The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 205 The eye-catching synthetic battalion (Subscription required)

from battlefield situations.

The firepower of the combined battalion has reached the standard of a division, even surpassing the 42nd Division, which has just been expanded into a Category A infantry division, and is estimated to be comparable to the old Category A infantry division.

However, the total strength of the combined battalion is only more than 800 people, which is the size of a battalion.

Fewer people means mobility and flexibility!

You can react quickly on the battlefield to seize opportunities in time.

The results of a combined battalion surpassed that of the entire 42nd Division. This stark contrast could not be more conspicuous.

If we say that the synthetic camp established by Panshan Machinery Factory was not taken seriously by the higher-ups.

After all, it's just a camp, it's no big deal, it's inconspicuous at all.

However, after this battle, it was impossible for the combined battalion not to attract the attention of the leaders.

Just looking at the weapons and equipment, the 20 Type 80 main battle tanks and 2 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns alone are enough to make the leaders' eyes widen.

Because after the Panshan Machinery Factory developed the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank, the army decided to bite the bullet and purchase 5 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 10 Type 80 tanks.

But the first batch of deliveries will be in July this year.

This means that the army currently does not have its own Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks.

The Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks currently used to train and train soldiers are still on loan from Panshan Machinery Factory. They are foreign trade versions and are to be delivered to Iraq.

However, the combined battalion has 20 Type 80 main battle tanks and 2 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

In addition, the infantry and special forces of the combined battalion also attract attention.

Everyone is wearing body armor, bulletproof helmets, and the latest camouflage military uniforms.

Leaders naturally have an impression of body armor and bulletproof helmets, because there is a lot of controversy over whether to purchase body armor and bulletproof helmets. Many leaders are even more dissatisfied with the flashy camouflage uniforms of Panshan Machinery Factory.

This kind of camouflage military uniform is not as good-looking as the green military uniform.

But body armor and bulletproof helmets have greatly reduced the casualties of the synthetic battalion.

Not to mention, the various weapons used by the combined battalion on the battlefield, such as Type 80 rocket launchers, new flamethrowers, etc.

As for the cloud explosive bomb that was highlighted, it attracted even more attention.

With the power of the country, it is naturally easy to collect artillery shells with terrifying lethality such as cloud bombs.

Half a year ago, some people even suggested that they should discuss with Laos and the United States to introduce cloud bomb technology. After all, the two sides now have a cooperative relationship, and their relationship is getting better year by year.

Unfortunately, when I sent someone to tentatively mention it, I was decisively rejected by someone from the United States.

As a result, the Panshan Machinery Factory actually mastered the technology of cloud explosion bombs and produced a large number of cloud explosion bombs.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the headquarters command center.

Commander Wang of the 42nd Division was the first to speak. This was a summary of this battle.

There is a summary of the combat process, a summary of the casualties on both sides, and of course a summary of the problems exposed by the troops.

Problems exposed during combat are often the problems that commanders must solve next.

Commander Wang made a comparison between the situation of the troops and two years ago.

It was obvious that after experiencing the 'Red Dragon's Roar', the soldiers had experienced the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness had obviously improved a lot compared to two years ago.

Even commanders at all levels have improved their command skills on the battlefield.

The leaders asked questions one after another and then made comments.

"Director Liu, what suggestions do you have?" the leader asked, and everyone else looked at Liu Tao.

"I have two suggestions. One suggestion is that the soldiers of the 42nd Division obviously do not have enough shooting training in peacetime, which affects the combat effectiveness of the troops. Shooting training should be strengthened in peacetime." Liu Tao said that he also had his own observations on the battlefield.

Commander Wang said angrily: "Shooting costs bullets. How can you waste bullets like that?"

"Although one bullet doesn't cost much, if a soldier shoots five bullets a year, the entire army needs to shoot more than 30 million bullets a year, which consumes three to four million yuan a year." A leader said with a smile: "If soldiers shoot ten rounds of ammunition a year, they need to shoot more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition a year, which means a military expenditure of 60 million yuan."

"It's good to save some money." The leader smiled, "We are not the old Americans, nor are we the big brother of the Soviet Union. Each of their soldiers fires an average of five to six hundred rounds of ammunition a year. If we follow this standard, we will have to To destroy more than 3 billion rounds of ammunition, the military expenditure alone will exceed 300 million yuan. "

"Besides, we can't produce that many bullets a year." The leader looked helpless.

Money is one thing, bullet production capacity is another!

China produces hundreds of millions of bullets a year. Some of them are used every year and some are reserved.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Production capacity is not a problem. Our Panshan Machinery Factory branch will be put into production this year. By then, the annual bullet output will reach 1 billion rounds. If it is not enough, we can invest in building more bullet production lines, let alone 3 billion rounds." , even 10 billion rounds is not a problem.”

As for the price of bullets, there is nothing you can do about it.

Because the unit purchase price of the army is already very low, that is, the military factory does not need to pay taxes. Otherwise, the military factory will lose money every time it produces a bullet.

The other leaders looked at each other, not expecting that Panshan Machinery Factory's bullet production capacity was already so large.

"We can destroy as many bullets as possible and purchase new ones for storage!" Liu Tao smiled.

"What about the second suggestion?" The leader did not say much. After all, this involves military expenditures, and a conclusion can only be drawn after careful argumentation.

Liu Tao said: "Don't the soldiers have insufficient combat experience? Then we can carry out rotation battles in Koulin Mountain, Zheyin Mountain, and Laoshan Mountain, and mobilize troops from all over the country to fight. One or two regiments at a time, rotate over and over again, the scale of the battle will be relatively small, and the actual combat ability of the troops can also be trained."

Some leaders' eyes lit up, and they were obviously moved by Liu Tao's suggestion.

After nearly 30 years of peace, the combat effectiveness of the troops has declined significantly.

This was reflected vividly two years ago, so that the veterans couldn't help but miss the old troops.

If we can rotate the battle and train the troops, then the troops will have combat effectiveness.

Liu Tao saw that the leaders looked thoughtful, and smiled in his heart. His suggestion has been proven to be feasible in history, and rotation battles are a win-win situation overall.

It's just that China won twice!

After the rounds of war, the combat effectiveness of the troops has indeed been greatly improved. A group of cadres have emerged and become the backbone of the future Chinese army.

It doesn't attract attention. It is estimated that all parties are happy to see this situation.

After all, compared with the Soviet army in Afghanistan and the ongoing Iran-Iraq War, this is the focus of the world.

It's nothing at all. It's hard to become the focus.

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