The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 23 Hearing is false and seeing is believing

Randomly select 120 bullets for testing.

Da Da Da!

The factory guards took the '78-type' automatic rifle and shot at the target.

One magazine, another magazine.

Wang Tiezhu and others saw this and understood that these bullets were all qualified.

It is easy to produce 100 bullets, not difficult at all, and any decent workshop can do it. It is really difficult to produce 100 million bullets, qualified, stable, and uniform bullets.

After the test, Wang Tiezhu immediately arranged to arrange the bullet production materials to the production workshop, arranged a few workers, and let Liu Tao temporarily take charge of the bullet production in this production workshop.

Back in the office, Wang Tiezhu immediately called his superiors to report the situation.

"Old Wang, what nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight!" In the Provincial Defense Management Office, Wang Baoguo rolled his eyes, thinking that this old friend was under too much pressure and went back to the factory to drink.

Wang Tiezhu said: "Comrade Wang Baoguo, I guarantee with my party spirit that this is absolutely true. I ask the superiors to allocate enough materials to our Panshan Machinery Factory."

At this time, Wang Tiezhu was full of confidence. He could stand up straight after seeing it with his own eyes and after testing.

"If you don't believe it, comrade Wang Baoguo, I suggest you come to our Panshan Machinery Factory now!" Wang Tiezhu said confidently.

"Okay, I'll go to your Panshan Machinery Factory now!" Wang Baoguo said.

In fact, he was also very busy at this time.

With the order from above, all factories had to move. As the person in charge of all military industrial systems in Yunnan Province, Wang Baoguo was under great pressure and needed to coordinate with many departments.

As the first line, the materials that needed to be prepared were simply huge.

But the matter of Panshan Machinery Factory was worth Wang Baoguo's personal visit.

Panshan Machinery Factory developed the '78-type' pistol and the '78-type' automatic rifle. Now the '78-type' pistol has officially passed the national acceptance three days ago and was officially named '78-type'. The 'Type 78' automatic rifle is also very popular among the officers and soldiers of the army. If nothing unexpected happens, it will also pass the national acceptance.

This is the biggest dazzling achievement of the entire Yunnan military industry system, and it is also the most dazzling star in the country's firearms!

If it was in the past, Wang Tiezhu called him and told him that he had built a bullet production line that could produce 140,000 bullets a day, Wang Baoguo would definitely curse and spit on his face.

Now, Wang Baoguo would rather believe it than not believe it.

Although it is incredible, what if it is true?

Liu Tao!

This name has been deeply remembered by Wang Baoguo.

This is a young man who is good at creating miracles, and this is a firearms genius who dares to turn the impossible into possible!

Who can imagine that a college student who has just graduated dares to develop a pistol with advanced performance? Dare to develop a firearm with performance far exceeding the 'Type 63' automatic rifle?

Wang Baoguo didn't believe that Liu Tao studied in college at all. Look at the country now. Which university has a decent firearms design major! ?

Wang Baoguo pulled out a drawer and took out two certificates of commendation.

These are all Liu Tao's, one is for "Advanced Cadre Learning from Lei Feng", and the other is for "Model of Advanced Science and Technology Workers of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission"!

They have just arrived a few days ago, and Wang Baoguo has not had time to give them to Liu Tao, so he just took them with him this time.

After more than two hours, the jeep finally arrived at Panshan Machinery Factory.

The jeep stopped at the office building. When Wang Baoguo saw Wang Tiezhu, he said: "Old Wang, I came to see it in person this time. If you lie to me, I will be rude to you!"

Wang Tiezhu laughed: "Comrade Baoguo, this time you will definitely make your trip worthwhile. Do you want to have a cup of tea first, or go to the production workshop first?"

"What tea, go to the production workshop!" Wang Baoguo said.

Wang Tiezhu took Wang Baoguo directly to the production workshop.

Liu Tao was stunned, and then hurried over: "Director Wang, why are you here!?"

This person is the top leader of the entire Yunnan Provincial Military Industry System.

In the entire provincial military industry system, Wang Baoguo has the highest level.

"Comrade Liu Tao, Director Wang called me. You launched another big satellite this time. I came to see it specially." Wang Baoguo said with a smile.

Liu Tao did not expect that Wang Baoguo was so efficient and had arrived at noon.

"Director Wang, this is the bullet production line. It adopts automated production and only requires a small number of people!" Liu Tao introduced.

At this time, Wang Baoguo looked at the bullet production line and saw bullets being produced one by one.

Wang Baoguo was shocked when he saw the bullet production process. The bullet production was too fast!

Bullets fell into the box one by one.

What the workers had to do was to put the bullets into the bullet box and put them aside.

Wang Baoguo knew that the wooden box could hold 900 bullets!

And the bullets in such a bullet box weighed 14.76kg, which could be easily moved by one person.

"In the past two hours, a total of 12,500 rounds of ammunition have been produced!" Wang Tiezhu said proudly: "If the machine keeps producing all day, it can produce 150,000 rounds of ammunition, and the specifications of each round are the same!" "Incredible, too incredible!" Wang Baoguo hurriedly asked: "Are all the bullets qualified? Have they been tested?"

Liu Tao said: "Director Liu, 6,100 bullets were initially produced, and 120 bullets were randomly selected for testing, and all of them passed the test. Subsequently, 30 bullets were randomly selected for testing every hour, and no abnormalities have been found so far."

"I think there is no need to worry about the bullet qualification rate. What we should worry about is that our Panshan Machinery Factory's bullet production materials can only be produced for two or three days at most, and then we will have to suspend production due to lack of materials!" Liu Tao was a little helpless.

Plan production and everything must go according to plan. It is impossible to overstock the materials in the warehouse.

Even if you go to other factories to purchase materials, there is nothing you can do.

"I'll take care of the materials matter!" Wang Baoguo said, patting his chest.

What is lacking now is the production capacity of guns and bullets, not materials.

He can coordinate and allocate more materials to Panshan Machinery Factory. If Yun Province is not enough, it can be allocated from Sichuan Province and other places.

As the orders from above are issued, everything is focused on the front line.

Before the soldiers and horses are sent out, food and grass go first!

The importance of logistics is unquestionable.

Military uniforms, military quilts, bullets and artillery shells, etc., are being continuously transported to Yun Province and Guangxi Province via railways and highways.

Originally, the various ammunition depots in Yun Province were actually sufficient. But what’s very annoying is that when it comes to testing, many guns and ammunition are simply not up to standard.

Coupled with the troops' live-fire training, the consumption of bullets and artillery shells has naturally risen sharply.

Now, throughout Yun Province, the Type 63 automatic rifles that were originally intended to be installed by the troops have been handed over to the militia, and the troops have been equipped with Type 78 automatic rifles.

It is precisely for this reason that the task given to Panshan Machinery Factory is to produce at least 10,000 Type 78 automatic rifles a month.

Other military factories in Yunnan Province cannot even produce Type 63 automatic rifles, let alone Type 78 automatic rifles.

The military named them and wanted them produced by Panshan Machinery Factory.

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