The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 175 The money was taken away before the money could be kept warm

Wang Baoguo said slowly.

Only then did Liu Tao find out that various ministries and commissions were also planning reforms.

If nothing else goes wrong, the Fifth Machinery Department will be changed to the Ordnance Industry Corporation.

Liu Tao secretly marveled in his heart. He did not expect that even ministries and commissions would have to be reformed now.

You must know that this kind of reform is not just about changing the name or plaque, but involves all aspects.

"Your proposal to establish a group coincides with the ideas of the leaders above." Wang Baoguo said: "Speaking of which, you young people are still smart. I don't know anything about companies."

"If you take over this important task, you will also raise the level of our Panshan Machinery Factory." Wang Baoguo said with emotion: "You won't be 26 years old in two days. To be precise, you will have become a senior person under the age of 26." cadre."

"But given the size of your Panshan Machinery Factory, even the administrative level is the same as the first and second machine factories. Don't be dissatisfied. You are still young." Wang Baoguo patted Liu Tao on the shoulder.

The level of director of the first and second machine factories is even higher than that of Wang Baoguo.

"Boss, you are saying this as if I am an official fan. If possible, what I want most is to be a scientific researcher in peace and have more time to spend with my wife and children." Liu Tao said quickly.

"The ministry is reluctant to let you become a scientific researcher. It would be a huge waste of talents." Wang Baoguo smiled.

Liu Tao said: "Leader, now that the ministry has given us such a big burden, should we support it and settle the money to us as soon as possible. We can't do things without money."

"You, you don't even have the money to keep warm, so you have to go." Wang Baoguo said helplessly.

But he didn't say anything.

After all, the money belongs to Panshan Machinery Factory, so it is normal for people to want to settle the bill.

Whether it is a deposit or the final payment for the goods, Panshan Machinery Factory itself obtained it based on its strength.

Liu Tao also received a large number of orders for the Fifth Machinery Department. No matter from any aspect, it is only natural that the settlement should be made to the Fifth Machinery Department.

On the same day, Liu Tao settled the funds.

When I got home, it was just time for lunch.

Because Zhu Lin was giving birth to a child, Liu Tao specially invited two relatives to come over and take care of Zhu Lin.

After lunch, I hugged the baby for a while. The baby was plump and looked nothing like a newborn baby.

Liu Zhenbang also came back for lunch today. He didn't know the content of today's meeting of the Fifth Machinery Department. Liu Tao didn't say anything about it. After all, it was in the brewing stage now and the information had to be kept secret.

"In the Iran-Iraq war, the two sides are now engaged in a fierce battle around 'Abadan'. Iraq has increased its strength by two divisions, and Persia has increased its strength by four divisions. Currently, Iraq has the upper hand." Liu Zhenbang said, living in the capital, Liu Zhenbang The news is much better informed than Liu Tao's, "Both sides purchased a large amount of ammunition. Iraq purchased dozens of J-7s, but instead of delivering them directly, they signed an export contract through Jordan. There were as many as 80 aircraft in total, requiring two With monthly delivery, the Third Machinery Department made a huge profit this time, but it owed our Fifth Machinery Department a big favor.”

"It seems that Persia's air superiority is very obvious, and the Iraqi Air Force has suffered a lot of losses." Liu Tao made a judgment.

Liu Zhenbang said: "According to the news sent back by the foreign affairs department, the losses were quite large. Many planes were blown up directly at the airport."

"Persia is equipped with F4 and F5 fighter jets, as well as 80 F14 fighter jets. This is one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world today. The strength of the Iraqi air force is quite different." Liu Zhenbang said with emotion, "But it has been two years since the war started. Over the past few months, Persian aircraft have also been damaged a lot, and your anti-aircraft machine guns and 'avant-garde' anti-aircraft missiles have made great contributions."

Liu Tao was a little surprised, "It seems that the Persian Air Force was caught off guard."

"Well, more than ten fighter jets have been shot down, and several helicopters have also been shot down. Now Persian planes don't dare to appear on the battlefield at will." Liu Zhenbang nodded.

You know, planes are quite expensive.

For example, the F4 fighter jet, although it is a second-generation fighter jet, currently costs five to six million US dollars.

The F5 fighter jet was developed in the late 1950s and first flew in 1959. It was equipped with the US military in 1962. In the international arms trade, it formed a "triple pillar" of military aircraft exports with the French Mirage 3 and the Soviet MiG-21 fighter jet. The price is not cheap, and it can be sold normally. to six million US dollars, sometimes even selling for seven or eight million US dollars.

As for the F-14 fighter jets, the price is even higher, with the price soaring to US$20 million per unit.

Use anti-aircraft machine guns and "avant-garde" anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down F4, F5, F14 fighter jets and helicopters. The value of these aircraft alone is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the missiles and other weapons carried on the aircraft.

"Persia has just negotiated a contract for 50 J-7 fighter jets, and they also use a third party." Liu Zhenbang said.

Liu Tao nodded slightly. It seemed that he was avoiding something in advance to make it easier to trade.

"Both sides are really fighting, and no one is willing to take a step back." Liu Tao said.

Liu Zhenbang said: "Some military experts believe that if Iraq had not wanted to capture the complete Abadan and did not want to destroy the Abadan refinery, Persia would never have been able to hold on to Abadan until now."

"Next, in order to capture the Abadan area, Iraq is likely to destroy the Abadan refinery." Liu Zhenbang pointed out.

Liu Tao scoffed at this analysis.

If Iraq had such courage, it would probably have carried out bombings long ago. How could it wait until now?

The Abadan Refinery is the largest refinery in the world. The entire Abadan region's oil production accounts for 60% of Persia's national oil production. How could Saddam be willing to blow up the Abadan Refinery until the end.

After another year and a half, when the Iraqi army loses its energy, the two sides will truly enter a stalemate, brutally attrition, and then they will be exhausted until they can no longer stand it.

When the time comes to face the Persian counterattack, I am afraid that the Iraqi army will have no choice but to leave in despair.

"Relevant departments are quite concerned about the export of 'avant-garde' air defense missiles and believe that 'avant-garde' air defense missiles should no longer be exported." Liu Zhenbang lowered his voice, "The leaders are also facing a lot of pressure and are considering it."

Liu Tao sneered: "The 'avant-garde' air defense missile is only an individual weapon with a limited range. It is far inferior to the J-7 fighter jet. The J-7 fighter jet has been exported. Why do you still care about a mere individual air defense weapon?"

Liu Tao only thought this was a joke.

"It's not a big killer, but if people want to buy it, why don't we sell it? You're a bastard who doesn't want to make money if you have money. Could it be that when the war is over and people don't need it anymore, we will worry about how to make money?" Liu Tao didn't know what these people were thinking. Yes, you won’t make money just because you’re worried?

Now that the various production capacities of Panshan Machinery Factory are rising rapidly, he is eager to make all the money Liang Yi has.

Turn their money into your own money.

Besides, these weapons are incomparable with the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks. Are the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 tanks not allowed to be exported?

You can’t always return the deposit to others?

Even if the superiors agreed, Liu Tao had nothing to do because he had spent almost all the deposit money.

Even if he was sold, he wouldn't be able to get that much money back to others.

What's more, he is very disdainful of such worries.

If you are afraid of this and that, why should you be an arms dealer?

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