Even Sudani knew it very well.

Once the Usiraq reactor was destroyed and buried in the sea of ​​fire, all the soldiers responsible for guarding it, regardless of their ranks, would probably be hanged by the furious Saddam.

Rashid led the armored brigade away from the Usiraq reactor with the captives and returned to Baghdad.

Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and the capital of Baghdad Province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Baghdad and a world-famous historical and cultural city. The name Baghdad comes from Persian, meaning "God's gift". It is located at the headquarters of the Mesopotamian Plain, across the Tigris River and only more than 30 kilometers away from the Euphrates River.

Rashid returned to Baghdad with his troops and stationed in the military camp, then took the captives into Baghdad and entered Saddam's official residence, the Republic Palace.

This is the power center of Iraq, formerly known as the Hashemite Dynasty Palace, covering an area of ​​17 square kilometers, representing national sovereignty and dignity, and is a symbol of the country of Iraq.

Walking along the marble corridor, Rashid, under the guidance of the guards, walked into a meeting room.

At the oval conference table, Rashid's eyes were attracted by Saddam who was sitting in the seat.

Saddam was burly, with a black mustache and bright eyes, which made Rashid feel a lot of pressure.

This man, who was only 44 years old, had already stood at the pinnacle of power in Iraq.

In the meeting room, there were several people sitting under Saddam. On the left were several soldiers wearing green berets and Baath Party uniforms. These were all powerful figures in the army, and one of them was Rashid's direct superior.

The several people sitting on the right were wearing traditional Iraqi costumes and headscarves, and were obviously civilians.

Saddam asked Rashid to report the situation, and Rashid did not dare to hide it, and reported the course of events one by one.

"Rashid, is China's Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun really that advanced?" Saddam asked in a deep voice: "Can it detect aerial targets within 15 kilometers?"

Saddam attached great importance to this, because the Persian aircraft was more advanced than Iraq's, which made Saddam sleep uneasy.

"Yes, it can be detected by vehicle-mounted radar within 15 kilometers, which gives us enough time to prepare, and the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has a very fast firing speed! I have no doubt about its advanced performance!" Rashid said.

The detection range of 15 kilometers means that even if the aircraft flies at a speed of Mach 1, the troops have 44 seconds to react.

And unlike the air defense positions that are difficult to move, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can be continuously moved, which greatly enhances the mobility, and it is not easy for aircraft to attack the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Rashid was very satisfied with the first actual combat effect of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

He had no doubt that once his troops started a tank war with the enemy, even if the enemy's air force was strong, there was no need to worry that the enemy's planes would drop bombs on their heads, because the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns would form a powerful defensive firepower network at medium and low altitudes, becoming a nightmare for enemy fighters.

And if the plane was out of the attack range of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the plane's flying altitude would drop significantly even if it dropped bombs, and the threat to the armored forces would be greatly reduced.

Saddam said: "Next, your military camp must have at least one self-propelled anti-aircraft gun open at any time, and at the same time, half of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns should be allocated to the Usilak reactor! I will replenish it for you next time."

Rashid's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that this time he would have to allocate half of his self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to the Usilak reactor.

This made Rashid very unwilling.

You know, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can not only be used for air defense, but also for fire support at critical times, which will be a nightmare for the enemy.

"In view of your great contribution, I will promote you to colonel, and expand your troops from an armored brigade to an armored division, which will belong to the Republican Guard."

Saddam's reward for merit made Rashid ecstatic instantly.

Iraq now has millions of troops, but the elite troops are undoubtedly the Republican Guard!

The current Republican Guard has 3 armored divisions, 1 infantry division and 1 assault division, which is the most elite force in Iraq.

This force is nominally affiliated with the Iraqi Armed Forces Headquarters, but in fact it only obeys the orders of Saddam alone.

Saddam appointed him as a colonel and expanded the troops into an armored division, which means that he will be Saddam's trusted general in the future!

Rashid was overjoyed. Being valued by Saddam, maybe he will enter the power center of Iraq in the future.

As Iraq held a press conference, the photos of the wreckage of the planes and the captured pilots like stray dogs spread all over the world at the speed of the wind.

Major media around the world have carried out.

Newspapers and TV stations are reporting this news.

"My butterfly's wings are really strong enough." Liu Tao looked at the news, feeling proud.

This is the evidence that he was reborn in this era!

If it weren't for him, this long-distance raid would be a classic surgical tactic in the world, talked about with relish, and even included in the textbooks of major military academies in the world for continuous research.

But this time, all 14 fighters were wiped out!

"This time, I was pushed to the forefront!" Liu Tao said secretly.

But he knew very well that this was not a big deal for me.

With a powerful son backing him up, the father can do whatever he wants.

When a real crisis breaks out, active air force pilots can fly active aircraft directly to participate in the war.

Now this can only be regarded as a minor trouble.

Under the reluctant gaze of his beautiful wife, Liu Tao ended his vacation and flew to the mountain city.

Mountain City, Factory 256.

Now Factory 256 no longer produces aircraft. A large number of technical workers have been transferred to Panshan Machinery Factory to produce and manufacture Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks. The remaining technical workers in Factory 256 produce trucks, buses, and jeeps.

The Fifth Machine Department has transferred thousands of workers from the First Machine Factory and others to Factory 256. They will be trained here at Factory 256 to produce Type 81 light tanks, Type 81 medium tanks, and Type 81 amphibious tanks.

The heaviest Type 81 medium tank is nothing more than the Type 59 tank. The assembly workshop of Factory 256 can produce Type 59 tanks, and naturally it can also produce these three tanks.

When Liu Tao arrived, one prototype of each of the Type 81 light tank, Type 81 medium tank, and Type 81 amphibious tank had been produced.

The core components were produced by Panshan Machinery Factory and transported to Factory 256, while the others were produced by Factory 256 and then assembled at Factory 256.

Liu Tao checked the three tanks one by one and couldn't help but frown.

There were many red dots on the virtual panel at the corner of his eyes for each tank.

Red dots mean there are problems and they are unqualified!

You know, the 1,000 technical workers mobilized by the Fifth Machine Department are all experienced technical backbones, but now there are so many problems that none of the tanks produced according to the drawings are qualified.

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