Time, entered June.

June 6, Beijing.

Liu Tao, who was accompanying his wife and children in Shichahai, seemed to remember something.

"June 7, I almost forgot this special day!" Liu Tao murmured to himself.

On this day, Israel saw that Iraq's nuclear reactor was progressing smoothly, and despite the world's disapproval, it sent the Air Force to make a long-distance raid and blew up Iraq's nuclear reactor.

This was a classic battle, a surgical air strike, showing the strength of the Israeli Air Force. It was talked about with relish, constantly reported, and even studied as a classic example by many military academies.

Speaking of Iraq's nuclear reactor, this is actually not a secret.

As early as 1959, Iraq planned to build a nuclear reactor. Iraq had signed an agreement with the Soviet Union to build a small, simple nuclear reactor, but there was no progress for a long time.

In the 1970s, especially after the outbreak of the first oil crisis, oil prices rose sharply. Relying on oil revenue, Iraq's economy developed rapidly. In order to speed up the pace of construction, Iraq sought advanced nuclear technology from Western European countries to develop its own nuclear industry.

At that time, Iraq signed nuclear cooperation agreements and contracts with France, Italy and Brazil, and participated in the signing of the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. That is to say, the Usirak nuclear reactor was controlled by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the International Atomic Energy Agency inspected Iraq's reactor.

In order to maintain its nuclear advantage in the Middle East, it has always regarded Iraq's nuclear facilities as a thorn in its side, and tried every means to destroy them, and it must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Last year, the United States delivered F16 fighter jets to Israel, which put the Usirak nuclear reactor within the bombing range of the Israeli Air Force.

The Israeli Air Force had already conducted training and exercises for more than half a year, but Iraq did not notice it at all.

Liu Tao's mouth curled up slightly. Since he was reminded, he would naturally not let Israel succeed.

It just happened to allow the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the "Vanguard" air defense missile to show off their power.

Soon, Liu Tao quietly let Al know this information through special channels. Al was shocked and did not care who passed the news. He immediately contacted Iraq.

In Iraq, Saddam received the information sent back by Al. Although he did not believe it in his heart, the Usirak nuclear reactor was of great importance and must not be lost. It is better to believe it than not to believe it.

He sent Rashid to lead the armored forces to support and strengthen the defense.

Rashid led the troops out of the barracks and headed straight to the Usirak nuclear reactor 32 kilometers southeast of Baghdad.

Finally, it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

A huge 60-foot-high dome concrete building gradually appeared in front of him, with horseshoe-shaped earth embankments on three sides and countless other buildings around it.

Rashid knew that this was the destination of this trip, the Usirak nuclear reactor. The conspicuous building just now was the Tammuz-1 nuclear reactor.

After arriving here, Rashid joined the defenders here.

In fact, as an extremely important and top-secret place, the Usilak nuclear reactor is well-defended, with hundreds of anti-aircraft guns and more than a dozen triple-mounted launchers for SAM-6 low-altitude missiles.

The SAM-6 missile is well-known. In the Fourth Middle East War, the SAM-6 air defense missile shot down several Israeli aircraft.

Of course, the SAM-6 missile is very complicated to operate. There are radar vehicles, launch vehicles, and logistics support vehicles. At least a team of about 20 people is needed to accurately operate this air defense missile.

Rashid separated the Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and made camouflage nets on the surface. From the air, it is definitely a desert, and tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns cannot be seen at all.

At the same time, other soldiers are also setting up air defense positions. The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, and "Vanguard" air defense missiles will form a tight air defense firepower network.

After returning to Iraq, Rashid was responsible for forming an armored brigade, and the core equipment was the first batch of Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Finally, it was dusk on the afternoon of June 7.

A fighter formation consisting of 6 F15s and 8 F16s of the Air Force entered Iraqi airspace.

The F15 fighter is a heavy air superiority fighter developed by McDonnell Douglas and finalized in 1972. It is one of the main air superiority fighters of the US Air Force. It has all-weather combat capabilities and can search for Iraq's "Scud" missile launchers. It is equipped with a night low-altitude navigation and infrared targeting system pod and an AGP-70 radar with high-resolution detection energy.

The F16 fighter is a single-engine, single-seat light fighter developed by General Dynamics of the United States. It was not put into service until January 1979, but Israel obtained the F16 fighter in 1980.

The reason for developing this fighter is that the F15 fighter is relatively expensive. Even the United States can hardly afford the cost of purchasing a large number of F15 fighters. In order to solve the contradiction between funds and the number of fighters required, the principle of "high-low matching" was proposed, so there was a "low-end aircraft" such as the F-16 fighter!

The combat formation is flying fast at a low altitude, almost flying close to the ground.

Only 30 meters above the ground, but flying at a speed of 0.8 Mach, this is simply a dance with death.

This shows that these pilots are experienced, highly skilled, and have done a lot of training and exercises to carry out this mission.

This mission was carefully planned. It was chosen at dusk, which was the time for dinner and the most relaxing time.

After the bombing was completed, they could return home at night.

Along the way, they did not attract the attention of the Iraqi air defense network at all.

Just when the flight formation was about to reach the destination and began to climb.

At this time, the radar system of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun had already discovered it.

"Report to the brigade commander, there is a plane!" The soldier reported to Rashid immediately through the vehicle communication system.

Rashid was shocked.

"Order, all radar systems are turned on!" Rashid gave the order.

Immediately, the vehicle-mounted radar systems of other self-propelled anti-aircraft guns started and began to rotate.

At the same time, Rashid also contacted the defense forces of the reactor and reported to Saddam.

"Destroy these invaders for me, our planes will be here soon!" Saddam's voice was full of coldness and anger!

Since the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, although Abadan has not been occupied and the strategic goal has not been achieved, Saddam has become famous in the Arab world, and has even become a hero of the Arab world on par with Nasser.

But now, the Israeli army is actually rushing long distances to blow up the Usirak reactor.

This is simply angering Saddam.

What made Saddam even more angry was that he did not find the Israeli Air Force along the way. Doesn't this mean that the other party can also drop bombs directly on his head?

Saddam called the Air Force Command, scolded him, and then ordered the Air Force to take off immediately and annihilate this group of Israeli army formations.

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