On September 14, the sky just got light.

The Saibei Plateau in the golden autumn was quietly waiting for the historic 9:30.

Countdown: click, click, click, click.

There was just a glimmer of light in the sky, the earth was still a little dark, and there was still a hint of morning coolness between heaven and earth.

"Ding ding ding~~~"

In the barracks, an emergency assembly whistle sounded.

"Emergency assembly!"

The soldiers assembled urgently.

The company was assembled quickly.

After the company was assembled, the battalion was assembled.

Not long after, the entire combined brigade was assembled.

"Get on the car!" Li Fuguo's voice was loud, and his words were full of majesty.

Then, the soldiers began to move, their movements were uniform, and they either got on tanks, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, self-propelled howitzers, infantry fighting vehicles, or got on transport vehicles.

Then they came to the place assigned to the combined brigade by the headquarters, and the entire combined brigade arrived first.

And other troops also arrived in their respective areas one after another.

Liu Tao looked at the troops, which were from the Beijing Military Region Field Army, artillery division, anti-aircraft artillery division, tank division, engineering corps, chemical defense, camouflage, electronic countermeasures, communications, meteorology and other professional and technical teams, as well as the navy and air force participating in the exercise.

These troops were dispatched in batches a few months ago by rail transportation and motorized marching. Tens of thousands of military vehicles and hundreds of trains marched day and night to the land of North China.

The Air Force fighter aviation, bomber aviation, assault aviation, and helicopter units all implemented long-distance large-scale aircraft transfers and arrived at Zhangjiakou, a major military town in North China.

The combined brigade is the only unit from other military regions and the only unit that is not in the military sequence.

In name, the combined brigade belongs to the armed forces of Panshan Machinery Factory and is to protect Panshan Machinery Factory.

Similarly, the combined brigade wears camouflage uniforms, while other troops wear Type 65 military uniforms, which makes the combined brigade stand out.

Moreover, the combined brigade is the only one where every soldier wears a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet.

Just after 7 o'clock, everyone saw that the convoy on the mountain emergency military road was winding into view. More than 700 guest support vehicles passed through the intersections and adjusted the time to the second.

All vehicles were harmoniously connected according to strict procedures, and drove into the loess road of the exercise site without delay or large gaps.

Liu Tao watched the cadres get off the car one by one, many of whom left a strong mark in the modern history of China and created the modern history of China!

On the viewing platform, at the same moment when the leaders took their seats, it was 9:30.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three red flares with smoke trails rushed into the sky.

The iron horses in the exercise field with a radius of hundreds of kilometers were excited and the hurricane suddenly rose.

The first exercise was a surprise attack on the defensive position. The blue army fighters were seen flying in the air, and the "blue army" cluster tanks, which were black and endless, advanced rapidly according to the predetermined plan under the cover of their aviation. The "blue army" long-range bombers carried out air strikes on the deep targets of the "red army" campaign. The "Red Army" Air Force took off urgently...

The combined brigade also participated in this assault on the defensive position exercise.

For this exercise, the plan has been formulated, and no one dares to mess around, just as the commander-in-chief emphasized at the meeting: political significance is greater than military significance.

This time it is a live-fire exercise. Once you mess around, a shell may blow up dozens or hundreds of people.

The slogan of the entire exercise is: high standards, strict requirements, detailed work, and good results!

But at the same time, this is also a competition. Who can stand out depends on their own abilities.

The combined brigade uses four combined battalions as the arrowhead, constantly advancing and firing, dust rolling, artillery roars, and shells falling, shaking the earth.

Several 81-type 122mm self-propelled howitzers are constantly firing, and they are also firing while walking.

The speed of the combined brigade is very fast, surpassing other troops, and then forming an arrow.

Even if it is not the fastest speed, on such a dirt road, the speed of the 80-type tank and the 80-type self-propelled anti-aircraft gun still reaches 70 kilometers per hour, which is far beyond other tanks.

In just ten minutes, the combined brigade has become the most beautiful one in the whole scene.

This scene also attracted the attention of many leaders, who watched with binoculars and kept an eye on it.

"Is this our experimental unit? The degree of mechanization is very high, and it can be called a mechanized unit!" Leader Su's eyes were shining.

He is definitely an expert in large-scale combat, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the army.

'600,000 V 800,000 is my advantage' and 'fighting a fairy war' are all referring to him.

"They don't call themselves mechanized troops, but synthetic troops. They have a synthetic brigade with 6,000 soldiers, and are now equipped with 80 Type 80 main battle tanks, 50 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 50 Type 81 infantry fighting vehicles, and 10 Type 81 122mm self-propelled howitzers." The leader was not tall, and his Mandarin was full of Sichuan accents: "At the beginning of the year, they were still a synthetic battalion, and they annihilated more than three infantry regiments, one tank battalion, and one artillery regiment of the enemy, which was a miracle."

"So extravagant?" "I know the Type 80 main battle tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. Their performance is very advanced, far exceeding the Type 59 tanks. Because of these Type 80 main battle tanks, the troops no longer equip Type 59 tanks, and Type 69 tanks are no longer produced."

"The weapons developed by Panshan Machinery Factory are first equipped to this unit. After the Chinese New Year this year, they proposed to expand to a brigade-level organization. Lao Qin and others asked them to be responsible for the construction of the Malong training base and agreed to their request." The leader smiled and said, "It can be regarded as an experiment to explore the future development path of the troops."

As for the development of the troops, there are actually fortifications.

By streamlining the troops, saving funds for the purchase of weapons and equipment, it will take 10 to 20 years to build a motorized unit.

Motorized troops, the US Army, British Army, German Army, Soviet Army, etc. during World War II can all be called motorized troops.

Today's military powers, any military power that dares to call itself a military power, have all achieved motorization.

After building a motorized unit, it will take another 10 to 20 years to build a semi-mechanized unit, which is the army standard of the Soviet Army and the US Army in the 1960s.

The current French Army, British Army, German Army, etc. are all considered semi-mechanized troops.

As for mechanized troops, currently only the Soviet Army and the US Army can be said to be truly mechanized after fully achieving mechanization.

China has to focus on economic development, so its military expenditure is limited. Under such circumstances, it will take about 30 to 40 years for the Chinese army to achieve semi-mechanization.

To achieve full mechanization, it will take 50 to 60 years, according to an optimistic estimate.

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