In the afternoon, at three o'clock, the expert team conducted a test gun.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!".

At the shooting range, gunshots are heard all the time.

Different from the soldiers' target test yesterday, the expert group's test this time was more complicated. The first test was at different distances. This was to test the accuracy at different distances.

The effective range of a pistol is 50 meters, but the range of a rifle is one to two hundred meters.

Therefore, during testing, the distances were also divided into different distances such as 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, 400 meters, 500 meters, etc.

In addition to measuring the effective range, there are also tests related to range, including the maximum range.

Accuracy and lethality at different ranges!

And in addition to direct shooting distance, there are also oblique shooting distances.

In addition to range testing, there are also related tests such as testing warhead muzzle velocity and theoretical rate of fire.

These will be written into the review opinions of the expert panel, and will also affect the attitude of the provincial level towards this automatic rifle.

After three full days of relevant tests, the expert team left.

Regiment Commander Liu and Political Commissar Wang left Panshan Machinery Factory and did not return directly to the regiment's headquarters. Instead, they went directly to the 40th Division Headquarters.

The 40th Division command organization is not located in a mountainous area like the 119th Regiment Headquarters, but is located in the suburbs of Kunshan City, with very convenient transportation.

The motorcade drove into the compound.

Not long after, the two arrived at the conference room.

"Master, political commissar!" The two men saw the two leaders and saluted quickly.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business." Liu Changyou waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

Today is a troubled time. He is on the front line and has to deal with many things every day. Liu Changyou has no time for such nonsense.

"Commander, the new rifle developed by Panshan Machinery Factory is indeed very superior in performance. Our soldiers have tested it and rated it highly. Our 119th Regiment has applied to upgrade to this new rifle." Liu Yongxin said directly, simply and clearly.

In the past few days at the Panshan Machinery Factory, he and Political Commissar Wang discussed it and felt that if the 119th Regiment was equipped with this new automatic rifle, its combat effectiveness would be greatly improved. By then, they would be confident that they could fight with one regiment against two regiments.

"Commander, there was a controversy about the Type 63 automatic rifle replacement before. Now everyone is still using the 56 semi-automatic rifle. Our regiment's replacement of this automatic rifle can be regarded as an experimental regiment." Liu Yongxin said.

"Is this automatic rifle as good as you said?" Liu Changyou was a little confused.

"We took away a hundred guns. Now the company is in the government compound. Commander, you can try the guns yourself, or you can let the guard company try them." Liu Yongxin was full of confidence.

Whether a gun is good or not, veterans will know once they try it.

The soldiers in the entire company said yes, it must be a good gun.

At that time, the replacement of the Type 63 automatic rifle was like poking a hornet's nest. Every soldier who tried it complained about it. They even shouted that they would rather use the Type 63 semi-automatic rifle than the Type 63 automatic rifle.

"In this way, let's test the gun together." Liu Changyou said.

As the headquarters of the 40th Division, there is a guard company here as a security force, and there is also a shooting range, which is used for target shooting and training.

Soon, everyone arrived at the shooting range.

Targets at the shooting range began to be added.

The guard company directly transferred half of the company, plus various leaders, and began to prepare for the gun test.

"Not bad, not bad, this feels pretty good." Liu Changyou took a gun, touched it, then made an aiming pattern, and couldn't help but praise.

Then Liu Changyou pulled the trigger.

The first shot hit the seventh ring, and before the magazine was finished, it hit the tenth ring.

Others are in a similar situation.

"What a gun!" Liu Changyou looked excited: "Political commissar, this gun is much better than the Type 63 automatic rifle."

Chen Peizhong also praised: "I didn't expect that I had already hit ten rings before I finished a magazine. If the soldiers are on the battlefield, they can attack the enemy better."

"How about it, division commander, political commissar, this gun is indeed a good gun." Liu Yongxin said with a smile.

"Panshan Machinery Factory is unexpected. It just developed a new pistol, and now it has developed such a good automatic rifle." Liu Changyou said: "Comrade Wang Tiezhu is indeed an old revolutionary, leading Panshan It’s not easy for the machinery factory to develop to this point.”

"It is worth learning from us. At the military meeting a few days ago, his deeds were publicized and praised." Chen Peizhong said.

It’s not too much that old revolutionaries like Wang Tiezhu are still alive and working at their jobs.

The army will continue to promote these people and call on everyone to learn from their revolutionary ancestors.

When Wang Tiezhu was in the army, he was already a deputy division level cadre. It can be said that it is inextricably related to the army.

And this is also a normal situation. At the time of liberation, there was a lack of administrative cadres, so many soldiers took off their uniforms, left the army, and took root directly in the local area.

"Division commander, political commissar, the developer of this automatic rifle is the developer and technician of the 'Type 78 Pistol'. His name is Liu Tao, he is very young and just graduated from university this year." Political Commissar Wang introduced.

"Oh? Then this young comrade Liu Tao is a genius in firearms." Chen Peizhong praised.

Liu Changyou said: "Comrades, what do you think? Do you want the 119th Regiment to become the experimental group for this automatic rifle?"

The director of the Political Department said: "Before, we were going to replace the Type 63 automatic rifles. Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the batch of Type 63 automatic rifles in the 119th Regiment. There is no problem in terms of funding now. I think it will work."

"The situation is tense now, and we don't have much time left. The troops may rush to the battlefield at any time. If the 119th Regiment responds well, then we can apply to our superiors to have the entire division equipped with this automatic rifle." Chen Peizhong also agreed.

Being on the border, one is most sensitive to the slightest disturbance, and they also got some news. Maybe at some point, the superiors will decide to teach the monkey a lesson.

By then, the 40th Division will inevitably be on the battlefield.

Seeing several leaders saying this, Liu Yongxin grinned.

This matter is settled!

As the leader of the 119th Regiment, Liu Yongxin certainly hopes that his regiment will be equipped with new automatic rifles to enhance the combat capabilities of the entire regiment.

The regiment's combat capabilities have become stronger. If there is any mission, he, as the regiment leader, will seize the mission, so that he can have the confidence and straighten his back.

Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while!

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. What do you rely on to win the mission? It’s not even the combat effectiveness of the troops!

In the army, what we always talk about is the main force. At the battalion level, there is the main company; at the regiment level, there is the main battalion; similarly, at the division level, there is also the main regiment.

The main regiment has always been the 118th regiment.

Liu Yongxin was always a little unconvinced by this, and he wanted to lead the 119th regiment to take away the position of the main regiment.

And now, the opportunity has come.

The first-come-first-come-first-serve approach to the building near the water, Panshan Machinery Factory is in the 119th Regiment's defense area, and the 119th Regiment has the best hope of completing the replacement first.

This step is fast, but every step is fast.

In the next military exercise, he must show the 118th Regiment some color.

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