

"Don't worry, this design won't take much time." Liu Tao smiled.

Liu Tao left the factory director's office, called three technicians, and got busy with the instruments.

Liu Tao is very familiar with the Panshan Machinery Factory area, and he knows where it is suitable for construction.

As soon as the relevant data was measured, Liu Tao began to get involved.

In fact, Panshan Machinery Factory only occupies a part of the entire valley, and there is still a lot of space.

But these have been opened up into fields, planted with food or built breeding farms.

Liu Tao measured the entire valley, covering an area of ​​about two thousand acres.

In this era, labor is cheap, prices are cheap, and the purchasing power of money is extremely amazing.

As for the land, there is no such thing as approval. It all belongs to the state, and the local government has no control over the construction of state-owned factories.

In this deep mountain, there is not a single village within a radius of ten kilometers.

Five hundred acres of it are farmland, dozens of acres are breeding farms, and the rest are forest land.

Deep in the mountains and old forests, that’s it!

At the time, the Panshan Machinery Factory was also a forest land, and it was a factory that was carved out of woodland.

Even now, there are many trees in the factory area, which can have a good concealment effect.

Liu Tao has big ideas and great ambitions.

Draw directly on the two narrow places of the valley, which will serve as the gate and the only way to enter the valley.

A place like this is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is most suitable to build a gate, and the entire valley will be owned by Panshan Machinery Factory.

In fact, Liu Tao used the topographic map to draw a circle along the ridge and marked the place where the sentry was to be built. The entire red dotted circle covered an area of ​​100 square kilometers.

Then came the layout of the valley.

Production area, office area, residential area, shooting range.

As Liu Tao continued to work, the A0 drawing was gradually improved.

It only took three days to complete the floor plan and layout.

Liu Tao drew some more drawings, including design drawings of various factories, office areas, and residential areas.

Just when Liu Tao was re-planning the Panshan Machinery Factory, a steady stream of materials was transported to the Panshan Machinery Factory by car, and then the guns and ammunition produced by the Panshan Machinery Factory every day were transported away.

With the support of superiors, he coordinates the delivery of various production materials to Panshan Machinery Factory.

As the materials arrived, Liu Tao had to continue to lead people to build machines and assemble the production line.

With the previous experience, this time it was much faster.

Produce directly according to Liu Tao's design drawings, and then assemble the machine.

Liu Tao uses his golden fingers to constantly solve problems.

In just five days, another brand-new bullet production line was assembled.

This new bullet production line is installed directly inside the original bullet production line. After installation, debugging begins.

Debugging is easy.

The problem has been eliminated by Liu Tao with his golden finger, and the debugging went very smoothly.

As for the worker team, a group of workers have been arranged for training and learning during this period. Now they can be directly assigned to this bullet production line.

"When this bullet production line is put into operation, our factory has two bullet production lines. At full production, we can produce hundreds of millions of bullets a year!" Wang Tiezhu grinned from ear to ear.

Hundreds of millions of bullets, it’s incredible to think about.

The military factories in the entire Yun Province only produce so many bullets every year.

With these two bullet production lines, other military factories in Yun Province no longer need to produce this type of rifle bullets.

Even the neighboring provinces no longer need it.

What's more, according to the instructions from superiors, another bullet production line needs to be built.

If Panshan Machinery Factory builds more of these bullet production lines, the bullets produced by Panshan Machinery Factory alone can satisfy all the rifle bullets in the country.

Liu Tao smiled: "Director, this is a special period. We have to work in three shifts and produce 24 hours a day. The damage to the machine is very serious. Normally, we can produce for a few hours a day."

Bullets, the more produced, the better.

If there is too much production and it is piled up in the warehouse, it will take up space.

"Our factory's production tasks are very heavy now, and our superiors have great expectations of us. We cannot let down the trust of our superiors." Wang Tiezhu said solemnly.

The three armies have not moved yet, food and grass go first!

In today's war, it is impossible to fight without weapons and ammunition.

If Panshan Machinery Factory produces more weapons and ammunition, it can be replenished to the troops more quickly.

He wished that the bullet production line had been built all at once.

As a veteran, even though it has been almost thirty years since he left the army, Wang Tiezhu still regards himself as a soldier in his heart and deeply loves the army.

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