Fifth Machinery Department, conference room.

A group of leaders were sitting on chairs, with enamel tea cups and a notebook on the table.

The leader occasionally picked up an enamel tea cup to drink water, but more often he listened to Liu Tao's reports and took notes.

Finally, after Liu Tao finished reporting his work, he sat down, picked up the cup on the table, and took a sip of water.

When I came to the Fifth Machinery Department this time, the most important thing was to report on the work.

The first is about the preparations for the restructuring work, the second is about the previous placement of the third-line factory of the Southwest Ordnance Industry, and the third is the report on the Panshan Machinery Factory’s development of the Type 81 heavy tank, the Type 81 light tank, the Type 81 amphibious tank, and the formation of a synthetic brigade. thing.

"Comrade Liu Tao, you have made good preparations for the restructuring work. Should the headquarters be located in the capital or at the current Panshan Machinery Factory?" Leader Zhang asked.

Liu Tao had thought about this, "Boss, the company's headquarters is in Kunming."

To be honest, from a geographical point of view, the most suitable place to be the headquarters is Rongcheng or a mountain city.

Chengdu is the real hinterland and has been the core of the southwest since ancient times. It far surpasses Yun Province in every aspect. The mountain city has been an important military town since ancient times, and now it is a military industrial base. With the Yangtze River as a convenient transportation, it is convenient to go anywhere.

But Liu Tao thought carefully and finally decided to put the headquarters in Kunming.

First of all, the current core Panshan Machinery Factory is in Kunming, which will be the core of the core in the next few years. Secondly, Panshan Machinery Factory originated from Kunming City and took root in Yun Province. Now it wants to set up its headquarters in Rongcheng or Shancheng. In the future, he will not be able to see the folks in Yun Province.

Of course, there is another aspect, and that is his layout in Nanyang. He can understand the latest situation relatively quickly in Kunshi.

Choosing the headquarters to be in Kunming City has close ties with the entire Yun Province, so it is more convenient to do some things.

If the headquarters is located in Rongcheng or Shancheng, then what he does will be regarded by Yun Province as causing trouble.

"According to the above resolution, the No. 1 to No. 8 Machinery Departments will be changed to the head office after the National Day this year. Your restructuring will also be carried out at the same time. They will be established after the National Day." Leader Zhang said solemnly.

Liu Tao was secretly surprised. He had thought that the Fifth Machinery Department would be restructured first, but he did not expect that other Machinery Departments would be restructured at the same time.

It seems that there is great determination from above.

Reform and opening up has two meanings: internal reform and external opening!

This road is not easy to walk, it is full of thorns and bumps, and no one has experience. It is really like crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Such a big move this time is definitely rare.

"Understood!" Liu Tao nodded solemnly.

It is not just as simple as listing, but it means that everything from top to bottom and thinking needs to be transformed.

Even job titles will be adjusted.

Even after the headquarters is built in Kunming, Liu Tao will have to leave the current Panshan Machinery Factory and go to Kunming.

"The production base of your Panshan Machinery Factory has started construction, which is very good. We agree with your report and will go to the production base in batches, and the military and civilian production bases will be divided." Leader Zhang said, "It will take three to five years to resettle Good luck to all the third-tier military factories in the southwest of our weapons industry system!”

Hundreds of third-tier factories in the ordnance industry system were all handed over to Panshan Machinery Factory. This greatly reduced the energy and financial resources of the Fifth Machinery Department, and also avoided burdening the local Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office and Industrial Bureau.

But this also caused Panshan Machinery Factory to be under tremendous pressure.

The stall suddenly opened up.

If Panshan Machinery Factory hadn't made a lot of money with its military exports going smoothly, and money was constantly coming in, the capital chain would have been broken long ago.

During this period, people kept mentioning that Panshan Machinery Factory should pay a portion of its profits, but the leaders were unmoved because they knew how big Panshan Machinery Factory's current holdings were.

"As for your suggestion of requiring the support of some tank production and manufacturing workers, there is no problem in principle." Leader Zhang looked at Liu Tao, "But there is a question. Can the first machine factory and other tank manufacturing plants produce these tanks?"

"You must be aware of the current situation of the No. 1 Machinery Factory. Life is not easy." Leader Zhang said, "And the troops also have great opinions. The export of Type 59 tanks has a great impact on the armor strength of the troops."

The streamlining plan is to streamline ordinary troops, but it has no impact on the tank troops, air force, etc., and even gets more resources.

As a result, the armor strength of the current army has been weakened because the Type 59 tank was exported.

"After workers are trained, the First Machinery Department can produce these three tanks, but mass production will take at least three years." Liu Tao said, "This involves the construction and improvement of supporting factories, and there are also workers who need training. , In addition, the production and manufacturing workshop of the first machine factory also needs to be upgraded and renovated.”

"And these three tanks were developed by our Panshan Machinery Factory. We have one condition. There is no problem with the production of the first machine factory, but these three tanks produced cannot be exported. They must be produced by our Panshan Machinery Factory for export. "Liu Tao never thought that all tanks are produced by Panshan Machinery Factory.

That's unrealistic!

No matter which aspect you consider, it is unrealistic.

"We agree to your condition." Leader Zhang nodded.

They had encountered similar problems before, that is, the firearms developed by Liu Tao!

The firearms developed by Liu Tao can also be produced by other military factories and installed in the army, but they cannot be exported.

Firstly, this is a firearm developed by Liu Tao, and secondly, the price is deliberately lowered to prevent someone from smashing the bowl while eating.

The same goes for tanks.

There is no shortage of buyers for advanced weapons in the international market. They are very popular and are in short supply. Many countries have money, but they cannot buy advanced weapons.

Liu Tao has continuously proved this with facts.

Even if they need to pay half of the contract amount as a deposit, those big investors won't blink an eye.

As for the matter of the combined brigade, since other troops have agreed to it, the Fifth Machinery Department has nothing to say.

There are 6,000 people in a synthetic brigade, which seems like a lot.

But you must know that there are already more than 20,000 people in the armed department of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Each factory has at least one battalion of security personnel. More than a thousand people went to Tazania, and the security company in Xiangjiang also had more than a thousand people.

All in all, the number of people belonging to the Armed Forces Department of Panshan Machinery Factory has exceeded 20,000.

This kind of armed force is found in many state-owned factories, but it is not as exaggerated as Panshan Machinery Factory.

The 6,000-strong Combined Brigade only accounts for almost a quarter of the current number of people in the Panshan Machinery Factory’s Armed Forces Department.

Of course, the most important thing is that the army leaders have agreed, and the Fifth Machinery Department naturally has no objection.

Those like the Fifth Machinery Department, which manages the weapons industry, are closely related to the army.

Even in the past, they were still directly under the leadership of the military.

Even now, once a war breaks out, the military factories will obey the leadership of the troops and produce weapons and ammunition according to the requirements of the troops.

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