The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 228 Black Hawk Helicopter (Subscription Request)

The Type 80 main battle tank stopped.

The cockpit opened and the leader came out of the cockpit.

"It's so enjoyable! It's so enjoyable!" the leader said, "I've even reached 70 kilometers per hour. I still feel that this tank has not reached its limit and can go even faster!"

After driving the tank in person for more than half an hour, the leader had a clearer understanding of the Type 80 tank.

Even if you say a thousand things, it is not as clear as seeing it with your own eyes.

Such a modern tank can train drivers faster and also has higher maneuverability.

It is very difficult for the Type 59 tanks to run for 100 kilometers. It is estimated that most of the Type 59 tanks will have to lie down before they can run for 100 kilometers.

But for the Type 80 main battle tank, it is probably very easy to cover a hundred kilometers.

Of course, you won’t know how many kilometers you can run in a day until you try it yourself.

Because when it is opened normally, it is two different things than when it is opened in actual combat environment.

In actual combat environments, you will encounter various road conditions and various extreme environments.

On flat roads and highways, the tank may be able to drive hundreds of kilometers a day.

But the battlefield environment is different. You will encounter various snipers and need to fight. Or maybe the road is full of potholes and the tank is constantly bumping, and the driver in the cockpit may have to be dragged out after less than a hundred kilometers.

Even when you encounter a river, you have to build a bridge, and when you encounter a large trench, you have to fill it up to allow tanks to pass.

Running in a battlefield environment is not as easy as imagined.

Later, after taking a short rest, we visited the training of the synthetic brigade.

At the shooting range, when watching the soldiers doing shooting training, the leader asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid of wasting bullets when you let the soldiers practice shooting like this?"

The leader knows that soldiers in the field army may not fire 10 bullets a year. For troops such as the independent division, it is considered good if soldiers can fire 5 bullets a year.

Normally when soldiers are at the shooting range, they keep aiming at the target and imagine a bullet flying out.

Being able to fire a round of bullets is as joyful to the soldiers as the Chinese New Year.

"Leader, Comrade Liu Tao requires the soldiers of the combined brigade to shoot at least 500 rounds of ammunition per year. This is a rigid rule and must be included in the assessment indicators. If any soldier fails to complete the indicators, the soldiers will be punished, and the cadres will also be punished. "Li Fuguo said with a smile: "These 500 rounds of ammunition are all live ammunition, not including teaching missiles and training ammunition."

Teaching missiles are a type of ammunition used to practice loading actions; training missiles are a type of ammunition used to practice shooting actions. They can be fired, but there is no explosive in the warhead; live ammunition is a type of ammunition used for shooting training and combat.

Different types of bullets have different effects.

It is naturally impossible for a recruit to be given live ammunition at the beginning. Only after he is familiar with it can he be given live ammunition for shooting training.

When the leader heard this, he couldn't help but be amazed.

This Panshan synthetic brigade is really quite formidable.

With so many bullets fed, the soldiers' shooting accuracy will inevitably be greatly improved.

You can even train sharpshooters!

And the leader saw that the number of heavy sniper rifles in the combined brigade actually exceeded one hundred.

The leader couldn't help but marvel. The number of heavy sniper rifles equipped by an army was only about this number!

The number of sniper rifles is two hundred!

This means that the combined brigade has more than 300 snipers!

This ratio is quite high.

When they arrived at the special operations squadron training base, the leader's eyes widened even more.

The current special operations team has expanded from a special operations squad to a special operations squadron. The special operations squadron also has its own official name - Tiger Special Operations Team!

This is an honor achieved by previous special operations teams on the battlefield.

The entire Tiger Special Operations Team has 120 official members, and each 12 people form a special operations team. There are 7 special operations teams in total, and other personnel such as the squadron headquarters make up the entire special operations squadron.

As for the temporary members, there are 480 people. These are the reserve forces of the Tigers. They are selected from various units and come to the Tigers for training. Only those who pass the training assessment can join the Tigers.

If you fail to pass the assessment after one year of training, you will be sent back to your original unit.

As for these temporary members, they are not included in the establishment of the synthetic brigade.

What shocked the leaders was that the training intensity and weapons of the special operations team far exceeded the size of a company.

"Is this a Black Hawk helicopter?" When the leader saw a helicopter, he couldn't help but said, "You even have a Black Hawk helicopter?"

The Black Hawk helicopter was developed by the American Sikorsky Aircraft Company for the US military ten years ago. It made its first flight in 1974 and was put into production in 1978. It can be said to be a very new and advanced helicopter.

Its cargo bay has a load capacity of 2 tons, including 14 soldiers or 6 stretchers. It can lift a maximum of 3.6 tons of cargo externally, with an empty weight of 4.8 tons, a load capacity of 7.4 tons, and a maximum take-off weight of 11 tons. It is equipped with 2 General Electric T700- The GE-701 free turboshaft engine has a combat radius of 592km, a flight distance of 2220km, a practical ceiling of 57s, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 158W/kg.

The weapons and equipment it carries include two 7.62mm M60 machine guns and can carry air-to-surface missiles.

Last year, China purchased 40 Black Hawk helicopters from Sikorsky, and so far only 10 Black Hawk helicopters have arrived in China.

Now I actually saw a Black Hawk helicopter in the special operations team.

"This is also because the leaders above support us and gave us a Black Hawk helicopter." Liu Tao smiled.

Last year, China purchased 40 Black Hawk helicopters from Sikorsky, each at a purchase price of US$6.2 million, and the total contract reached US$248 million.

This is also because the two sides are in the honeymoon period, so they can purchase Black Hawk helicopters.

Even this year, the Chinese Air Force also purchased 5 F-14s, 10 F-15s, and 10 F16s, including weapon systems and aircraft engines, with a total contract of US$650 million.

If it were in the past, even if the United States was willing to sell, China would be envious and could not buy it, because there was not so much foreign exchange at all, it was too poor.

In exchange, the United States also purchased 15 J-7 fighters from China.

For the current Sino-US relations, Liu Tao can only say that it is an unprecedented honeymoon period. As long as China can afford the money, many advanced military equipment are willing to sell.

It can only be said that the polar bear is at its peak at this time, and the pressure on the Eagle Sauce is too great.

This time, China purchased 40 Black Hawk helicopters. The combined brigade will get 3 Black Hawk helicopters, and the money for these 3 Black Hawk helicopters was paid by Panshan Machinery Factory.

In another month, the second Black Hawk helicopter will be delivered to Panshan Machinery Factory.

With a helicopter, the special operations team can be quickly deployed and can also provide air fire support.

The leader couldn't help but mutter in his heart, you know, the entire southwest has not even allocated a Black Hawk helicopter.

As a result, the combined brigade was actually allocated a Black Hawk helicopter, which is simply different treatment!

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