The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 171 Individual Cloud Explosive Bomb

Glass fiber is an inorganic metal material with excellent performance. It is made of six kinds of ores such as pyrophyllite, quartz sand, limestone, dolomite, boronite and boronite as raw materials through high-temperature melting, drawing, winding, weaving and other processes. Manufactured and commonly used as reinforcing materials, electrical insulation materials and thermal insulation and thermal insulation materials in composite materials.

Glass fiber has good insulation, strong heat resistance, good corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength.

The disadvantages are also obvious, that is, they are brittle and have poor wear resistance.

It has good adhesion to resin.

For disposable equipment such as rocket launchers, it is simply the perfect material.

The shortcomings of brittleness and poor wear resistance are not disadvantages but advantages in disposable rocket launchers.

The price of the Type 69 rocket launcher is 900 yuan, but the cost of this rocket launcher is only about 200 yuan, which is quite cheap.

Moreover, this rocket launcher can also be equipped with anti-tank armor-piercing rounds, high-lethal cloud blast bombs, incendiary bombs, smoke grenades, and grenades. It can be said that this rocket launcher can be equipped with any ammunition that is useful on the battlefield.

"Cloud bomb, what is that?" Li Guofu asked curiously.

Zhao Guoping also came over at this time, also looking curious: "Director, I have heard of rocket bombs, what is this cloud bomb?"

"The cloud bomb is ridiculously powerful. It can almost be called the most lethal bomb under nuclear bombs." Liu Tao said with emotion.

Li Guofu's eyes widened and he couldn't help but said: "Is it so exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration at all!" Liu Tao said, "When you see it, you will be shocked by its power."

Cloud bombs are also called air bombs and fuel-air bombs. In fact, they are not equipped with explosives but fuel.

The main lethality of cloud bombs is not destruction, and the destructive power is even much worse than conventional bombs.

What really makes this kind of bomb be called a sub-nuclear bomb is that it can instantly drain the surrounding oxygen for combustion, and then generate high temperature and suffocation to achieve the purpose of killing.

"You don't believe it?" Liu Tao saw Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping's expressions of disbelief, and chuckled: "Well, tomorrow you go to Tianzhu Mountain, find a cave, put some chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep in it, and let you see the cloud explosion The power of bullets.”

"Director, we have a testing ground here. I'll let people put some chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep out there." Li Fuguo said.

Liu Tao smiled and said, "Alright!"

Li Fuguo called the soldiers, and soon they were all ready.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a cave. There are some chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep in this cave.

The soldiers of the combined battalion gathered together, and all of them were curious about Liu Tao, who was holding a green rocket launcher.

Liu Tao opened the cloud explosive bomb box. This magazine was equipped with ten 80mm caliber cloud explosive bombs. Liu Tao loaded the cloud explosive bombs, squatted half-crouched, put the rocket launcher on his shoulders, and aimed his eyes at the optical sight. A cave 250 meters away.

Pull the trigger, and the cannonball flies out and hits the cave steadily.

"Hey, why isn't the sound very loud!?" Li Fuguo was a little surprised.

"How powerful can an 80-caliber rocket launcher be!" Liu Tao threw away the rocket launcher in his hand.

The launch has been completed and the rocket launcher has been abandoned.

Of course, it can also be recycled, used as waste, and remanufactured.

"The explosion power of this cloud bomb is actually not as powerful as that of ordinary bombs. Its terror is that it will burn out all the oxygen in the cave at once, and the lives inside will suffocate to death." Liu Tao said.

"You will know better when we go up and take a look inside the cave later!" Liu Tao was very confident in the power of this cloud bomb.

Whether it's a flamethrower or a rocket launcher, these are all trivial to him now.

He is definitely a master in designing this type of individual weapon.

It can be designed even without the help of a system.

Not to mention that with the help of the system, the design can be finalized quickly and achieve the goal he wants to achieve.

As for the principle of the cloud explosion bomb, it was actually very simple. It took him less than a day to figure it out.

After a while, they set off to see the cave.

When they saw the tragic situation inside the cave, Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping all took a breath of air.

Because all the creatures in the cave were dead, not to mention chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, even the spiders and mice that were originally in the cave were all suffocated to death.

Li Fuguo couldn't help but think that if he fired such a shot at the enemies in the bunker or cat cave, all the enemies inside would be dead.

"It's so terrifying! No wonder you, the factory director, call it the first bomb under nuclear bombs!" Li Fuguo said in shock: "With this kind of power, there are no indestructible bunkers and cave fortifications!"

"It can't be said that no weapon is perfect." Liu Tao smiled, "For example, it can be equipped with oxygen bottles to survive the initial lack of oxygen. As you have also seen, in fact, the explosive power of cloud bombs is not Not too strong.”

"Who would carry an oxygen bottle with them at all times!" Li Fuguo said.

Liu Tao said: "This time I have brought you fifty sets of rocket launchers and fifty flamethrowers, and more will be sent tomorrow. The output is very large, so don't be reluctant to use it. Let the soldiers learn to use it, practice it well, and use it later." It can be used well on the battlefield!”

Whether it is the Type 80 flamethrower or the Type 80 rocket launcher, the output is not small.

This kind of production difficulty is not even comparable to that of heavy machine guns.

The production cost is not high and it is completely affordable.

"Yes, director!" Li Fuguo said.

Zhao Guoping was a little worried, "This cloud bomb is so powerful that it will violate international law?"

Li Fuguo couldn't help but hesitate, because the Chinese army is a civilized army and would never do something that would make people angry.

Like last year's "Red Dragon's Roar", they were all conventional weapons and no chemical weapons were used. Instead, the opponent used chemical weapons, which made the commander furious and ordered Lang Son to be razed to the ground.

"The cloud explosive bomb was developed by the United States. This weapon is not polluting like nuclear bombs, and it is not banned for use." Liu Tao smiled, "Your worries are unnecessary."

The purpose of the cloud explosion bomb was not to be used as a weapon, but to quickly open a helicopter landing site in the jungle of Annan. However, I did not expect that the effect on the battlefield was surprisingly good.

In the field of cloud bombs, the United States is at the forefront of the world. For example, the most powerful cloud explosion bomb is the American BLU-82. A single bomb weighs 6.8 tons and has a direct damage radius of more than 500 meters. It can turn an area of ​​more than 500 meters into coke, and the shock force generated by the explosion can be heard for several kilometers. From a distance, I can feel the 'mushroom cloud' that rises when a nuclear weapon explodes.

Of course, in terms of individual weapons, Panshan Machinery Factory is definitely at the forefront in the world.

There are large and small cloud explosive bombs, and they can even be fired by heavy machine guns or heavy sniper rifles, grenade launchers or sniper rifle grenades, or anti-aircraft machine guns or tanks.

For example, the cloud explosive bomb launched by a tank has a warhead weighing 25 kilograms. It is definitely powerful enough to make the enemy drink a pot. If several tanks fire in a salvo, it may be able to form a 'mushroom cloud'.

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