The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 169 Doubling production (please subscribe)

In the production workshop, diesel engines are being produced.

I saw the cast engine body being processed in a CNC machine tool.

The entire diesel engine is made of titanium alloy material.

CNC machine tools are performing high-precision machining on the engine block.

After the engine body is processed, engineers use tools to slowly transport the body to the workbench, and then use the tools to inspect one by one.

Liu Tao also used the system to scan the machine body after processing. After two full days of high-precision CNC machine tool processing, it was finally completed today.

Liu Tao nodded slightly. After high-precision processing by the five-axis machining center, the design requirements were indeed met.

After the engineers measured the data and found that there were no problems, they began to use the machine to engrave an exclusive serial number on the body. This serial number is equivalent to the ID card of the diesel engine. Each diesel engine has its own exclusive serial number, which will Create corresponding files specifically based on serial numbers.

Then, the two engineers began to check every corner of the body to ensure that there were no cracks, burrs or other minor flaws. Then the engineers used tools to lift the crankshaft and install it into the body.

The crankshaft, also known as the heart of the engine, is of self-evident importance.

The engineers continued to assemble the various parts according to the process one by one. Liu Tao participated in the whole process and paid attention at all times. If there were any problems, he would immediately pick them out.

Everyone is building this engine very carefully.

Finally, a brand new engine was completed.

"Let's do the experimental test next!" Liu Tao said.

Although he knew that there was nothing wrong with the engine, he still complied with the requirements and tested the engine.

Then the engineers began to test the diesel engine, and then recorded the test data one by one. Some people tested and reported the data, and some specially recorded the data.

"Director, there is no problem with the test data!" Li Hua couldn't help but said excitedly.

Others couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

This is the first time that they have used CNC high-precision machine tools to produce an engine from start to finish. Liu Tao does it himself, and Liu Tao only needs to be on the side.

Seeing an advanced diesel engine being born in my own hands fills my heart with excitement and a sense of accomplishment.

"Okay, very good!" Liu Tao couldn't help but say.

This means that he no longer needs to participate in the entire engine manufacturing process and only needs to perform the final quality inspection, which will undoubtedly save him a lot of time.

And at the current speed, one engine can be produced in three days, and ten engines can be produced in one month. This efficiency has undoubtedly been greatly improved.

As long as we build another high-precision CNC machine tool and increase the processing capacity of the engine body, the production efficiency of the engine will be doubled again, that is, two engines can be produced in three days, twenty engines can be produced in a month, and production can be produced in a year. Two hundred and forty engines.

The engine is undoubtedly the power heart of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks.

The increase in engine production means that the production speed of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks will also increase.

This is a good start. Although this is a temporary tank production factory, it will support the delivery of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in the previous two years.

Moreover, a group of engineers can be trained here, so that after the tank manufacturing factory is built, it can be put into production quickly without having to spend another two or three years training workers.

"This engine is transported to the assembly plant. After the engine is produced, it will be placed in the inspection room first. After I check that there are no problems, it will be sent to the assembly plant." Liu Tao said.

These production workshops were originally intended to produce firearms. Later, because they had to produce tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, the workers in the production workshops originally planned to produce firearms were transferred to other branches.

After all, other branches also have production workshops, and the second and third phases of the project are under construction. The scale is not much worse than that of the Panshan Machinery Factory Main Factory.

Some are even larger than here at Panshan Machinery Factory.

"Understood, director!" Li Hua said.

As a high-tech person, the most important thing is to seek truth from facts. When they came to Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao repeatedly emphasized to them that they should be down-to-earth and seek truth from facts.

They also admire capable people the most, and they all admire Liu Tao's skills.

Most people even regard Liu Tao as their teacher.

After all, in the past, they only produced 520-horsepower diesel engines. Who could have imagined that one day they would be able to produce such an advanced diesel engine.

Liu Tao taught them a lot and made them learn a lot.

Regarding Liu Tao's words, they acted like students listening to their teacher's words and followed them to the letter.

It took workers more than half an hour to transport the diesel engine to the assembly plant with the help of tools. Even though the diesel engine is not very huge, it weighs 1.8 tons!

The diesel engine was sent to the final assembly plant. The lifting equipment easily lifted the 1.8-ton diesel engine and then slowly placed it into the tank body, leaving a place for the diesel engine.

Liu Tao frowned slightly. After all, the conditions were limited. If the tank manufacturing plant was built with complete equipment and tools, there would be no need for such trouble.

The largest lifting equipment there can even lift 70 tons of weight. Various types of lifting equipment are complete, including special lifting equipment for lifting engines and lifting equipment for lifting turrets. Even the largest lifting equipment can lift the tank directly.

It's just that here, it's not originally dedicated to tank production, so everyone has to work harder.

Since Liu Tao hardly has to participate in the production and manufacturing of engines, saving a lot of time and energy, he can also breathe a little easier.

Next, as long as a high-precision CNC machine tool is built to process the engine body, the engine output can be doubled. Liu Tao optimistically estimates that before the Spring Festival, it is fully expected to produce 20 tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns per month. This output is already very impressive.

With thousands of technical backbones, hundreds of professors or researchers at scientific research institutes, and a variety of machine tools, Liu Tao is actually quite satisfied with such an output. After all, it is in the early familiarization stage.

When the tank manufacturing plant is built later, the same group of people will be able to produce thousands of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in a normal year.

If we wait until supporting factories are supported and many parts are handed over to supporting factories or branch factories for manufacturing, then the production capacity will be even greater.

It takes time to produce high-end CNC machine tools, and it also takes time to cultivate technical backbones. It also takes time for these researchers and professors to learn, and it also takes time to build a tank manufacturing plant.

Liu Tao has now accepted that anything that cannot be achieved overnight will have to wait for a certain period of time. After all, not everyone can cheat like him.

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